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发表于 : 2007-12-29 19:24

发表于 : 2007-12-29 19:47


   说起RPM(REDHAT&nbspPackage&nbspManagement)标准的软件包,大家可能都会想起大名鼎鼎的 REDHAT公司,正是RPM软件包发行方式的出现,使Linux中的应用软件安装变得简单。如果用户想安装按RPM方式发行的软件,只需简单地输入命令 “rpm&nbsp-ivh&nbspxxx.rpm”即可。

  比如用户想安装& nbspOpenOffice.org-1.0.1.rpm软件包,只需输入命令“rpm&nbsp-ivh& nbspOpenOffice.org-1.0.1.rpm”即可。RPM软件包发行方式的另一个优点是它能够方便地对已经安装的RPM软件包进行删除, 只要使用 “rpm&nbsp-e&nbspOpenOffice.org-1.0.1”命令就能将刚才安装的 OpenOffice.org-1.0.1.rpm从硬盘上安全永久地删除。如果你是在&nbspX-Window环境中安装/删除软件,那便有 更好的办法,如果使用的是KDE,可以使用KDE自带的Kpackage程序来对软件进行添加或删除,如果是使用GNOME,则可以使用Gnorpm程序 对软件进行管理。这两个程序都很像微软Windows中的“添加/删除程序”功能。以RPM软件包发行方式的软件是最容易安装和管理的,建议大家以后多采 用这种模式来管理软件。


  以Tar.gz为扩展名的软件包,是用 Tar程序打包并用Gzip程序压缩的软件包。要安装这种软件包,需要先对软件包进行解压缩,使用“tar&nbsp-zxfv  filename.tar.gz”可以对软件包进行解压缩,解压缩所得的文件在以Filename为名的目录中。进入该目录,可以看到解压缩出来的文件 了。

  各种软件都有不同的安装方法,但是一般每个软件包解压缩后都有Install和Readme文件,帮助文件中会有详细的安装指 导。以Tar.gz(或Tgz)包发行的软件有一个缺点,就是一般不带自动反安装程序,如果需要对已经安装的此类程序进行删除,就不得不仔细查看 &nbspMakefile中的安装路径和文件名,这些对于初学者有一些难度。


   以&nbspTar.bz2为扩展名的软件包,是用Tar程序打包并用Bzip2程序进行压缩的软件包。它的优点是压缩率非常高,需要使用 “bunzip2&nbspfilename.tar.bz2”进行解压。但以该种方式发行的软件包与Tar.gz软件包有着同样的缺点,那就是 删除非常麻烦。

Trackback: http://tb.blog.csdn.net/TrackBack.aspx?PostId=1870991

发表于 : 2007-12-29 19:52
iqzugjhot 写了:不知道对你有用不;


   说起RPM(REDHAT&nbspPackage&nbspManagement)标准的软件包,大家可能都会想起大名鼎鼎的 REDHAT公司,正是RPM软件包发行方式的出现,使Linux中的应用软件安装变得简单。如果用户想安装按RPM方式发行的软件,只需简单地输入命令 “rpm&nbsp-ivh&nbspxxx.rpm”即可。

  比如用户想安装& nbspOpenOffice.org-1.0.1.rpm软件包,只需输入命令“rpm&nbsp-ivh& nbspOpenOffice.org-1.0.1.rpm”即可。RPM软件包发行方式的另一个优点是它能够方便地对已经安装的RPM软件包进行删除, 只要使用 “rpm&nbsp-e&nbspOpenOffice.org-1.0.1”命令就能将刚才安装的 OpenOffice.org-1.0.1.rpm从硬盘上安全永久地删除。如果你是在&nbspX-Window环境中安装/删除软件,那便有 更好的办法,如果使用的是KDE,可以使用KDE自带的Kpackage程序来对软件进行添加或删除,如果是使用GNOME,则可以使用Gnorpm程序 对软件进行管理。这两个程序都很像微软Windows中的“添加/删除程序”功能。以RPM软件包发行方式的软件是最容易安装和管理的,建议大家以后多采 用这种模式来管理软件。


  以Tar.gz为扩展名的软件包,是用 Tar程序打包并用Gzip程序压缩的软件包。要安装这种软件包,需要先对软件包进行解压缩,使用“tar&nbsp-zxfv  filename.tar.gz”可以对软件包进行解压缩,解压缩所得的文件在以Filename为名的目录中。进入该目录,可以看到解压缩出来的文件 了。

  各种软件都有不同的安装方法,但是一般每个软件包解压缩后都有Install和Readme文件,帮助文件中会有详细的安装指 导。以Tar.gz(或Tgz)包发行的软件有一个缺点,就是一般不带自动反安装程序,如果需要对已经安装的此类程序进行删除,就不得不仔细查看 &nbspMakefile中的安装路径和文件名,这些对于初学者有一些难度。


   以&nbspTar.bz2为扩展名的软件包,是用Tar程序打包并用Bzip2程序进行压缩的软件包。它的优点是压缩率非常高,需要使用 “bunzip2&nbspfilename.tar.bz2”进行解压。但以该种方式发行的软件包与Tar.gz软件包有着同样的缺点,那就是 删除非常麻烦。

Trackback: http://tb.blog.csdn.net/TrackBack.aspx?PostId=1870991

发表于 : 2007-12-29 19:55


发表于 : 2007-12-29 20:10
thank you ,试试看

发表于 : 2007-12-29 21:27


-If you want to get up and running quickly and easily-

Compile mldonkey without GUI support
You have to have zlib, zlib-dev and m4 packages installed.
For gd-made statistics libgd2-dev should be installed.

Mldonkey/> ./configure
Mldonkey/> make

There is no additional 'make install' command. Copy the file 'mlnet'
(this is MLdonkey) to the folder where you've choosen to run MLdonkey.

Start 'mlnet'

Mlnet/> ./mlnet
Leave the terminal window open. MLdonkey is now running.

Open a browser and type in the URL http://localhost:4080 <enter>.
A web-based interface to MLdonkey appears. Certain ports enabling inbound
routing on your firewall/router need to be opened to fully use MLdonkey.
The Options tab in the web interface shows the ports.

Downloaded files will be found in the sub-directory incoming/, while
files to be shared should be in a sub-directory called shared/.

-You're done!-

Some goodies (make_torrent, ed2k_hash) come with mldonkey, you can also
compile them using the additionnal command:

Mldonkey/> make utils

There are additional ways besides the web interface to control Mlnet(MLdonkey).
- Compiling support for the 'mlgui' application while compiling MLdonkey
is one. This requires additional libraries, which, depending on your platform
and skill, may be easy or not so easy to add. The 'mlnet' application functions
fine without the GUI.
- Other applications are written by third-parties and available for specific
platforms. These vary in stability and functionality.
One example is Sancho: http://sancho-gui.sourceforge.net/

Compiling mldonkey with mldonkey_gui support:

You have now two options to compile mldonkey:
- Individually install Objective-Caml 3.08.4, LablGTK 1.2.7 and/or LablGTK-2.4.0.
Then, you can compile mldonkey. The instructions are given below at '1)'.
- If you want to install ocaml and lablgtk only to compile mldonkey. You must
have a good internet access (you want mldonkey after all :). You must have
"wget" installed. Then, run:

./configure --enable-batch

The configure script will download ocaml and lablgtk, compile and install them
locally so that they can be used to compile mldonkey. Steps below can be skipped
now. Be patient. Ocaml and lablgtk tools take a while to compile and install.

Note: At least 70 M of free disk space is required on the partition where mldonkey
is compiled.

1) Installing required tools: Objective-Caml 3.10.0 and LablGTK

1.1) Objective-Caml 3.10.0 (from http://caml.inria.fr/pub/distrib/ocaml-3.10)

~/tmp> wget http://caml.inria.fr/distrib/ocaml-3.10 ... 0.0.tar.gz
~/tmp> tar zxf ocaml-3.10.0.tar.gz
~/tmp> cd ocaml-3.10.0

~/tmp/ocaml-3.10.0> ./configure
~/tmp/ocaml-3.10.0> make world.opt
~/tmp/ocaml-3.10.0> make install

1.2.1) LablGTK 1.2.7 for GTK1
(from http://wwwfun.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/soft ... blgtk.html)

~/tmp> wget http://wwwfun.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/soft ... 2.7.tar.gz
~/tmp> tar zxf lablgtk-1.2.7.tar.gz
~/tmp> cd lablgtk-1.2.7
~/tmp/lablgtk-1.2.7> make configure
~/tmp/lablgtk-1.2.7> make
~/tmp/lablgtk-1.2.7> make opt
~/tmp/lablgtk-1.2.7> make install

1.2.2) LablGTK-2.10.0 for GTK2
(from http://wwwfun.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/soft ... blgtk.html)

~/tmp> wget http://wwwfun.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/soft ... 0.0.tar.gz
~/tmp> tar zxf lablgtk-2.10.0.tar.gz
~/tmp> cd lablgtk-2.10.0
~/tmp> patch -p0 -i ../mldonkey/patches/lablgtk-2.10.0.patch
~/tmp/lablgtk-2.10.0> ./configure
~/tmp/lablgtk-2.10.0> make world
~/tmp/lablgtk-2.10.0> make install

2) Compiling mldonkey with GUI:

To build GTK1 newgui: ./configure --enable-gui=newgui1
To build GTK1 oldgui: ./configure --enable-gui=oldgui
- note: oldgui does not compile with Ocaml >= 3.10
To build GTK2 GUI: ./configure --enable-gui[=newgui2]
lablgtk-1.2.7 and lablgtk-2.6.0 can both be installed at the same time.

~/tmp/mldonkey> make

You should now have 'mlnet' (the daemon with all network support)
and 'mlgui' (the interface) No 'make install' is provided.

You can disable all other p2p networks using the --disable-multinet option
with ./configure. Only edonkey support (including Overnet/Kademlia)
will then be compiled.


To compile on MinGW read this guide:


发表于 : 2007-12-29 21:39
你似乎下的是源码包,需要编译,而编译又会找一大堆的依赖满足,我怀疑你搞不定 ...


为什么不照着这里说的做呢 ?