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multiget install problem(install with code source)

发表于 : 2009-05-31 22:12
I download the code source from www.sourceforge.net and install as the manual .
But it went wrong .This is the tip for install method:
"Q: How to compile MultiGet from source code (In Linux,FreeBSD,MacOS)?

A: Refer to the readme_en.txt in source packet. Generally you need wxGTK , wxMac or wxWidgets. The GUI depends on it. It's very easy to compile wxWidgets:

Download the wxWidgets packets, depend on your system, Linux need wxGTK and Mac need wxMac. unpack it, enter the directory, make a new directory like static_unicode_build, enter new dir and type in:

../configure --enable-shared --enable-monolithic --with-gtk=2 --with-libpng=builtin --with-zlib=builtin --with-expat=builtin --with-libtiff=builtin --with-regex=builtin --with-libjpeg=builtin --enable-unicode

if runs ok, then type "make" to compile it. After make finish, type "make install" to install wxWidgets into your system. And then you goto MultiGet source directory , type "make", after a while, you will get the runnable file, MultiGet.

If you change --enable-shared to --disable-shared, then you will get a static MultiGet, it can run without wxWidgets."
When I come to ../configure.......,the terminal shows:configure: error: cannot find install-sh or install.sh in "." "./.." "./../.."
I send a attachment.You can watch it.What's the problem?[*][img][img][/img][/img]