
帖子: 2
注册时间: 2008-06-19 18:38



帖子 sibukong » 2008-06-19 19:03

触摸屏驱动是ubuntu7.04版的 触摸屏是12"keetouch的
根据说明 逐步安装修改 重启后过了进度条闪了几下就一直黑屏 显示器的信号等一直是绿色的

驱动是三个文件 evtouch_drv.so usbkeetouch.ko KTcalibrate

代码: 全选

Note: System is Ubuntu 7.04,kernel 2.6.20-15-generic . ( 32 bit platforms only ) .

a.) Must have administrator access rights on the Linux machine to install the KeeTouch  USB Driver. 
b.) Ensure all earlier KeeTouch drivers are uninstalled from the system.

c.) The USB Human Interface Devices (usbhid or hid) component must be built and loaded as a module. The KeeTouch  USB driver  will not function if the usbhid is built as a static "compiled-in" module while building the kernel.

1.Copy the file "usbkeetouch.ko" in to /lib/modules.

2.Insert  the lines below to the file “/etc/init.d/rc.local”.
	insmod  /lib/modules/usbkeetouch.ko

3.Copy the file "evtouch_drv.so" to the appropriate location (Some distributions use "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input" or "/	usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/" (for Fedora and Ubuntu)). Insert the lines below to the file "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4" or "/etc/X11/xorg.conf". 
	Section "InputDevice"
   		Identifier 		"KeeTouch"
    		Driver 		"evtouch"
    		Option 		"Device" 	"/dev/input/event2"
    		Option 		"DeviceName"	 "KeeTouch"

    		Option 		"ReportingMode"	 "Raw"
    		Option		 "Emulate3Buttons"
    		Option		 "Emulate3Timeout" "50"
    		Option 		"SendCoreEvents" 	"On"

4.Beware that some distributions use other names for the device. Some use "/dev/input/evdevX" and others use "/dev/input/eventX". 
	Note: For details about USB device driver information, user can use “cat”	instruction command in a terminal window to get more information from	/proc/bus/usb/devices or /proc/bus/input/devices file.

	If user can identify which event  device node represents the USB KeeTouch 	device, for example,  /dev/input/event2 		represents the USB KeeTouch device. 	Then, the“Device” option should be set as“Device”“/dev/input/event2”.

5.Add the line below to the file "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4" or "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" to the section "ServerLayout".
	InputDevice "KeeTouch" "SendCoreEvents"

   6. Restart 
	Restart system to make sure the usb and X module driver is loaded.

   7. Calibrate
      Just run the KTcalibrate executable on the touchscreens event handler by 	typing:
	./KTcalibrate /dev/input/event2
	Touch the screen as requested by this tool .
	Then you should confirm that whether your  screen resolution is the same as the first item of the modes in the DefaultDepth  .
	Then restart your computer , to star your fine life . 
	remove driver modules and configure Statement.

代码: 全选

1. Copy the file "usbkeetouch.ko" in to /lib/modules.

2.Insert  the lines below to the file “/etc/init.d/rc.local”.
	insmod  /lib/modules/usbkeetouch.ko

3. Copy the file "evtouch_drv.so" to   /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/
4. Insert the lines below to the file "/etc/X11/xorg.conf". 
	Section "InputDevice"
   		Identifier 		"KeeTouch"
    		Driver 		"evtouch"
    		Option 		"Device" 	"/dev/input/event2"
    		Option 		"DeviceName"	 "KeeTouch"

    		Option 		"ReportingMode"	 "Raw"
    		Option		 "Emulate3Buttons"
    		Option		 "Emulate3Timeout" "50"
    		Option 		"SendCoreEvents" 	"On"

5. Add the line below to the file  "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" to the section "ServerLayout".
	InputDevice "KeeTouch" "SendCoreEvents"
6.  Restart 

了解的朋友指点一下 多谢~~
帖子: 2
注册时间: 2008-06-19 18:38


帖子 sibukong » 2008-06-24 19:20

并且 用 cat 命令看不到 keetouch的硬件信息
帖子: 4002
注册时间: 2005-08-14 19:53


帖子 jarryson » 2008-06-25 14:03

帖子: 58428
注册时间: 2005-08-14 21:55
来自: 长沙


帖子 eexpress » 2008-06-25 14:20

是少啊。lz 搜索好了。搞定了。给一硬件型号。我也买一个试试。呵呵
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