
帖子: 1347
注册时间: 2006-01-18 12:55
来自: 也许真的没有人理解



帖子 JangMunho » 2008-02-14 20:43


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10.4. Some facts about file systems and fragmentation

Disk space is administered by the operating system in units of blocks and fragments of blocks. In ext2, fragments and blocks have to be of the same size, so we can limit our discussion to blocks.

Files come in any size. They don't end on block boundaries. So with every file a part of the last block of every file is wasted. Assuming that file sizes are random, there is approximately a half block of waste for each file on your disk. Tanenbaum calls this "internal fragmentation" in his book "Operating Systems".

You can guess the number of files on your disk by the number of allocated inodes on a disk. On my disk

# df -i
Filesystem           Inodes   IUsed   IFree  %IUsed Mounted on
/dev/hda3              64256   12234   52022    19%  /
/dev/hda5              96000   43058   52942    45%  /var

there are about 12000 files on / and about 44000 files on /var. At a block size of 1 KB, about 6+22 = 28 MB of disk space are lost in the tail blocks of files. Had I chosen a block size of 4 KB, I had lost 4 times this space.

Data transfer is faster for large contiguous chunks of data, though. That's why ext2 tries to preallocate space in units of 8 contigous blocks for growing files. Unused preallocation is released when the file is closed, so no space is wasted.

Noncontiguous placement of blocks in a file is bad for performance, since files are often accessed in a sequential manner. It forces the operating system to split a disk access and the disk to move the head. This is called "external fragmentation" or simply "fragmentation" and is a common problem with MS-DOS file systems. In conjunction with the abysmal buffer cache used by MS-DOS, the effects of file fragmentation on performance are very noticeable. DOS users are accustomed to defragging their disks every few weeks and some have even developed some ritualistic beliefs regarding defragmentation.

None of these habits should be carried over to Linux and ext2. Linux native file systems do not need defragmentation under normal use and this includes any condition with at least 5% of free space on a disk. There is a defragmentation tool for ext2 called defrag, but users are cautioned against casual use. A power outage during such an operation can trash your file system. Since you need to back up your data anyway, simply writing back from your copy will do the job.

The MS-DOS file system is also known to lose large amounts of disk space due to internal fragmentation. For partitions larger than 256 MB, DOS block sizes grow so large that they are no longer useful (This has been corrected to some extent with FAT32). Ext2 does not force you to choose large blocks for large file systems, except for very large file systems in the 0.5 TB range (that's terabytes with 1 TB equaling 1024 GB) and above, where small block sizes become inefficient. So unlike DOS there is no need to split up large disks into multiple partitions to keep block size down.

Use a 1Kb block size if you have many small files. For large partitions, 4Kb blocks are fine. 
10.4 关于文件系统和磁盘碎片的一些事实



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# df -i
Filesystem           Inodes   IUsed   IFree  %IUsed Mounted on
/dev/hda3              64256   12234   52022    19%  /
/dev/hda5              96000   43058   52942    45%  /var
在“/”目录下大约有12000个文件,在“/var”中大约有44000个。当块大小为1KB时,就将近有6+ 22= 28MB的磁盘空间因为文件结尾而浪费了。如果我选择了4KB的块大小,我就将失去4倍于这个数目的磁盘空间。







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Fragmentation on Unix

Most modern Unix file systems attempt to fragmentation at a minimum, though they do this in various ways. The ufs file systems used by Solaris and nearly all BSD variants of Unix attempt to keep fragmentation to a minimum by writing related data blocks within the same cylinder group. This reduces seek time when the files are accessed. And, while a large block size is used to improve throughput, a smaller unit of storage -- referred to as a fragment -- is used to store portions of files that don't require a full block. This reduces the wasted space within the file system and one variety of fragmentation sometimes referred to as "internal fragmentation".

The ext2 and ext3 file systems most often used on Linux systems also attempt to keep fragmentation at a minimum. These file systems keep all blocks in a file close together. How they do this is by preallocating disk data blocks to regular files before they are actually used. Because of this, when a file increases in size, several adjacent blocks are already reserved, reducing file fragmentation. It is, therefore, seldom necessary to analyze the amount of fragmentation on a Linux system, never mind actually run a defragment command. An exception exists for files that are constantly appended to as the reserved blocks will only last so long.

多数现代Unix操作系统都试图将碎片最少化,但它们的做法并不相同。像Solaris和绝大多数BSD Unix操作系统使用的ufs就是通过尽量将相关数据写入同一柱面来是磁盘碎片最少化,这使得读取文件的时候,寻道时间得以缩短。而且,大的文件块用于提升吞吐性能,小的文件块(就是段)用于存储不够一个整块的小文件。这就减少了空间浪费,由此产生的碎片称为“内部碎片”。

MacBook Pro 15" User
Cocoa Programmer
帖子: 1347
注册时间: 2006-01-18 12:55
来自: 也许真的没有人理解


帖子 JangMunho » 2008-02-15 20:56

MacBook Pro 15" User
Cocoa Programmer