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发表于 : 2009-04-08 20:23

好像是server.met的问题,好像我就没有导入成功,提示:download of http://www.emule.org.cn/server.met started, check log for results。

Re: 失败!一直没搞定mldonkey

发表于 : 2009-04-08 20:27
附上download.ini文件中Network Config段的配置。

(* SECTION : Network Config *)
(* Network config options *)

(* The last IP address used for this client *)
client_ip = ""

(* Use the IP specified by 'client_ip' instead of trying to determine it
ourself. Don't set this option to true if you have dynamic IP. *)
force_client_ip = true

(* Use http://ip.discoveryvip.com/ip.asp to obtain WAN IP *)
discover_ip = true

(* User agent string (default = "default") *)
user_agent = default

(* A list of lines to download on the WEB: each line has
the format: (kind, period, url), where kind is either
'server.met' for a server.met file (also in gz/bz2/zip format)
containing ed2k server, or
'comments.met' for a file of comments, or
'guarding.p2p' for a blocklist file (also in gz/bz2/zip format), or
'ocl' for file in the ocl format containing overnet peers, or
'contact.dat' for an contact.dat file containing overnet peers,
'nodes.gzip' for a fasttrack nodes.gzip,
and period is the period between updates (in hours),
a period of zero means the file is only loaded once on startup,
and url is the url of the file to download.
IMPORTANT: Put the URL and the kind between quotes.
web_infos = [
("server.met", 0, "http://www.gruk.org/server.met.gz");
("hublist", 0, "http://dchublist.com/hublist.config.bz2");
("guarding.p2p", 96, "http://www.bluetack.co.uk/config/level1.gz");
("ocl", 24, "http://members.lycos.co.uk/appbyhp2/Flo ... ontact.ocl");
("contact.dat", 168, "http://download.overnet.org/contact.dat");
("geoip.dat", 168, "http://www.maxmind.com/download/geoip/d ... oIP.dat.gz");
web_infos = [
("contact.dat", 168, "http://download.overnet.org/contact.dat");
("geoip.dat", 0, "http://www.maxmind.com/download/geoip/d ... oIP.dat.gz");
("server.met", 0, "http://www.emule.org.cn/server.met");
(hublist, 0, "http://dchublist.com/hublist.config.bz2");
("nodes.gzip", 0, "http://update.kceasy.com/update/fasttrack/nodes.gzip");]

(* Cookies send with a http request (used for .torrent files and web_infos) *)
referers = [
(".*suprnova.*", "http://www.suprnova.org/");]

(* Cookies send with a http request (used for .torrent files and web_infos) *)
cookies = []

(* Direct HTTP queries to HTTP proxy *)
http_proxy_server = ""

(* Port of HTTP proxy *)
http_proxy_port = 8080

(* Direct TCP connections to HTTP proxy (the proxy should support CONNECT) *)
http_proxy_tcp = false


Re: 失败!一直没搞定mldonkey

发表于 : 2009-04-08 21:20