[问题]安装Snort后,有not using pcap的问题!

Web、Mail、Ftp、DNS、Proxy、VPN、Samba、LDAP 等基础网络服务
帖子: 31
注册时间: 2007-06-09 11:22

[问题]安装Snort后,有not using pcap的问题!


帖子 bbbee » 2008-07-31 13:18

在Ubuntu8.04下架设Snort,参考的http://www.howtoforge.com/intrusion-detection- ... 0。但是用snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf测试时出现not using pcap提示。这个提示什么意思?是libpcap没有捕获数据么?具体情况如下:
--== Initializing Snort ==--
Initializing Output Plugins!
Initializing Preprocessors!
Initializing Plug-ins!
Parsing Rules file /etc/snort/snort.conf
PortVar 'HTTP_PORTS' defined : [ 80 ]
PortVar 'SHELLCODE_PORTS' defined : [ 0:79 81:65535 ]
PortVar 'ORACLE_PORTS' defined : [ 1521 ]
Frag3 global config:
Max frags: 65536
Fragment memory cap: 4194304 bytes
Frag3 engine config:
Target-based policy: FIRST
Fragment timeout: 60 seconds
Fragment min_ttl: 1
Fragment ttl_limit (not used): 5
Fragment Problems: 1
Stream5 global config:
Track TCP sessions: ACTIVE
Max TCP sessions: 8192
Memcap (for reassembly packet storage): 8388608
Track UDP sessions: INACTIVE
Track ICMP sessions: INACTIVE
Stream5 TCP Policy config:
Reassembly Policy: FIRST
Timeout: 30 seconds
Min ttl: 1
Static Flushpoint Sizes: YES
Reassembly Ports:
21 client (Footprint)
23 client (Footprint)
25 client (Footprint)
42 client (Footprint)
53 client (Footprint)
80 client (Footprint)
110 client (Footprint)
111 client (Footprint)
135 client (Footprint)
136 client (Footprint)
137 client (Footprint)
139 client (Footprint)
143 client (Footprint)
445 client (Footprint)
513 client (Footprint)
514 client (Footprint)
1433 client (Footprint)
1521 client (Footprint)
2401 client (Footprint)
3306 client (Footprint)
HttpInspect Config:
Max Pipeline Requests: 0
Inspection Type: STATELESS
Detect Proxy Usage: NO
IIS Unicode Map Filename: /etc/snort/unicode.map
IIS Unicode Map Codepage: 1252
Server profile: All
Ports: 80 8080 8180
Flow Depth: 300
Max Chunk Length: 500000
Max Header Field Length: 0
Inspect Pipeline Requests: YES
URI Discovery Strict Mode: NO
Allow Proxy Usage: NO
Disable Alerting: NO
Oversize Dir Length: 500
Only inspect URI: NO
Ascii: YES alert: NO
Double Decoding: YES alert: YES
%U Encoding: YES alert: YES
Bare Byte: YES alert: YES
Base36: OFF
IIS Unicode: YES alert: YES
Multiple Slash: YES alert: NO
IIS Backslash: YES alert: NO
Directory Traversal: YES alert: NO
Web Root Traversal: YES alert: YES
Apache WhiteSpace: YES alert: NO
IIS Delimiter: YES alert: NO
Non-RFC Compliant Characters: NONE
Whitespace Characters: 0x09 0x0b 0x0c 0x0d
rpc_decode arguments:
Ports to decode RPC on: 111 32771
alert_fragments: INACTIVE
alert_large_fragments: ACTIVE
alert_incomplete: ACTIVE
alert_multiple_requests: ACTIVE
Portscan Detection Config:
Detect Protocols: TCP UDP ICMP IP
Detect Scan Type: portscan portsweep decoy_portscan distributed_portscan
Sensitivity Level: Low
Memcap (in bytes): 10000000
Number of Nodes: 36900

Tagged Packet Limit: 256
Loading dynamic engine /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicengine/libsf_engine.so... done
Loading all dynamic preprocessor libs from /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicpreprocessor/...
Loading dynamic preprocessor library /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicpreprocessor//lib_sfdynamic_preprocessor_example.so... done
Loading dynamic preprocessor library /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicpreprocessor//libsf_ftptelnet_preproc.so... done
Loading dynamic preprocessor library /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicpreprocessor//libsf_smtp_preproc.so... done
Loading dynamic preprocessor library /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicpreprocessor//libsf_dns_preproc.so... done
Loading dynamic preprocessor library /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicpreprocessor//libsf_ssh_preproc.so... done
Loading dynamic preprocessor library /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicpreprocessor//libsf_ssl_preproc.so... done
Loading dynamic preprocessor library /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicpreprocessor//libsf_dcerpc_preproc.so... done
Finished Loading all dynamic preprocessor libs from /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicpreprocessor/
FTPTelnet Config:
Inspection Type: stateful
Check for Encrypted Traffic: YES alert: YES
Continue to check encrypted data: NO
Ports: 23
Are You There Threshold: 200
Normalize: YES
Detect Anomalies: NO
FTP Server: default
Ports: 21
Check for Telnet Cmds: YES alert: YES
Identify open data channels: YES
FTP Client: default
Check for Bounce Attacks: YES alert: YES
Check for Telnet Cmds: YES alert: YES
Max Response Length: 256

SMTP Config:
Ports: 25 587 691
Inspection Type: Stateful
Ignore Data: No
Ignore TLS Data: No
Ignore SMTP Alerts: No
Max Command Line Length: Unlimited
Max Specific Command Line Length:
ETRN:500 EXPN:255 HELO:500 HELP:500 MAIL:260
RCPT:300 VRFY:255
Max Header Line Length: Unlimited
Max Response Line Length: Unlimited
X-Link2State Alert: Yes
Drop on X-Link2State Alert: No
Alert on commands: None

DCE/RPC Decoder config:
Autodetect ports ENABLED
SMB fragmentation ENABLED
DCE/RPC fragmentation ENABLED
Max Frag Size: 3000 bytes
Memcap: 100000 KB
Alert if memcap exceeded DISABLED

DNS config:
DNS Client rdata txt Overflow Alert: ACTIVE
Obsolete DNS RR Types Alert: INACTIVE
Experimental DNS RR Types Alert: INACTIVE
Ports: 53
SSLPP config:
Encrypted packets: not inspected
443 465 563 636 989
992 993 994 995

Initializing rule chains...
2830 Snort rules read
2830 detection rules
0 decoder rules
0 preprocessor rules
2830 Option Chains linked into 215 Chain Headers
0 Dynamic rules

+-------------------[Rule Port Counts]---------------------------------------
| tcp udp icmp ip
| src 122 12 0 0
| dst 2382 163 0 0
| any 68 50 50 20
| nc 22 8 15 18
| s+d 3 3 0 0

| memory-cap : 1048576 bytes
| none
| gen-id=1 sig-id=3543 type=Threshold tracking=src count=5 seconds=2
| gen-id=1 sig-id=3152 type=Threshold tracking=src count=5 seconds=2
| gen-id=1 sig-id=3273 type=Threshold tracking=src count=5 seconds=2
| gen-id=1 sig-id=3542 type=Threshold tracking=src count=5 seconds=2
| gen-id=1 sig-id=2275 type=Threshold tracking=dst count=5 seconds=60
| gen-id=1 sig-id=2496 type=Both tracking=dst count=20 seconds=60
| gen-id=1 sig-id=2923 type=Threshold tracking=dst count=10 seconds=60
| gen-id=1 sig-id=2495 type=Both tracking=dst count=20 seconds=60
| gen-id=1 sig-id=2523 type=Both tracking=dst count=10 seconds=10
| gen-id=1 sig-id=3527 type=Limit tracking=dst count=5 seconds=60
| gen-id=1 sig-id=2494 type=Both tracking=dst count=20 seconds=60
| gen-id=1 sig-id=2924 type=Threshold tracking=dst count=10 seconds=60
| none
Rule application order: activation->dynamic->pass->drop->alert->log
Log directory = /var/log/snort
Verifying Preprocessor Configurations!
Warning: flowbits key 'dce.bind.veritas' is set but not ever checked.
Warning: flowbits key 'realplayer.playlist' is checked but not ever set.
Warning: flowbits key 'smb.tree.create.llsrpc' is set but not ever checked.
Warning: flowbits key 'ms_sql_seen_dns' is checked but not ever set.
35 out of 512 flowbits in use.
*** interface device lookup found: eth1

Initializing Network Interface eth1
Decoding Ethernet on interface eth1
database: compiled support for ( mysql )
database: configured to use mysql
database: user = root
database: password is set
database: database name = snort
database: host = localhost
database: sensor name =
database: sensor id = 1
database: schema version = 107
database: using the "log" facility

[ Port Based Pattern Matching Memory ]
+-[AC-BNFA Search Info Summary]------------------------------
| Instances : 187
| Patterns : 11445
| Pattern Chars : 98971
| Num States : 52363
| Num Match States : 7589
| Memory : 1.47Mbytes
| Patterns : 0.31M
| Match Lists : 0.35M
| Transitions : 0.77M

--== Initialization Complete ==--

,,_ -*> Snort! <*-
o" )~ Version (Build 16)
'''' By Martin Roesch & The Snort Team: http://www.snort.org/team.html
(C) Copyright 1998-2008 Sourcefire Inc., et al.
Using PCRE version: 7.7 2008-05-07

Rules Engine: SF_SNORT_DETECTION_ENGINE Version 1.8 <Build 14>
Preprocessor Object: SF_DCERPC Version 1.1 <Build 4>
Preprocessor Object: SF_SSLPP Version 1.0 <Build 1>
Preprocessor Object: SF_SSH Version 1.1 <Build 1>
Preprocessor Object: SF_DNS Version 1.1 <Build 2>
Preprocessor Object: SF_SMTP Version 1.1 <Build 7>
Preprocessor Object: SF_FTPTELNET Version 1.1 <Build 10>
Preprocessor Object: SF_Dynamic_Example_Preprocessor Version 1.0 <Build 1>
*** Caught Int-Signal
Run time prior to being shutdown was 247.462330 seconds
Packet Wire Totals:
Received: 5053
Analyzed: 5048 (99.901%)
Dropped: 4 (0.079%)
Outstanding: 1 (0.020%)
Breakdown by protocol (includes rebuilt packets):
ETH: 5103 (100.000%)
ETHdisc: 0 (0.000%)
VLAN: 0 (0.000%)
IPV6: 0 (0.000%)
IP6 EXT: 0 (0.000%)
IP6opts: 0 (0.000%)
IP6disc: 0 (0.000%)
IP4: 5103 (100.000%)
IP4disc: 0 (0.000%)
TCP 6: 0 (0.000%)
UDP 6: 0 (0.000%)
ICMP6: 0 (0.000%)
ICMP-IP: 0 (0.000%)
TCP: 5032 (98.609%)
UDP: 16 (0.314%)
ICMP: 0 (0.000%)
TCPdisc: 0 (0.000%)
UDPdisc: 0 (0.000%)
ICMPdis: 0 (0.000%)
FRAG: 0 (0.000%)
FRAG 6: 0 (0.000%)
ARP: 0 (0.000%)
EAPOL: 0 (0.000%)
ETHLOOP: 0 (0.000%)
IPX: 0 (0.000%)
OTHER: 0 (0.000%)
DISCARD: 0 (0.000%)
InvChkSum: 0 (0.000%)
S5 G 1: 0 (0.000%)
S5 G 2: 55 (1.078%)
Total: 5103
Action Stats:
Frag3 statistics:
Total Fragments: 0
Frags Reassembled: 0
Discards: 0
Memory Faults: 0
Timeouts: 0
Overlaps: 0
Anomalies: 0
Alerts: 0
FragTrackers Added: 0
FragTrackers Dumped: 0
FragTrackers Auto Freed: 0
Frag Nodes Inserted: 0
Frag Nodes Deleted: 0
Stream5 statistics:
Total sessions: 58
TCP sessions: 58
UDP sessions: 0
ICMP sessions: 0
TCP Prunes: 0
UDP Prunes: 0
ICMP Prunes: 0
TCP StreamTrackers Created: 58
TCP StreamTrackers Deleted: 58
TCP Timeouts: 1
TCP Overlaps: 0
TCP Segments Queued: 155
TCP Segments Released: 155
TCP Rebuilt Packets: 108
TCP Segments Used: 155
TCP Discards: 2151
UDP Sessions Created: 0
UDP Sessions Deleted: 0
UDP Timeouts: 0
UDP Discards: 0
Events: 0
HTTP Inspect - encodings (Note: stream-reassembled packets included):
POST methods: 0
GET methods: 414
Post parameters extracted: 0
Unicode: 0
Double unicode: 0
Non-ASCII representable: 0
Base 36: 0
Directory traversals: 0
Extra slashes ("//"): 0
Self-referencing paths ("./"): 0
Total packets processed: 2898
database: Closing connection to database "snort"
Snort exiting



