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This means another MLDonkey process could still be working??

发表于 : 2007-12-05 18:38
2007/12/06 02:40:21 [cO] Starting MLDonkey 2.9.1 ...
2007/12/06 02:40:21 [cO] Language EN, locale ANSI_X3.4-1968, ulimit for open files 1024
2007/12/06 02:40:21 [cO] MLDonkey is working in /home/xjj/.mldonkey
2007/12/06 02:40:21 [Gettext] Loading language resource mlnet_strings.en_US.UTF-8
2007/12/06 02:40:21 [cO] loaded language resource file
2007/12/06 02:40:21 [cO] /home/xjj/.mldonkey/config_files_space.tmp exists and is locked by another process.

This means another MLDonkey process could still be working
in this directory. Please shut it down before starting
a new instance here. If you are sure no other process uses
this directory delete config_files_space.tmp and restart the core.

发表于 : 2007-12-05 18:42