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Ubuntu 8.04 如何安装Shelx 97软件,

发表于 : 2009-05-14 12:01
如何安装Shelx 97软件,
Shelx 97 是晶体解析的专业软件,所以我想把他装上,慢慢过渡到Ubuntu下面来工作。清大家告诉我怎么安装才好。原作者说的太简单了。我想要详细点的步骤,谢谢!!!!

19.1 Installing the precompiled versions
In many cases it will be possible to use the precompiled versions provided. The executable
programs (and the file ciftab.def) should simply be copied from the appropriate directory on
the CDROM or ftp site to a directory on your machine. This directory should be specified in
the 'PATH' so that the executables can be found. On UNIX systems the lazy way is to copy
the programs into /usr/bin; on MSDOS systems they are usually copied to C:\EXE and this
directory name is then added to the PATH specified in AUTOEXEC.BAT. You may also wish
to copy the documentation and examples files.
As an example we shall take a PC running Linux; the following files should be fetched to your
working directory by ftp (binary transfer !); for most other UNIX systems the installation
procedure is similar:
linux.tgz, ps.tgz, egs.tgz, shelx.htm and shelxman.htm
The three gzipped tar files can then be expanded:
gunzip *.tgz
tar -xvf ps.tar
tar -xvf egs.tar
tar -xvf linux.tar
which will create the subdirectories ps, egs and linux. The executables can be copied to
/usr/bin (needs system manager priviledges !):
cp linux/* /usr/bin
Under LINUX it is particularly easy to print the documentation, because lpr can recognize and
print Postscript even on a non-Postscript printer:
lpr ps/*.ps
The on-line help files shelxl.htm and shelxman.htm should be renamed (mv) to shelxl.html and
shelxman.html (the three-letter extension was needed for MSDOS systems !) and copied to a
generally accessible directory; they may then be viewed with Netscape or any other HTML
browser. These files are NOT copyrighted and you are welcome to improve and extend them
as you wish for non-commercial purposes. shelx.htm calls shelxman.htm and applfrm.htm (the
application form) It contains all the information from 'README' (which is a plain ASCII text file)
plus a summary of the documentation (the full documention is available in WINWORD 6
format in subdirectory 'doc' and in Postscript form in subdirectory 'ps').

Re: Ubuntu 8.04 如何安装Shelx 97软件,

发表于 : 2009-05-16 18:18


Re: Ubuntu 8.04 如何安装Shelx 97软件,

发表于 : 2009-07-28 11:02

Re: Ubuntu 8.04 如何安装Shelx 97软件,

发表于 : 2009-07-30 20:52
sudo tar -xvf linux.tar
sudo cp linux/* /usr/bin