
帖子: 3
注册时间: 2007-04-22 22:44



帖子 xiaobaibbb » 2007-04-25 13:38

http://wiki.ubuntu.org.cn/Apache%E5%AE% ... E%E7%BD%AE


hoho@hoho-desktop:/etc/apt$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-security
正在读取软件包列表... 完成
Reading state information... 完成
E: 无法找到软件包 libapache2-mod-security

帖子: 58428
注册时间: 2005-08-14 21:55
来自: 长沙


帖子 eexpress » 2007-04-25 14:09

aptitude search libapache2-mod
● 鸣学
帖子: 8275
注册时间: 2006-05-03 0:39
来自: المريخ


帖子 stlxv » 2007-04-25 17:33

帖子: 3
注册时间: 2007-04-22 22:44


帖子 xiaobaibbb » 2007-04-25 20:06


p libapache2-mod-annodex - Provides server-side support for Annodex m
p libapache2-mod-apreq2 - generic Apache request library - Apache mo
p libapache2-mod-auth-kerb - apache2 module for Kerberos authentication
p libapache2-mod-auth-mysql - Apache 2 module for MySQL authentication
p libapache2-mod-auth-pam - module for Apache2 which authenticate usin
p libapache2-mod-auth-pgsql - Module for Apache2 which provides pgsql au
p libapache2-mod-auth-plain - Module for Apache2 which provides plaintex
p libapache2-mod-auth-sys-group - Module for Apache2 which checks user again
p libapache2-mod-bt - BitTorrent tracker for the Apache2 web ser
p libapache2-mod-bt-dev - Header files for mod_bt
p libapache2-mod-cband - An Apache 2 module for bandwidth limiting
p libapache2-mod-chroot - run Apache in a secure chroot environment
p libapache2-mod-dnssd - Apache 2 module which adds Zeroconf suppor
p libapache2-mod-encoding - Apache2 module for non-ascii filename inte
p libapache2-mod-fastcgi - Apache 2 FastCGI module for long-running C
p libapache2-mod-fcgid - an alternative module compat with mod_fast
p libapache2-mod-geoip - GeoIP support for apache2
p libapache2-mod-ifier - Filter and reject incoming client requests
p libapache2-mod-jk - Apache 2 connector for the Tomcat Java ser
p libapache2-mod-layout - Apache2 web page content wrapper
p libapache2-mod-ldap-userdir - Apache2 module that provides UserDir looku
p libapache2-mod-macro - Create macros inside apache2 config files
p libapache2-mod-mime-xattr - Apache2 module to get MIME info from files
p libapache2-mod-mono - Run ASP.NET Pages on UNIX with Apache 2 an
p libapache2-mod-musicindex - Browse, stream, download and search throug
p libapache2-mod-ngobjweb - Apache2 module for the SOPE application se
p libapache2-mod-perl2 - Integration of perl with the Apache2 web s
p libapache2-mod-perl2-dev - Integration of perl with the Apache2 web server - development files
p libapache2-mod-perl2-doc - Integration of perl with the Apache2 web server - documentation
p libapache2-mod-php5 - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (apache 2 module)
p libapache2-mod-proxy-html - Apache2 filter module for HTML links rewriting
p libapache2-mod-python - Apache 2 module that embeds Python within the server
p libapache2-mod-python-doc - Apache 2 module that embeds Python within the server
v libapache2-mod-python2.5 -
p libapache2-mod-removeip - Module to remove IP from apache2's logs
p libapache2-mod-rpaf - module for Apache2 which takes the last IP from the 'X-Forwarded-For' hea
p libapache2-mod-ruby - Embedding Ruby in the Apache2 web server
p libapache2-mod-scgi - Apache module implementing the SCGI protocol
p libapache2-mod-shib - Shibboleth implements the OASIS SAML v1.1 specification,
p libapache2-mod-speedycgi - apache2 module to speed up perl scripts by making them persistent
p libapache2-mod-suphp - Apache2 module to run php scripts with the owner permissions
p libapache2-mod-vhost-hash-alias - Fast and efficient way to manage virtual hosting
p libapache2-mod-vhost-ldap - Apache 2 module for Virtual Hosting from LDAP
p libapache2-mod-xmlrpc2 - XMLRPC Server module for Apache2 web server
p libapache2-modbt-perl - Perl bindings for mod_bt
p libapache2-modxslt - XSLT processing module for Apache 2.0.x based on libxml2