帖子: 11
注册时间: 2007-10-05 9:36



帖子 m00007 » 2007-10-16 22:04


代码: 全选

# set imagepath to directorys we wish to use
ImagePath $[HOME]/.fvwm/icons

# environmental variables
SetEnv fvwm_icon_size 96

Style * Font xft:SimSun:Medium:Size=12:encoding=iso10646-1
MenuStyle * Font xft:SimSun:Medium:Size=12:encoding=iso10646-1
IconFont xft:SimSun:Medium:Size=12:encoding=iso10646-1
Read bindings-extra

## colormaps
Colorset 0 fg #ffffff, bg #4584b5, hi gray, sh gray, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #4584b5 0
Colorset 1 fg #ffffff, bg #4584b5, hi gray, sh gray, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #4584b5 0, IconAlpha 80
Colorset 2 fg #ffffff, bg #7f7f7f, hi gray, sh gray, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #4584b5 0
Colorset 3 fg #bfbfbf, bg #bfbfbf, hi #bfbfbf, sh #bfbfbf, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #4584b5 0
Colorset 4 fg #bfbfbf, bg #bfbfbf, hi #bfbfbf, sh #bfbfbf, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #4584b5 0
Colorset 5 fg #ffffff, bg gray60, hi gray, sh gray, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #4584b5 0
Colorset 6 fg #ffffff, bg #4584b5, hi gray, sh gray, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #4584b5 50
Colorset 7 fg #ffffff, bg gray, hi gray, sh gray, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #4584b5 0
Colorset 8 fg #f0f0f0, bg #4584b5, hi #ffffff, sh #ffffff, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #4584b5 0

# disable egde scrolling and EdgeCommand
EdgeResistance 100 5
EdgeThickness  1
EdgeScroll 0 0
BugOpts RaiseOverUnmanaged on

# define the difference between click and hold
ClickTime 200

# use 8 viewports
DeskTopSize 8x1

# StaysOnBottom is supposed to put stuff in the very bottom layer, not on layer 2
DefaultLayers 0 4 6

# cursos styles - use an arrow instead of 'X' in root window
CursorStyle ROOT    left_ptr
CursorStyle TITLE   left_ptr
CursorStyle SYS     left_ptr
CursorStyle DEFAULT left_ptr
CursorStyle MENU    left_ptr

# window behavior
OpaqueMoveSize -1
SnapAttraction 3
SnapGrid 1 1
ColorMapFocus  FollowsFocus

# default window styles
DefaultFont "xft:SimSun:size=10:encoding=iso10646-1"
DefaultColorset 0

Style * Colorset 1, HilightColorset 2
Style * BorderWidth 0, HandleWidth 1
Style * BorderColorset 4, HilightBorderColorset 5
Style * MWMFunctions, MWMDecor
Style * HintOverride, DecorateTransient, NoPPosition
Style * MouseFocusClickRaises, ClickToFocus, GrabFocusOff
Style * SmartPlacement
Style * WindowShadeSteps 20
Style * Button 1, Button 2, Button 4, Button 6
Style * UseDecor DefaultDecor

DestroyDecor DefaultDecor
AddToDecor   DefaultDecor
+ TitleStyle LeftJustified Height 18
+ TitleStyle Active   ( Colorset 0 -- Flat ) InActive ( Colorset 2 -- Flat )
+ ButtonStyle All Active   ( Colorset 0 -- Flat )
+ ButtonStyle All InActive ( Colorset 2 -- Flat )
+ AddButtonStyle 1 Inactive   Vector 5 40x40@3 40x60@3 60x60@3 60x40@3 40x40@3 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle 1 ActiveUp   Vector 5 40x40@3 40x60@3 60x60@3 60x40@3 40x40@3 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle 1 ActiveDown Vector 4 49x49@3 49x50@3 50x50@3 49x49@3 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle 6 Inactive   Vector 5 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x50@3 30x50@3 30x60@3 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle 6 ActiveUp   Vector 5 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x50@3 30x50@3 30x60@3 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle 6 ActiveDown Vector 5 35x65@3 65x65@3 65x60@3 35x60@3 35x65@3 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle 4 Inactive   Vector 7 30x30@3 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x30@3 30x30@3 30x35@3 60x35@3 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle 4 ActiveUp   Vector 7 30x30@3 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x30@3 30x30@3 30x35@3 60x35@3 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle 4 ActiveDown Vector 7 35x35@3 35x65@3 65x65@3 65x35@3 35x35@3 35x40@3 65x40@3 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle 2 Inactive   Vector 4 30x30@3 60x60@3 60x30@4 30x60@3 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle 2 ActiveUp   Vector 4 30x30@3 60x60@3 60x30@4 30x60@3 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle 2 ActiveDown Vector 4 35x35@3 65x65@3 65x35@4 35x65@3 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 1 - MwmDecorMenu
+ ButtonStyle 6 - MwmDecorMin
+ ButtonStyle 4 - MwmDecorMax

BorderStyle Active   Solid #0f0f0f -- NoInset HiddenHandles
BorderStyle Inactive Solid #ffffff -- NoInset HiddenHandles

# icons  - should go to top left
Style * IconBox 30 100 100 -15, IconFill top left
Style * IconTitle, IndexedIconName
Style * IconTitleColorset 3, HilightIconTitleColorset 3
Style * IconTitleRelief 0

# program specific styles
Style FvwmPager  NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip, BorderWidth 1, BorderColorset 5, NoHandles, NeverFocus, StaysOnTop
Style "xdaliclock"     NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip, NoHandles, NeverFocus, StaysOnBottom,Layer 6 
Style FvwmDocker NoTitle, Sticky, Handlewidth 0, Borderwidth 0, WindowListSkip, NeverFocus,CirculateSkipIcon,CirculateSkip

# 1)
Colorset 20 fg #ffffff, bg #4584b5, hi gray, sh gray, RootTransparent buffer, IconAlpha 80, Tint #4584b5 0
Colorset 21 fg #ff0000, bg #4584b5, hi gray, sh gray, RootTransparent buffer, IconAlpha 100, Tint #4584b5 0
MenuStyle * MenuColorset 20, ActiveColorset 21
MenuStyle * Hilight3DOff, HilightBack
MenuStyle * PopupOffset 0 100, PopupDelay 300
MenuStyle * BorderWidth 0
MenuStyle * TitleUnderlines1
MenuStyle * TrianglesSolid
MenuStyle * SeparatorsShort
MenuStyle * Animation
MenuStyle * ItemFormat "%.2|%.5i%.5l%.5i%2.3>%2|"
MenuStyle * VerticalItemSpacing 0 0

# 应用程序替换图标
Style "rox" Icon 48x48/drivemount-applet.png, IconOverride
Style "kate" Icon 48x48/gedit-icon.png, IconOverride
Style "firefox" Icon 48x48/netscape.png, IconOverride
Style "gimp" Icon 48x48/gimp.png, IconOverride
Style "gaim" Icon 48x48/aim.png, IconOverride
Style "urxvt" Icon 48x48/gnome-xterm.png, IconOverride, WindowShadeShrinks, Notitle, NoHandles 

## 菜单定义
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmRoot
AddToMenu MenuFvwmRoot
+ %24x24/gnome-main-menu.png%"显示桌面背景" All (AcceptsFocus CurrentPage !Iconic !Shaded) Thumbnail
+ "" Nop
# 我的常用软件
+ %24x24/drivemount-applet.png%"Rox文件管理" Exec exec rox
+ %24x24/gimp.png%"gimp图像处理" Exec exec gimp
+ %24x24/gnome-xterm.png%"gnome-terminal编码终端" Exec exec gnome-terminal
+ %24x24/gnome-applications.png%"xmms播放器" Exec exec xmms
+ %24x24/gedit-icon.png%"kate编辑工具" Exec exec kate
+ %24x24/netscape.png%"firefox网页浏览" Exec exec firefox
+ %24x24/aim.png%"gaim聊天工具" Exec exec gaim
#+ %24x24/l33t_WIN_msn.png%"QQ聊天工具" Exec exec /opt/LumaQQ/lumaqq
+ "" Nop
+ %24x24/java.png%"退出Fvwm2管理" Quit
+ %24x24/up2date.png%"FvwmConsole" Module FvwmConsole
+ "" Nop
+ %24x24/gnome-note.png%"配置fvwm式样" Exec exec kate ~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc

DestroyMenu MenuWindowOptions
AddToMenu   MenuWindowOptions
+ "move"      Move
+ "resize"    Resize
+ "raise"     Raise
+ "lower"     Lower
+ "iconify"   Thumbnail
+ "(un)stick" Stick
+ "maximize"  Maximize
+ ""          Nop
+ "close"     Close
+ "delete"    Delete
+ "destroy"   Destroy

# bindings
# use IgnoreModifiers to fix the NumLock bug(?)
IgnoreModifiers L25

# root window
Key Tab A M WindowList NoGeometry
Key F2  A M Resize
Key F4  A M Close

Mouse 1 R A Menu MenuFvwmRoot Nop
Mouse 3 R A WindowList NoGeometry

# titlebar buttons
Mouse 0 1 A Menu MenuWindowOptions Close
Mouse 0 6 A Thumbnail
Mouse 0 4 A Maximize
Mouse 0 2 A FuncDestroyOnHold

# window/border/icon
Mouse 1 I A DeThumbnail
Mouse 1 T A FuncMoveOrMaximize

# initfunctions
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc   StartFunction
+ I Exec exec fvwm-root --dither --retain-pixmap $[HOME]/.fvwm/wallpaper/wallpaper.png
+ I Exec exec xdaliclock -transparent -24 -fg green -geometry 400x70-0-0 
+ I Module FvwmButtons -g 500x50+350-0 FvwmDocker
+ I Module FvwmPager
+ I Module FvwmAnimate
+ I Module FvwmAuto FvwmAutoHide -menter FvwmDockerAutoEnter
+ I Function StartDocker
+ I Test (Restart) All (Iconic) WindowStyle IconOverride
+ I Test (Restart) Module FvwmConsole
+ I Exec exec fcitx

DestroyFunc ExitFunction
AddToFunc   ExitFunction
+ I KillModule FvwmPager
+ I KillModule FvwmDocker
+ I KillModule FvwmAnimate
+ I KillModule FvwmAuto
+ I Exec exec sync

# functions

# make windowlists etc. warp pointer to the middle of
# the window instead of top left
AddToFunc WindowListFunc
+ I WarpToWindow 50 50

# Name:     Thumbnail
# Purpose:  Iconify a window with a reduced screenshot of the application
#           Window, looks really cool.
#           Uses FvwmEvent to remove the Icon when deiconified, you will want
#           to remove this if you use WindowStyle elsewhere.
#           Thumbnailing example: http://dev.gentoo.org/~taviso/step2.png
DestroyFunc Thumbnail
AddToFunc   Thumbnail
+ I Raise
+ I PipeRead "xwd -silent -id $[w.id] | convert -scale $[fvwm_icon_size] -frame 1x1 \
              -mattecolor black -quality 0 xwd:- png:$[HOME]/.fvwm/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png \
              && echo WindowStyle IconOverride, Icon $[HOME]/.fvwm/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png, StaysOnBottom \
              || echo Nop"
+ I Iconify

DestroyFunc DeThumbnail
AddToFunc   DeThumbnail
+ I Iconify off
+ I DestroyWindowStyle
+ I Exec exec rm -f $[HOME]/.fvwm/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png

DestroyFunc FuncMoveOrMaximize
AddToFunc   FuncMoveOrMaximize
+ I Raise
+ M Move
+ D Maximize 100 100

DestroyFunc FuncDestroyOnHold
AddToFunc   FuncDestroyOnHold
+ C Schedule 100 Close
+ H Destroy
+ H Beep

DestroyFunc StartDocker
AddToFunc   StartDocker
#+ I Wait FvwmDocker
+ I AutoHide FvwmDocker 0 0 S

DestroyFunc FvwmDockerAutoEnter
# AddToFunc   FvwmDockerAutoEnter
# + I AutoHide FvwmDocker 100 3600 S

# These functions modified from the functions provided in the fvwm FAQ.
# http://www.fvwm.org/documentation/faq/#7.17
DestroyFunc AutoHide
AddToFunc   AutoHide
+ I ThisWindow ($0) Deschedule $[w.id]
+ I TestRc (!Match) Deschedule -$[w.id]
+ I ThisWindow ($0) ThisWindow (shaded) AutohideShow $1 $3
+ I TestRc (!Match) All ($0, !shaded) AutohideHide $2 $3

DestroyFunc AutohideShow
AddToFunc   AutohideShow
+ I Schedule $0 -$[w.id] WindowShade $1 off
+ I Schedule $0 -$[w.id] Raise
+ I Schedule $0 -$[w.id] Deschedule $[w.id]
+ I Schedule $0 -$[w.id] Deschedule -$[w.id]

DestroyFunc AutohideHide
AddToFunc   AutohideHide
+ I Schedule $0 $[w.id] WindowShade $1 on
+ I Schedule $0 $[w.id] Deschedule $[w.id]
+ I Schedule $0 $[w.id] Deschedule -$[w.id]

# this one originates from ikaros configs iirc
DestroyFunc FuncDockLaunch
AddToFunc   FuncDockLaunch
+ C Any ($1) Next ($1) WindowListFunc
+ C TestRc (NoMatch) Exec $0
+ H Any ($1) WindowList ($1) Rectangle +$2+$3 0 -100m CurrentAtEnd UseListSkip SortByClass NoCurrentDeskTitle
+ D Exec $0

# module configs

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmAnimate: *
*FvwmAnimate: Effect Flip

Colorset 40 fg #ffffff, bg #ffffff, hi #ffffff, sh #ffffff, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #4584b5 0
Colorset 41 fg #ffffff, bg #ffffff, hi #ffffff, sh #ffffff, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #4584b5 0
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager: *
*FvwmPager: Colorset        * 40
*FvwmPager: HilightColorset * 41
*FvwmPager: Borderwidth     0
*FvwmPager: Font            None
*FvwmPager: DesktopScale    22
*FvwmPager: Geometry        400x17-130+0
*FvwmPager: MoveThreshold   0
*FvwmPager: SloppyFocus
*FvwmPager: UseSkipList
*FvwmPager: SmallFont None
*FvwmPager: WindowColorsets   2 0
*FvwmPager: WindowBorderWidth 1

*FvwmPager: Balloons           All
*FvwmPager: BalloonColorset    * 0
*FvwmPager: BalloonFont "xft:SimSun:Size=12:encoding=iso10646-1"
*FvwmPager: BalloonYOffset     +2
*FvwmPager: BalloonBorderWidth 1

# 1) 修改色彩配置.用IconAlpha实现被选择图标自动加亮. [yonsan/20050826]
Colorset 50 fg #ffffff, bg #4584b5, hi gray, sh gray, RootTransparent buffer, IconAlpha 75, Tint #4584b5 0
Colorset 51 fg #ffffff, bg #7f7f7f, hi gray, sh gray, RootTransparent buffer, IconAlpha 100, Tint #4584b5 0
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmDocker: *
*FvwmDocker: Colorset 50
*FvwmDocker: ActiveColorset 51
*FvwmDocker: Rows    1
*FvwmDocker: Columns 9
*FvwmDocker: Frame   0
*FvwmDocker: Padding 1 1
*FvwmDocker: (1x1, Icon 48x48/gnome-main-menu.png, ActionOnPress, Action(Mouse 1) `FuncDockLaunch vmware vmware* $left $top`, `Next (synaptic*) Popup MenuWindowOptions Rectangle +$left +$top 0 -100m`)
*FvwmDocker: (1x1, Icon 48x48/gnome-xterm.png, ActionOnPress, Action(Mouse 1) `FuncDockLaunch urxvt urxvt* $left $top`, `Next (urxvt*) Popup MenuWindowOptions Rectangle +$left +$top 0 -100m`)
*FvwmDocker: (1x1, Icon 48x48/mozilla.png, ActionOnPress, Action(Mouse 1) `FuncDockLaunch firefox *Firefox $left $top`, `Next (*Firefox) Popup MenuWindowOptions Rectangle +$left +$top 0 -100m`)
*FvwmDocker: (1x1, Icon 48x48/gedit-icon.png, ActionOnPress, Action(Mouse 1) `FuncDockLaunch kate *kate $left $top`, `Next (*kate) Popup MenuWindowOptions Rectangle +$left +$top 0 -100m`)
*FvwmDocker: (1x1, Icon 48x48/gnome-applications.png, ActionOnPress, Action(Mouse 1) `FuncDockLaunch acroread acroread* $left $top`,`Next (abiword*) Popup MenuWindowOptions Rectangle +$left +$top 0 -100m`)
*FvwmDocker: (1x1, Icon 48x48/aim.png, ActionOnPress, Action(Mouse 1) `FuncDockLaunch gaim gaim* $left $top`, `Next (gaim*) Popup MenuWindowOptions Rectangle +$left +$top 0 -100m`)
*FvwmDocker: (1x1, Icon 48x48/drivemount-applet.png, ActionOnPress, Action(Mouse 1) `FuncDockLaunch rox ROX-Filer* $left $top`, `Next (ROX-Filer*) Popup MenuWindowOptions Rectangle +$left +$top 0 -100m`)
*FvwmDocker: (1x1, Icon 48x48/gimp.png, ActionOnPress, Action(Mouse 1) `FuncDockLaunch gimp *GIMP $left $top`, `Next (*GIMP) Popup MenuWindowOptions Rectangle +$left +$top 0 -100m`)
*FvwmDocker: (1x1, Icon 48x48/lumiere.png, ActionOnPress, Action(Mouse 1) `FuncDockLaunch xmms XMMS* $left $top`, `Next (XMMS*) Popup MenuWindowOptions Rectangle +$left +$top 0 -100m`) 
上次由 m00007 在 2007-10-17 1:19,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 58428
注册时间: 2005-08-14 21:55
来自: 长沙


帖子 eexpress » 2007-10-16 23:58

man FvwmTaskBar
● 鸣学