有没用笔记本显卡Nvidia Go 7400的朋友?麻烦帮下忙!

帖子: 123
注册时间: 2009-08-23 4:09
来自: Mars

有没用笔记本显卡Nvidia Go 7400的朋友?麻烦帮下忙!


帖子 halfman » 2009-09-09 0:09

NVidia Go 7400 用什么驱动?我现在用的是“180.44”这个驱动,装是装好了,进系统也正常
是Nvidia Go 7400本来就不支持GLX,还是我驱动没装好?

X Server Setting 管理里面OPENGL/GLX是这样显示的:

Fail to query the GLX server vendor.

到底怎么弄?有没有前辈弄过的帮下. :em06
帖子: 123
注册时间: 2009-08-23 4:09
来自: Mars

Re: 有没用笔记本显卡Nvidia Go 7400的朋友?麻烦帮下忙!


帖子 halfman » 2009-09-15 18:28

:em20 大哥大姐帮下嘛!
帖子: 1
注册时间: 2009-10-22 21:09

Re: 有没用笔记本显卡Nvidia Go 7400的朋友?麻烦帮下忙!


帖子 curliph » 2009-10-22 21:11

1. From a shell, make a directory

I did this:

$ mkdir nvidia

2. Download the latest drivers from nvidia


in my case it was: "NVIDIA-Linux-x86-185.18.14-pkg1.run"
3. Set up file permissions:

$ chmod 777 NVIDIA-Linux-x86-185.18.14-pkg1.run

you will need to put the name of the file you download here, if it isn't the same.
4. Optional: open a non-Gui Terminal

If you are running your shell so far from the gui X interface, then Open up a non-Gui Terminal:

[Control]+[Alt]+[F2] (or [F3] etc ...)
5. Optional: Login to your non-Gui Terminal

-- you don't need to do this if you're not running x.
6. Clean up all the old apt based packages:

$ sudo apt-get remove 'nvidia*'

7. Optional: Turn off the X server

-- don't worry about this if you're not running x.

$ sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop

8. Install the nvidia driver

-- this will start a text-based colorful interface that should walk you through the install process, and then offer to rebuild your xorg.conf file, I suggest letting the installer handler this.

$ sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-185.18.14-pkg1.run

* Note you will use the name of your downloaded package here

-- If you have any errors, fix them then run this command again.

(I had a few problems in this step, until I cleaned everything out with step 6 above)

When everything is ok the last message should be something like:

Your X configuration file has been successfully updated. Installation of
the NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86 (version: 185.18.14) is
now complete.

Though obviously with the version that you used.
9. Restart your X server

$ sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start

This should show you your regular login screen.
10. Log in and test your driver.

$ glxgears

Should show a nice mini window display with three interlocking gears rotating.

Or if you care to:

$ glxinfo

11. Welcome to your video card

Everything should be ok at this point.