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没音了 大家帮帮忙

发表于 : 2007-08-22 21:54
今天 不小心点了 系统 首选项 音效 然后 改了一些设置
系统就变成 哑巴了 什么音都没了

发表于 : 2007-08-22 22:14
大家帮帮忙 给我 貼个正确的 配置让我看看阿

发表于 : 2007-08-22 23:21


发表于 : 2007-08-23 9:21

作者: route 发表日期: 2007-04-11 21:41 复制链接

xfce4 无疑要比gnome快很多,快到我几乎感动到掉泪,尤其是在忍受gnome启动大程序那漫长的等待过程N长时间之后。不过,开始用xfce4,很多都正常,就是从声音有问题,听不了音乐。郁闷死。但是我切换到gnome或fvwm,都能正常输出声音。我google了很多中文论坛,都没有找到解决办法。今天搜了国外的网站,竟然发现了国外的ubuntu论坛有相似的问题帖子。我大致一看,发现有两种现象,一种是esd没有运行的,一种是esd运行了,但设置有问题。我对比了一下,发现自己属于后者。
$ps aux | grep esd
$alsamixer #运行alsamixer,修改声音输出设置

I use Xfce myself and used to have a similar problem. I used to have a script in ~/Desktop/Autostart that would run esd whenever Xfce started up. The downside to this method is that you can end up with more than one esd process if you log out and you have to kill esd if you want to play a game or something.

The easiest way to get audio working properly is to change the gstreamer audio sink.

Run gstreamer-properties and change the output sink from esd to alsa.

If you want to change the levels run alsamixer in a terminal.

man alsamixser


alsamixer - soundcard mixer for ALSA soundcard driver, with ncurses

alsamixer [options]

alsamixer is an ncurses mixer program for use with the ALSA soundcard
drivers. It supports multiple soundcards with multiple devices.

-h, -help
Help: show available flags.

-c <card number or identification>
Select the soundcard to use, if you have more than one. Cards
are numbered from 0 (the default).

-D <device identification>
Select the mixer device to control.

-g Toggle the using of colors.

-s Minimize the mixer window.

-V <view mode>
Select the starting view mode, either playback, capture or all.

The top-left corner of alsamixer is the are to show some basic informa‐
tion: the card name, the mixer chip name, the current view mode and the
currently selected mixer item. When the mixer item is switched off,
[Off] is displayed in its name.

Volume bars are located below the basic information area. You can
scroll left/right when all controls can’t be put in a single screen.
The name of each control is shown in the bottom below the volume bars.
The currently selected item is drawn in red and/of emphasized.

Each mixer control with volume capability shows a box and the current
volume filled in that box. The volume percentages are displayed below
the volume bar for left and right channels. For a mono control, only
one value is shown there.

When a mixer control is turned off, M (mute) appears below the volume
bar. When it’s turned on, O in green appears instead. You can toggle
the switch via m key.

When a mixer control has capture capability, the capture flag appears
below the volume bar, too. When the capture is turned off, ------ is
shown. CAPTUR in red appears when the capture switch is turned on. In
addition, L and R letters appear in left and right side to indicate
that left and the right channels are turned on.

Some controls have the enumeration list, and don’t show boxes but only
texts which indicate the currently active item. You can change the
item via up/down keys.

alsamixer has three view modes: playback, capture and all. In the
playback view, only the controls related with playback are shown. Sim‐
ilarly, only the controls for capture (recording) are shown in the cap‐
ture view. The all view mode shows all controls. The current view
mode is displayed in the top-left position together with the mixer
name, etc.

The default view mode is the playback view. You can change it via -V

Each view mode can be switched via keyboard commands, too. See the
next section.

alsamixer recognizes the following keyboard commands to control the
soundcard. Commands shown here in upper case can also be given in
lower case. To be reminded of these keystrokes, hit the h key.

General Controls
The Left and right arrow keys are used to select the channel (or
device, depending on your preferred terminology). You can also use n
("next") and p ("previous").

The Up and Down Arrows control the volume for the currently selected
device. You can also use + or - for the same purpose. Both the left and
right signals are affected. For independent left and right control, see

The B or = key adjusts the balance of volumes on left and right chan‐

M toggles muting for the current channel (both left and right). If the
hardware supports it, you can mute left and right independently by
using , (or <) and . (or >) respectively.

SPACE enables recording for the current channel. If any other channels
have recording enabled, they will have their recording function dis‐
abled first. This only works for valid input channels, of course.

L re-draws the screen.

View Mode Controls
Function keys are used to change view modes. You can switch to the
help mode and the proc info mode via F1 and F2 keys, respectively. On
terminals that can’t use function keys like gnome-terminal, ? and /
keys can be used alternatively for help and proc modes.

F3, F4 and F5 keys are used to switch to playback, capture and all view
mode, respectively. TAB key toggles the current view mode circularly.

Quick Volume Changes
PageUp increases volume by 5.

PageDown decreases volume by 5.

End sets volume to 0.

You can also control left & right levels for the current channel inde‐
pendently, as follows:

[Q | W | E ] -- turn UP [ left | both | right ]

[Z | X | C ] -- turn DOWN [ left | both | right ]

If the currently selected mixer channel is not a stereo channel, then
all UP keys will work like W, and all DOWN keys will work like X.

The number keys from 0 to 9 are to change the absolute volume quickly.
They correspond to 0 to 90% volume.

Quit the program with ALT Q, or by hitting ESC. Please note that you
might need to hit ESC twice on some terminals since it’s regarded as a
prefix key.

amixer(1), aplay(1), arecord(1)

Some terminal emulators (e.g. nxterm) may not work quite right with
ncurses, but that’s their own damn fault. Plain old xterm seems to be

alsamixer has been written by Tim Janik <timj@gtk.org> and been further
improved by Jaroslav Kysela <perex@suse.cz>.

This manual page was provided by Paul Winkler <zarmzarm@erols.com>.

15 May 2001 ALSAMIXER(1)

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route 发表于 2007-04-11 21:42 #1

Auto-start ESD/ESound in XFCE

Posted in Operating Systems, Linux, Ubuntu at 15:20 by Brenton

As you may be aware I am a relatively recent convert to Ubuntu. As such I am still tweaking my desktop to my liking (Who am I kidding, I don’t think I’ll ever finish tweaking it).

I was previously running Gnome (Ubuntu’s default) Desktop, except with XFWM as by Window Manager, as I have never liked Metacity (Gnome’s default WM). Today, I changed my default session (from the "Options" menu in the GDM — the graphical login screen) to XFCE, as many of the Gnome features I don’t use anyway, and I have always liked XFCE, it was on my desktop in my Gentoo day’s (that or Openbox).

Everything seemed to work fine. There were a few things I needed to configure because they were handled by Gnome application previously, but on the whole most things were very similar. The first issue I noticed was I had no sound (There is almost always music playing on my machine, as it should be). After some investigation, I discovered that ESD hadn’t started:

$ ps x | grep esd
5981 pts/1 S+ 0:00 grep esd

A quick search led me to a post on the Ubuntu Forums which wasn’t directly very helpful, but it indicated that, at least I wasn’t the only one. And it also inspired my solution.

I wrote a quick script to start ESD, but only if it isn’t already running (thanks to the problem encountered in the aforementioned post)


if [ `pidof $APP` ]; then
#Do Nothing - already running

Then, by adding an entry to run that script into XFCE’s (new to me, but apparently not so new) "autostart-editor"

$ xfce4-autostart-editor

or "Autostarted Applications" in the settings menu.

I had sound, without having to manually start ESD each time.

The only other configuration I need to get round to doing it configuring my multimedia keys… but that can wait ’till some other time.
a1985118 发表于 2007-04-12 08:49 #2


发表于 : 2007-08-23 9:28
:shock: 你仔细看,好些单词写错。