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发表于 : 2008-06-21 23:26

发表于 : 2008-06-22 0:17

还能截图进文档哦...对经济数据整理分析再好不过... :D

发表于 : 2008-06-22 0:25
嘿。你搞定了。告诉我怎么最简单的本地产生swf哦。别藏起来啊。 :lol:

发表于 : 2008-06-23 17:59
I have tested, it is a nice widget. I have read the first tutorial and tried it. check out:

but I don't think man could get the "local" swf file.

we read first the quelle text of chart.php in Firefox, the more important sentences:

代码: 全选

<param name="movie" value="open-flash-chart.swf?width=500&height=250&data=http%3A%2F%2Fmikewolf.freehostia.com%2Fofc%2Fdata-2.php" />

代码: 全选

<embed src="open-flash-chart.swf?data=http%3A%2F%2Fmikewolf.freehostia.com%2Fofc%2Fdata-2.php" quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="500" height="250" name="chart" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" 
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" id="chart"/>
that means, I think, each time we product only the data quelle (data-2.php) to chart, but energie is the open-flash-chart.swf. this swf file will be open with the parameter. so there will be not "local" swf anymore.

Ofc., we can still setup the outlooks of the charts.

发表于 : 2008-06-23 18:38
After some study, I find a solution for your local application maybe.

first we should rewrite the chart.php to chart.html

the two important sentences like these:

代码: 全选

<param name="movie" value="open-flash-chart.swf?width=500&height=250&data=data-2.php" />

<embed src="open-flash-chart.swf?data=data-2.php" quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="500" height="250" name="chart" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" 
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" id="chart"/>
the data2-php will be also rewrite and save like this:

代码: 全选

&title=Spoon+sales+2008,{font-size: 26px;}&
save the chart.html and data-2.php under the root of OFC, then open the chart.html with Firefox, you will get the local chart. But you can get it only with the chart.html file, that is still not the swf file. As the last post said, the energie of the chart is a whole swf file, we can't rewrite it.

发表于 : 2008-06-23 18:51
的确不错 :D

发表于 : 2008-06-23 19:59
复杂的。看来等人搞一个前端出来算了。 :lol:

发表于 : 2008-06-24 14:34

发表于 : 2008-08-02 21:28
&title=Spoon+sales+2008,{font-size: 26px;}&

how to generate this file? maybe someone confuse on it, yeah,it is really a question.I got a method after serveral trying times. And the method is as follow:
firstly, copying the demo php file:chart-data.php to your root directory.
secondly,create a index.php like this
include_once './php-ofc-library/open_flash_chart_object.php';
open_flash_chart_object( 500, 250, './chart-data.php', false );


echo 'Hello World!';

thirdly,browse the index.php on your browser such as IE or FireFox,you will get the chart-object that writed "chart-data.php",selecting it and copy to a new file. you will found you get the data from the new file.