[求助] 配置蓝牙耳机时btsco没有弹出对话框询问PIN码

帖子: 110
注册时间: 2007-10-22 17:40

[求助] 配置蓝牙耳机时btsco没有弹出对话框询问PIN码


帖子 dickfisch » 2008-08-05 20:00


http://wiki.ubuntu.com.cn/UbuntuHelp:Bl ... requisites:


Starting the "sco" driver for the first time.

1. Place the Headset into "pairing" mode as above.
2. Open a terminal and run 'btsco -v 00:07:a4:b8:f9:77'
3. This should cause the gnome bluetooth manager to ask you for a pin number to pair. This is usually 0000 or 1234


代码: 全选

btsco v0.42
Device is 1:0
Voice setting: 0x0060
Can't connect RFCOMM channel: Connection refused
哪位帮我看看到底怎么回事?谢谢! 我的hcid.conf文件如下:

代码: 全选

# HCI daemon configuration file.

# HCId options
options {
	# Automatically initialize new devices
	autoinit yes;

	# Security Manager mode
	#   none - Security manager disabled
	#   auto - Use local PIN for incoming connections
	#   user - Always ask user for a PIN
	security user;

	# Pairing mode
	#   none  - Pairing disabled
	#   multi - Allow pairing with already paired devices
	#   once  - Pair once and deny successive attempts
	pairing multi;

	# Default PIN code for incoming connections
	passkey "0000";

# Default settings for HCI devices
device {
	# Local device name
	#   %d - device id
	#   %h - host name
	name "%h-%d";

	# Local device class
	class 0x000100;

	# Default packet type
	#pkt_type DH1,DM1,HV1;

	# Inquiry and Page scan
	iscan enable; pscan enable;
	discovto 0;

	# Default link mode
	#   none   - no specific policy 
	#   accept - always accept incoming connections
	#   master - become master on incoming connections,
	#            deny role switch on outgoing connections
	lm accept;

	# Default link policy
	#   none    - no specific policy
	#   rswitch - allow role switch
	#   hold    - allow hold mode
	#   sniff   - allow sniff mode
	#   park    - allow park mode
	lp rswitch,hold,sniff,park;

# my devices

device 00:13:8A:38:86:F4 {name "GT H1" auth enable; encrypt enable;} 