
帖子: 3
注册时间: 2008-08-19 22:14



帖子 d175834807 » 2008-08-20 1:49

我也是刚玩ubuntu的,想看个电视可真不容易,网上资料是多,但太杂了,没有 为什么,跟着做有时也出不了东

西,不知道大家也是不是跟我 一样有这样的困难,所以我总结了一下我的经验.

大家都 说Linux下看电视最好的是Qsopcast,所以我第一个接触到的也是这个东东,说实话,刚开才什么也不懂,真的

不好搞,特别是在编译的时侯,不是少这个包,就是那个 包的,到 现在,我还没有搞清楚,这些包到底是GCC G++

什么 lib 库,所以我开刚开始没用编译的方法去看电视,用的最原始的sp-sc, (sp-sc,就是Qsopcast的核心,没它看不

了电视,那它究竟是做什么的呢,先把它放到 /usr/local/bin里,在终端输入 sp-sc,就会出来用法,我分析一下:

SC Version: 3.0.1 Build time: 2008-03-20 11:25
./sp-sc [-T] [-t seconds] [-u username:password] [-n out:total] [-x suffixname] [-a http://auth_url] <sop://url> <localport> <playerport>
其中我懂的就是[-t seconds] :应该是尝试连接时间

[-u username:password] :应该是对于有密码的一类

[-a http://auth_url] :是播放地址啦!是http 形式的


<localport> :本地端口(从网上传过来的数据进的端口)



http://sopcast.pxn.ca/sopchannels.php 这个是SopCast网上公布的电视频道,

它对应的 <sop://url> 形式是这样的 sop://broker1.sopcast.com:3912/6004

但更加好的输入形式是这样的: sop://


对应的就是 sop://

好了,现在可以打开终端了,连起来输入 sp-sc sop:// 3908 8908
后面的 3908 8908是外国人写的Readme文件里这样写的,你写成 8888 9999 随便也行,但应该要大于1024 吧


好了,不出意料应该是出现Start cache thread。过一会等它出缓冲好了,就可用mplayer或是VLC meida player来放

了,打开mplayer (不要说没有装吧,没装就先这样做:

代码: 全选

sudo apt-get install mplayer 

现在都有了吧,在mplayer主窗口“反键”--打开-- Play URL

在弹出的对话框里填 : http://localhost:8908/tv.asf
(其中localhost为本机 8908就是上面的对应端口 tv.asf是流媒体文件格式)

其实更简洁的填法是这样的:*.asf (是*****没错,英亠输入法里的*)

好了,现 在可以看凤凰卫视了吧,呵可~~在终端里有几个快捷键,crtl+S 是暂停 ,空格是继续 中断换个台就crtl+C吧!!

因为是是在命令行中操作 的,所以刚开始会有点烦,用习惯了,就很快了,不过没有GUI(图形界面)真的有点不爽啊!


就用我编写好的DEB包吧,要是别的就要源码编译了(qsopcast-0.3.5.tar.bz2),先解压拖到/home/你的名字/下 ,



代码: 全选

 cd  /home/ken/qsopcast-0.3.5/src 

代码: 全选

  sudo chmod 777 -R  /home/ken/qsopcast-0.3.5/src  

代码: 全选


代码: 全选


代码: 全选

 sudo checkinstall    

代码: 全选

  make install 
,但经chechinstall 会打包成DEB的包,这样放便安装与卸载)

安装好了,可以在应用程序--sound&vido里找到Qsopcast 打开就可以有台了,如果没有可点Channel一般是会有


URL :http://channel.sopcast.com/gchlxml 还有一个http://channel.sopcast.com/chlist.xml 二选一有两个保险一点)


mplayer播放吧 ^^ 。



sp-sc 为: sp-sc.tar.bz2

图形软件源码包为 :qsopcast-0.3.5.tar.bz2

(91.44 KiB) 已下载 212 次
(36.26 KiB) 已下载 140 次
(316.76 KiB) 已下载 160 次
帖子: 234
注册时间: 2007-09-02 23:26
来自: 上帝之家


帖子 上帝很帅 » 2008-08-20 6:08

帖子: 523
注册时间: 2007-12-13 23:34

Re: [教学]Qsopcast网络电视机使用+AMD64平台DEB包


帖子 dongfanglu » 2008-10-24 8:49

make 失败,出现错误:
zzd@zzd-kubuntudesktop:~/桌面/qsopcast-0.3.5/src$ make
g++ -c -pipe -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -I/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++ -I. -I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I/usr/include/qt4 -I. -I.moc -I. -o .obj/channel.o channel.cpp
In file included from channel.cpp:21:
header.h:6:19: error: qvbox.h: 没有该文件或目录
header.h:7:19: error: qhbox.h: 没有该文件或目录
header.h:13:19: error: qhttp.h: 没有该文件或目录
header.h:22:21: error: qsocket.h: 没有该文件或目录
header.h:26:18: error: qdom.h: 没有该文件或目录
header.h:28:23: error: qptrlist.h: 没有该文件或目录
In file included from channel.cpp:22:
channel.h:17: 错误: ‘WFlags’未声明
channel.h:24: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的‘QValueList’
channel.h:24: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token
channel.h:39: 错误: ‘QListViewItem’未声明
channel.h:40: 错误: ‘QListViewItem’未声明
channel.h:41: 错误: ‘QListViewItem’未声明
In file included from channel.cpp:23:
mainwindow.h:20: 错误: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
In file included from channel.cpp:24:
mylistitem.h:7: 错误: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
mylistitem.h:14: 错误: expected `)' before ‘*’ token
mylistitem.h:19: 错误: ‘QListViewItem’未声明
mylistitem.h:25: 错误: expected `)' before ‘*’ token
mylistitem.h:38: 错误: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
mylistitem.h:39: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的‘QColorGroup’
mylistitem.h:56: 错误: ‘QListViewItem’未声明
mylistitem.h: In constructor ‘MyListItem::MyListItem(QListView*)’:
mylistitem.h:9: 错误: 类‘MyListItem’没有名为‘QListViewItem’的字段
mylistitem.h: In constructor ‘MyListItem::MyListItem(QListView*, int*)’:
mylistitem.h:19: 错误: 类‘MyListItem’没有名为‘QListViewItem’的字段
mylistitem.h: In member function ‘void MyListItem::paintCell(QPainter*, int)’:
mylistitem.h:40: 错误: expected `;' before ‘_cg’
mylistitem.h:40: 警告: statement 不起作用
mylistitem.h:42: 错误: ‘_cg’在此作用域中尚未声明
mylistitem.h:42: 错误: ‘QColorGroup’is not a class or namespace
mylistitem.h:43: 错误: ‘QColorGroup’is not a class or namespace
mylistitem.h:45: 错误: ‘QListViewItem’未声明
mylistitem.h:45: 错误: ‘column’在此作用域中尚未声明
mylistitem.h:45: 错误: ‘width’在此作用域中尚未声明
mylistitem.h:45: 错误: ‘alignment’在此作用域中尚未声明
mylistitem.h: In member function ‘int MyListItem::compare(int*, int, bool) const’:
mylistitem.h:64: 错误: ‘text’在此作用域中尚未声明
mylistitem.h:64: 错误: 对成员‘text’的请求出现在‘* i’中,而后者具有非类类型‘int’
mylistitem.h:65: 错误: ‘QListViewItem’未声明
In file included from pageplay.h:6,
from channel.cpp:28:
./myhbox.h: At global scope:
./myhbox.h:9: 错误: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
./myhbox.h: In constructor ‘MyHBox::MyHBox(QWidget*, const char*)’:
./myhbox.h:12: 错误: 类‘MyHBox’没有名为‘QHBox’的字段
In file included from channel.cpp:30:
tabwidget.h: At global scope:
tabwidget.h:17: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的‘QPtrList’
tabwidget.h:17: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token
channel.cpp:35: 错误: ‘WFlags’未声明
channel.cpp: In constructor ‘Channel::Channel(QWidget*, const char*, int)’:
channel.cpp:37: 错误: 从类型‘QWidget*’到类型‘MainWindow*’中的 static_cast 无效
channel.cpp:37: 错误: 对‘QListView::QListView(QWidget*&, const char*&, int&)’的调用没有匹配的函数
/usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qlistview.h:190: 附注: 备选为: QListView::QListView(const QListView&)
/usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qlistview.h:137: 附注: QListView::QListView(QListViewPrivate&, QWidget*)
/usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qlistview.h:78: 附注: QListView::QListView(QWidget*)
channel.cpp:40: 错误: ‘addColumn’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:51: 错误: ‘setRootIsDecorated’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:70: 错误: ‘IO_ReadWrite’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:76: 错误: ‘class QProcess’没有名为‘setCommunication’的成员
channel.cpp:76: 错误: ‘Stdout’不是‘QProcess’的成员
channel.cpp: At global scope:
channel.cpp:93: 错误: ‘void Channel::onListItemClicked(QListViewItem*)’的原型不匹配类‘Channel’中的任何一个
channel.h:39: 错误: 备选为:void Channel::onListItemClicked(int*)
channel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channel::onButtonChannelToggled(bool)’:
channel.cpp:113: 错误: ‘class QProcess’没有名为‘clearArguments’的成员
channel.cpp:114: 错误: ‘class QProcess’没有名为‘addArgument’的成员
channel.cpp:115: 错误: ‘class QProcess’没有名为‘addArgument’的成员
channel.cpp:116: 错误: ‘class QProcess’没有名为‘addArgument’的成员
channel.cpp:117: 错误: ‘class QProcess’没有名为‘addArgument’的成员
channel.cpp:118: 错误: 对‘QProcess::start()’的调用没有匹配的函数
/usr/include/qt4/QtCore/qprocess.h:96: 附注: 备选为: void QProcess::start(const QString&, const QStringList&, QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>)
/usr/include/qt4/QtCore/qprocess.h:97: 附注: void QProcess::start(const QString&, QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>)
channel.cpp:123: 错误: ‘class QProcess’没有名为‘arguments’的成员
channel.cpp:124: 错误: ‘class QProcess’没有名为‘processIdentifier’的成员
channel.cpp:125: 错误: ‘class QProcess’没有名为‘processIdentifier’的成员
channel.cpp:127: 错误: ‘class QToolButton’没有名为‘setPaletteForegroundColor’的成员
channel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channel::wgetStdout()’:
channel.cpp:135: 错误: ‘class QBuffer’没有名为‘writeBlock’的成员
channel.cpp:135: 错误: ‘class QProcess’没有名为‘readStdout’的成员
channel.cpp:136: 错误: ‘class QBuffer’没有名为‘at’的成员
channel.cpp:142: 错误: ‘class QToolButton’没有名为‘setPaletteForegroundColor’的成员
channel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channel::onWgetExit()’:
channel.cpp:151: 错误: ‘class QToolButton’没有名为‘setOn’的成员
channel.cpp:159: 错误: ‘QDomDocument’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:159: 错误: expected `;' before ‘doc’
channel.cpp:160: 错误: ‘doc’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:167: 错误: ‘clear’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:179: 错误: ‘QDomNode’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:179: 错误: expected `;' before ‘group’
channel.cpp:180: 错误: ‘group’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:182: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:183: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:185: 错误: expected `;' before ‘channelnode’
channel.cpp:186: 错误: ‘channelnode’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:191: 错误: 对‘MyListItem::MyListItem(QListViewItem*&, MyListItem*&)’的调用没有匹配的函数
mylistitem.h:19: 附注: 备选为: MyListItem::MyListItem(QListView*, int*)
mylistitem.h:9: 附注: MyListItem::MyListItem(QListView*)
mylistitem.h:7: 附注: MyListItem::MyListItem(const MyListItem&)
channel.cpp:192: 错误: expected `;' before ‘namenode’
channel.cpp:193: 错误: ‘namenode’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:196: 错误: ‘class MyListItem’没有名为‘setText’的成员
channel.cpp:200: 错误: ‘class MyListItem’没有名为‘setText’的成员
channel.cpp:209: 错误: ‘class MyListItem’没有名为‘text’的成员
channel.cpp:218: 错误: ‘class MyListItem’没有名为‘text’的成员
channel.cpp:219: 错误: ‘class MyListItem’没有名为‘text’的成员
channel.cpp:236: 错误: ‘firstChild’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:237: 错误: ‘childCount’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:237: 错误: ‘stateopen’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:241: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:242: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp: At global scope:
channel.cpp:249: 错误: ‘void Channel::onRightButtonClicked(QListViewItem*, const QPoint&, int)’的原型不匹配类‘Channel’中的任何一个
channel.h:40: 错误: 备选为:void Channel::onRightButtonClicked(int*, const QPoint&, int)
channel.cpp:277: 错误: ‘void Channel::onMouseMoved(QListViewItem*)’的原型不匹配类‘Channel’中的任何一个
channel.h:41: 错误: 备选为:void Channel::onMouseMoved(int*)
channel.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void Channel::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*)’:
channel.cpp:286: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QMouseEvent’
/usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qwidget.h:71: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QMouseEvent’
channel.cpp:289: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QScrollBar’
/usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qabstractscrollarea.h:51: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QScrollBar’
channel.cpp:290: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QScrollBar’
/usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qabstractscrollarea.h:51: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QScrollBar’
channel.cpp:292: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QScrollBar’
/usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qabstractscrollarea.h:51: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QScrollBar’
channel.cpp:293: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QScrollBar’
/usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qabstractscrollarea.h:51: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QScrollBar’
channel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channel::toggleChannelSort()’:
channel.cpp:303: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QPopupMenu’
menubar.h:8: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QPopupMenu’
channel.cpp:304: 错误: ‘setSortColumn’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:306: 错误: ‘setSortColumn’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channel::toggleNullChannel()’:
channel.cpp:313: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QPopupMenu’
menubar.h:8: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QPopupMenu’
channel.cpp:315: 错误: ‘firstChild’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:317: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:326: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:328: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:332: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:335: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:336: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:338: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:341: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:343: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:345: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channel::switchChannelColor(int)’:
channel.cpp:353: 错误: ‘firstChild’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:355: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:357: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:359: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:365: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:367: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:369: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channel::updateOpenState()’:
channel.cpp:377: 错误: ‘childCount’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:377: 错误: ‘stateopen’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:379: 错误: ‘firstChild’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:382: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:387: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:392: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:397: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp: In member function ‘bool Channel::SopMatch(QString&, QString&, QString&)’:
channel.cpp:411: 错误: ‘class QString’没有名为‘find’的成员
channel.cpp:417: 错误: ‘class QString’没有名为‘find’的成员
channel.cpp:421: 错误: ‘firstChild’在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:423: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:425: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:426: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:427: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:430: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:432: 错误: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
make: *** [.obj/channel.o] 错误 1
帖子: 92
注册时间: 2008-07-14 15:06
来自: 天津

Re: [教学]Qsopcast网络电视机使用+AMD64平台DEB包


帖子 nicety » 2008-10-24 11:22

希奥开源成员 加入我们

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来自: 身后某处

Re: [教学]Qsopcast网络电视机使用+AMD64平台DEB包


帖子 东方不坏 » 2008-11-05 10:03

[color=#FFFF00]东方不败[/color] 写了:
  • OS:Ubuntu14.10
  • CPU:Athlon II 651K
  • RAM:威刚DDR3 1600 4GX2双通道
  • 主板:GA-A75M-DS2
  • 硬盘:西数64M版 2T
  • 显卡:迅景6790
  • 显示器:LG W2242TP
帖子: 3
注册时间: 2008-08-19 22:14

Re: [教学]Qsopcast网络电视机使用+AMD64平台DEB包


帖子 d175834807 » 2009-12-04 19:31

路过,顶下!!!!!!!!!! :em09
帖子: 3
注册时间: 2008-08-19 22:14

Re: [教学]Qsopcast网络电视机使用+AMD64平台DEB包


帖子 d175834807 » 2009-12-05 12:44

路过, :em20