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发表于 : 2007-05-23 16:15
因课题需要使用ARB,装了UBUNTU 6.10。


在终端输入该软件的安装命令(sh arb_install.sh)并执行后,出现对话命令,问是否创建/usr/arb文件夹,直接回车确认,却被报错说

Creating backup copy of arb_tcp.dat ..
cp: 无法确认 ‘/usr/arb/lib/arb_tcp.dat’: No such file or directory

********************************* ERROR ***********************
arb_install.sh: directory exists and is not writable
***************************** END OF ERROR ********************
Please rerun script !!!
Creating backup copy of arb_tcp.dat ..
cp: cannot stat `/usr/arb/lib/arb_tcp.dat': No such file or directory

The destination directory already exists
You can delete the old directory before installing ARB
or only update/change options of the old version.
Delete old directory (y/n)[n]?

>>> old data not deleted
chmod: cannot access `/bin/arb/zcat': No such file or directory

********************************* ERROR ***********************
arb_install.sh: Cannot chmod of /bin/arb/zcat
***************************** END OF ERROR ********************
Please rerun script !!!



Welcome to the 'ARB' Sequence Database Tools

/*********** Hardware and System Requirements *************/

ARB is currently developed on SUN workstations and Linux PCs.

The most recent version is now available for this machines.

Release dates / history:

HP Series 7000 June 95

PC Linux Jan 96 ( 486dx; >16 Mega Byte RAM)

SGI Irix June 96

Digital OSF April97

SUNOS4.x Mai 92

SUNOS5.x June 94

Hardware Requirements:

Minimum Good

Real Memory 32 64-256

Free Disc Space 100 1000

Computer Speed 486dx66 586dx90

Sparc 1 Sparc 5/10/20

Note: Memory is more important than a fast processor, a 486dx

width 64 mByte of RAM may be much faster than an

Ultra Sparc with 32 mByte of RAM.

/*********** Files needed to install ARB *************/

File FTP server location // Comment

'arb_README.txt' pub/ARB/ // this file

'arb_install.sh' pub/ARB/$MACH // install script

'arb.tgz' pub/ARB/$MACH // ARB program

'zcat' pub/ARB/$MACH // decompress (gzip)

['arb_ale.tgz' pub/ARB/$MACH // optional Editor ]

['***.arb' pub/ARB/data/ // optional demo /

real rRNA data ]


- $MACH should be replaced by your system type

( type uname -sr to find out your system type )

- enable binary mode for ftp transfer ( command 'bin' )

- do not uncompress and untar arb.tar.gz directly, use the

install script !!!

/*********** Install/Update ARB *************/

ARB consists of more than 750 files which are installed into a single

directory. Creating this directory, copying all data into it, and setting

the permissions correctly is done by the installation script


Goto the directory, where the files

'arb_install.sh' //install script

'arb_README.txt' //this file

'arb.tgz' //all the libs and bin

'zcat' //decompress

[ 'arb_ale.tgz' //optional sequence editor ]

are located and type '/bin/sh arb_install.sh'

Answer all questions asked by the script.

Notes: -The script will ask about a pt_server directory. This is a

directory where arb will store big index files.

You should enter a different path as you do not want to

recreate those files after an ARB update.

- Normally pressing enter will be a good choice.

- You can rerun the script many times, it can be used to

change an existing installation.

Change your .cshrc/.profile files:

Set the enviroment variable ARBHOME

to the ARB installation directory

Append $ARBHOME/bin to your PATH

reread it, (logout+login )

goto a directory with a demo database 'eg demo.arb'

and start 'ARB' with


发表于 : 2007-05-24 15:55

Re: 6.10下如何安装ARB?

发表于 : 2009-11-27 12:43