[问题]我安装好elisa media center后不能播放

帖子: 5
注册时间: 2007-03-09 11:33

[问题]我安装好elisa media center后不能播放


帖子 ztfingy » 2008-06-26 10:42

安装好elisa media center后 ,只能开始运行,点enter 没反应,不能播放图片和视频,有知道什么问题的么?
帖子: 3236
注册时间: 2007-10-21 18:36
来自: 汕头/广东/中国


帖子 weive » 2008-06-26 11:11

帖子: 5
注册时间: 2007-03-09 11:33


帖子 ztfingy » 2008-06-26 11:31

帖子: 5
注册时间: 2007-03-09 11:33


帖子 ztfingy » 2008-06-26 12:29

WARN MainThread service_manager 6月 27 20:26:22 Initializing gnome:gnome_screensaver_service failed: Component gnome_screensaver_service failed to initialize: Could not connect to the Gnome ScreenSaver: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.ScreenSaver was not provided by any .service files. (elisa/core/manager.py:95)
WARN MainThread media_manager 6月 27 20:26:22 Initializing youtube:youtube_media failed: Component youtube_media failed to initialize: Can't initialize flvdemux CVS version of gst-plugins-bad. (elisa/core/manager.py:95)
WARN MainThread service_manager 6月 27 20:26:22 Missing dependency Un-met dependency for coherence: coherence to create coherence:coherence_service (elisa/core/manager.py:98)
WARN MainThread media_manager 6月 27 20:26:22 Missing dependency Un-met dependency for coherence: coherence to create coherence:upnp_media (elisa/core/manager.py:98)
WARN MainThread service_manager 6月 27 20:26:22 Initializing osso:osso_service failed: Component osso_service failed to initialize: hildon not running. (elisa/core/manager.py:95)
elisa: could not connect to socket
elisa: 没有该文件或目录
WARN MainThread interface_controller 6月 27 20:26:23 Component lirc_input failed to initialize: Unable to initialize lirc! (elisa/core/interface_controller.py:326)
WARN MainThread comp_service_activity 6月 27 20:26:23 Plugin 'service' not found (elisa/plugins/base/activities/service_activity.py:54)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread db_backend 6月 27 20:26:24 column uri is not unique (elisa/core/db_backend.py:240)
WARN MainThread application 6月 27 20:26:26 An Traceback occurred and got saved to /tmp/elisa_yITGoO.txt (elisa/core/application.py:293)
parse_xml feed Exception not well-formed (invalid token): line 1, column 41
not well-formed (invalid token): line 1, column 41 "<MenuEntry type='uri_node'><Label>Movie && Game</Label>\n<URI>file:///media/Movie && Game</URI>\n</MenuEntry>"
WARN MainThread application 6月 27 20:26:26 An Traceback occurred and got saved to /tmp/elisa__AUmzD.txt (elisa/core/application.py:293)
WARN MainThread application 6月 27 20:26:27 An Traceback occurred and got saved to /tmp/elisa_z329_6.txt (elisa/core/application.py:293)
WARN MainThread application 6月 27 20:26:28 An Traceback occurred and got saved to /tmp/elisa_qdEObl.txt (elisa/core/application.py:293)
WARN MainThread application 6月 27 20:26:28 An Traceback occurred and got saved to /tmp/elisa_kzaXr-.txt (elisa/core/application.py:293)
WARN MainThread application 6月 27 20:26:28 An Traceback occurred and got saved to /tmp/elisa_TZO4Eb.txt (elisa/core/application.py:293)
WARN MainThread application 6月 27 20:26:29 An Traceback occurred and got saved to /tmp/elisa_UeLW5S.txt (elisa/core/application.py:293)
WARN MainThread application 6月 27 20:26:29 An Traceback occurred and got saved to /tmp/elisa_9VHOBP.txt (elisa/core/application.py:293)
WARN MainThread application 6月 27 20:26:29 An Traceback occurred and got saved to /tmp/elisa_NqY2oe.txt (elisa/core/application.py:293)
WARN MainThread application 6月 27 20:26:30 An Traceback occurred and got saved to /tmp/elisa_8YfYV8.txt (elisa/core/application.py:293)
WARN MainThread application 6月 27 20:26:30 An Traceback occurred and got saved to /tmp/elisa__DJ5CH.txt (elisa/core/application.py:293)
帖子: 5
注册时间: 2007-03-09 11:33


帖子 ztfingy » 2008-06-26 12:30

帖子: 9
注册时间: 2008-07-05 15:46


帖子 chingle » 2008-07-24 20:46
