Show 出你们个性十足的Conky~~~

帖子: 13
注册时间: 2008-11-22 17:50

Show 出你们个性十足的Conky~~~


帖子 leepanasonic » 2009-03-21 16:57

小弟第一次发帖 Show一下自己的Conky 及 桌面效果~~~
不足的地方请大家指教! :em06
Conky' code

# set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
background no

cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2

out_to_console no

# X font when Xft is disabled, you can pick one with program xfontsel
#font 7x12
#font 6x10
#font 7x13
#font 8x13
#font 7x12
#font **
#font -*-*-*-*-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
#font -artwiz-snap-normal-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1

# Use Xft?
use_xft yes

# Xft font when Xft is enabled
xftfont Microsoft YaHei:size=8

own_window_transparent yes
#own_window_colour hot#E0E0F8
# Text alpha when using Xft
xftalpha 0.8
#on_bottom yes

# mail spool
#mail_spool $MAIL

# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 1
# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_colour 343434
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_type override

# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
double_buffer yes

# Minimum size of text area
#minimum_size 200 5
maximum_width 333

# Draw shades?
draw_shades yes

# Draw outlines?
draw_outline no

# Draw borders around text
draw_borders no

# Stippled borders?
stippled_borders 3

# border margins
border_margin 5

# border width
border_width 6

# Default colors and also border colors
default_color grey90
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color DarkGrey

# Text alignment, other possible values are commented
alignment top_left
#minimum_size 10 10
gap_x 9
gap_y 27
#alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right

# Gap between borders of screen and text

# Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects.
use_spacer yes

# Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
no_buffers yes

# set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
uppercase no

# none, xmms, bmp, audacious, infopipe (default is none)
#none xmms_player bmp

# boinc (seti) dir
# seti_dir /opt/seti

# Possible variables to be used:
# Variable Arguments Description
# acpiacadapter ACPI ac adapter state.
# acpifan ACPI fan state
# acpitemp ACPI temperature.
# adt746xcpu CPU temperature from therm_adt746x
# adt746xfan Fan speed from therm_adt746x
# battery (num) Remaining capasity in ACPI or APM
# battery. ACPI battery number can be
# given as argument (default is BAT0).
# buffers Amount of memory buffered
# cached Amount of memory cached
# color (color) Change drawing color to color
# cpu CPU usage in percents
# cpubar (height) Bar that shows CPU usage, height is
# bar's height in pixels
# downspeed net Download speed in kilobytes
# downspeedf net Download speed in kilobytes with one
# decimal
# exec shell command Executes a shell command and displays
# the output in torsmo. warning: this
# takes a lot more resources than other
# variables. I'd recommend coding wanted
# behaviour in C and posting a patch :-).
# execi interval, shell Same as exec but with specific interval.
# command Interval can't be less than
# update_interval in configuration.
# fs_bar (height), (fs) Bar that shows how much space is used on
# a file system. height is the height in
# pixels. fs is any file on that file
# system.
# fs_free (fs) Free space on a file system available
# for users.
# fs_free_perc (fs) Free percentage of space on a file
# system available for users.
# fs_size (fs) File system size
# fs_used (fs) File system used space
# hr (height) Horizontal line, height is the height in
# pixels
# i2c (dev), type, n I2C sensor from sysfs (Linux 2.6). dev
# may be omitted if you have only one I2C
# device. type is either in (or vol)
# meaning voltage, fan meaning fan or temp
# meaning temperature. n is number of the
# sensor. See /sys/bus/i2c/devices/ on
# your local computer.
# kernel Kernel version
# loadavg (1), (2), (3) System load average, 1 is for past 1
# minute, 2 for past 5 minutes and 3 for
# past 15 minutes.
# machine Machine, i686 for example
# mails Mail count in mail spool. You can use
# program like fetchmail to get mails from
# some server using your favourite
# protocol. See also new_mails.
# mem Amount of memory in use
# membar (height) Bar that shows amount of memory in use
# memmax Total amount of memory
# memperc Percentage of memory in use
# new_mails Unread mail count in mail spool.
# nodename Hostname
# outlinecolor (color) Change outline color
# pre_exec shell command Executes a shell command one time before
# torsmo displays anything and puts output
# as text.
# processes Total processes (sleeping and running)
# running_processes Running processes (not sleeping),
# requires Linux 2.6
# shadecolor (color) Change shading color
# stippled_hr (space), Stippled (dashed) horizontal line
# (height)
# swapbar (height) Bar that shows amount of swap in use
# swap Amount of swap in use
# swapmax Total amount of swap
# swapperc Percentage of swap in use
# sysname System name, Linux for example
# time (format) Local time, see man strftime to get more
# information about format
# totaldown net Total download, overflows at 4 GB on
# Linux with 32-bit arch and there doesn't
# seem to be a way to know how many times
# it has already done that before torsmo
# has started.
# totalup net Total upload, this one too, may overflow
# updates Number of updates (for debugging)
# upspeed net Upload speed in kilobytes
# upspeedf net Upload speed in kilobytes with one
# decimal
# uptime Uptime
# uptime_short Uptime in a shorter format
# seti_prog Seti@home current progress
# seti_progbar (height) Seti@home current progress bar
# seti_credit Seti@hoome total user credit

# variable is given either in format $variable or in ${variable}. Latter
# allows characters right after the variable and must be used in network
# stuff because of an argument
#${font Dungeon:style=Bold:pixelsize=10}I can change the font as well
#${font Verdana:size=10}as many times as I choose
#${font Perry:size=10}Including UTF-8,
# stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen

${voffset 4}${color #FFFFCC}${font Openlogos:size=28}u${voffset -7}${font KissMeKissMeKissMe:Bold:size=39}${color #FF0080}$nodename $sysname
${voffset -55}${font Bauhaus Md BT:bold:size=14}$alignc${color}${conky_build_arch}
${voffset -20}${color #808080}${font Openlogos:size=66}t
${voffset -88}${color #99CC33}${font butterflips:size=49}m ${voffset -27}${font Bauhaus Md BT:bold:size=16}${alignc}${color #cdc8b1}${execi 9999 whoami} ${color}on $nodename${color #ffd700}
${color #FFECF5}${font Microsoft YaHei:style=Bold:size=21}${time %b%d日 星期%a}
${voffset -4}${alignc}${font Microsoft YaHei:style=Bold:size=17}${color #EFFBFB}${time %p%l:%M:%S}
${voffset -20}${color #FF0080}${font Bauhaus Md BT:style=Bold:size=20}MUSIC ${color black}${font Music Fun:size=29}e
${color #EFF5FB}${font Microsoft YaHei:size=13}${if_running audacious}${exec audtool --current-song}
${font Bauhaus Md BT:size=12}${color #CEF6F5}${exec audtool --current-song-bitrate-kbps}kbps@${exec audtool --current-song-frequency-khz}Khz / ${audacious_length}~${audacious_position} ${color #E0F8F7}${audacious_bar 8,128}
${voffset -80}${color #F2F5A9}${font wmfood1:size=39}q
${voffset 8}${font Bauhaus Md BT:Bold:size=12}${color #bcee68}${execi 2 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" -m1 | cut -d":" -f2 | cut -d" " -f2- | sed 's#Processor ##'}
${voffset 9}${color #E0F8F7}${font Illustrate IT:size=39}i ${offset -11}${voffset -9}${color #FBFBEF}${font KR Cuori Divertenti 7:size=39}D
${color #FF0080}${font weather:size=60}y ${voffset 10}${font DingsbumsBats:size=49}${color #FFFFCC}l ${color #FF0080}${font Vault:Bold:size=33}${execi 1 cat /sys/bus/platform/drivers/it87/it87.3712/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input | cut -c1,2} ${voffset -27}${color #9acd32}${font Soft Sugar fade:size=37}o ${voffset -15}${color #9acd32}${font Monica'sDress:size=49}C
${voffset -7}${font Bauhaus Md BT:bold:size=12}${color #FF0080}Core1: ${color white}${font Bauhaus Md BT:bold:size=10}${freq_g 1}GHz ${color #c0ff3e}${execi 1 cat /sys/bus/pci/drivers/k8temp/0000:00:18.3/temp2_input | cut -c1,2}°C ${voffset -2}${font Bauhaus Md BT:bold:size=12}${color #FF0080}Core2: ${font Bauhaus Md BT:bold:size=10}$color$alignr${freq_g 2}GHz ${color #c0ff3e}${execi 1 cat /sys/bus/platform/drivers/it87/it87.3712/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input | cut -c1,2}°C $color
${cpugraph cpu1 30,145 FFFFCC ff4040} $alignr${cpugraph cpu2 30,145 FFFFCC ff4040}
${color #ffffff}${voffset -32} ${cpu cpu1}% ${cpu cpu2}% ${color #ff4500}
${voffset 10}${color #ffe7ba}Load: $color $loadavg ${color #ffe7ba} $alignr Processes: $color$running_processes/$processes
${voffset 4}${color #EFFBFB}${font KissMeKissMeKissMe:Bold:size=14}Fan Speed: ${color black}${font Famous Logos:size=23}z${voffset -2} ${font Distro Bats:size=37}x ${color #FF0080}${font Sawasdee:Bold:size=14}${execi 1 sensors | grep fan1 | cut -c11-18}/Sec
${voffset -18}${font Bauhaus Md BT:bold:size=14}${color #FF0080}Video Card:
${color #99CC32}${font Illustrate IT:size=33}R ${voffset -30}${color ivory}${font Bauhaus Md BT:bold:size=13}Temp:
${voffset 10}${font Bauhaus Md BT:bold:size=13}${color #FF0080}${execi 1 glxinfo | grep "OpenGL renderer" | cut -c 25-39}$color $font ${voffset -30}${color #FFFF99}${font weather:size=49}z
${voffset -39}${font Microsoft YaHei:bold:size=13}${color azure}2D/3D Clock: ${font Bauhaus Md BT:size=13}${color #c0ff3e}${execi 1 nvidia-settings -q GPUCurrentClockFreqs | grep "Attribute" | cut -d" " -f6 | tr -s "," "/" | tr -d "."
} MHz ${color snow}${execi 1 nvidia-settings -q gpucoretemp | grep "Attribute" | cut -d" " -f6 | cut -c -2} °C
${color #ffff00}${voffset -16}$alignr$memperc% ${voffset 2}
${color #c0ff3e}${font Bauhaus Md BT:Bold:size=12}HD Temp: ${color blanchedalmond}${hddtemp /dev/sda}
$color${diskiograph 16 FFFFCC CCCCFF}
${voffset -36}${color #99CC33}${font crystal-lightning:size=11}Reading: ${color #99CC33}$diskio_read$alignr${color ff4040}Writing: $color$diskio_write ${voffset 10}
${font Wingdings 3:regular:size=39}${color #bcee68}F${voffset -3}${font Bauhaus Md BT:size=16}${color mintcream} Network ${voffset -10}${color #EFFBEF}${font wmfood1:size=37}F ${voffset -11}${color #FBF5EF}${font fb_nyan:size=29}A
${voffset -16}${color #ffe7ba}${font Bauhaus Md BT:bold:size=11}WAN: $alignr$color${execi 900 wget -O - | tail}
${color #ffe7ba}${if_up wlan1}Wireless Mode: ${color}$alignr${wireless_mode wlan1}
${color #ffe7ba}Wireless Rate:${color white} ${wireless_bitrate wlan1} $alignr${color #0077ff}Link Quality: ${color white}${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan1}
${color #ffe7ba}IP Address:$color $alignr${addr wlan1}
${color #ffe7ba}Total: ${color white}${totaldown wlan1} ${alignr}${color #ffe7ba}Total: ${color white}${totalup wlan1}
${color #ffe7ba}Inbound: ${color white}${tcp_portmon 1 32767 count}$alignr${color #ffe7ba}Outbound: ${color white}${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 count}
${color #ffe7ba}${else}Wired IP Address: $alignr$color${addr eth1}
${voffset 30}${downspeedgraph eth1 30,151 CCFF66 556b2f} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth1 30,151 CCFF66 ff4040}
${voffset -66}${color #ff3399}${font Walt Disney Script v4.1:size=20}Down: ${color white}${downspeed eth1}k/s ${voffset -8}${color tomato}${font Distro Bats:size=26}F ${voffset 1}${color #9acd32}${font Walt Disney Script v4.1:size=20}Up: ${voffset 4}${color white}${upspeed eth1}k/s ${voffset -8}${color tomato}${font Distro Bats:size=26}D
${voffset 22}${font Bauhaus Md BT:bold:size=12}${color #ffe7ba}Total: ${color white}${totaldown eth1} ${alignr}${color #ffe7ba}Total: ${color white}${totalup eth1}
${voffset 2}${font Whethers:size=40}${color #CCFFFF}E ${voffset -8}${font Bauhaus Md BT:Bold:size=16}${color #99CC33}Local Weather
${voffset 5}${color white}${execi 900 python ~/conky/ --location=CHXX0072 --datatype=CN}
${voffset -10}${color}${hr 1}$color
${voffset -3}${font Weather:size=50}${color #FFFFCC}${execi 900 python ~/conky/ --location=CHXX0072 --datatype=WF}${font}${color}
${voffset 7}${font Bauhaus Md BT:size=12}${voffset -50}${offset 60}${execi 900 python ~/conky/ --location=CHXX0072 --datatype=LT}/${execi 900 python ~/conky/ --location=CHXX0072 --datatype=HT}
${offset 60}${execi 900 python ~/conky/ --location=CHXX0072 --datatype=BR}
${offset 60}${execi 900 python ~/conky/ --location=CHXX0072 --datatype=WS}km/h ${font Bauhaus Md BT:size=12}
${voffset -14}${font Bauhaus Md BT:Bold:size=12}${voffset -70}${offset 140}${execi 900 python ~/conky/ --location=CHXX0072 --datatype=DW --startday=1 --endday=3 --spaces=7 --shortweekday}
${offset 135}${voffset 5}${color white}${font Weather:size=27}${execi 900 python ~/conky/ --location=CHXX0072 --datatype=WF --startday=1 --endday=3 --spaces=2}${font}${color}
${offset 125}${color white}${font Weather:size=27}i${font}: ${voffset -3}${color #E0E0F8}${execi 900 python ~/conky/ --location=CHXX0072 --datatype=PC --startday=1 --endday=3 --spaces=14}
${offset 130}${color white}${font Weather:size=27}v${font}: ${voffset -3}${color #E0E0F8}${execi 900 python ~/conky/ --location=CHXX0072 --datatype=WS --startday=1 --endday=3 --spaces=12}
${font Bauhaus Md BT:size=12}${offset 180}${voffset -15}${color #E0E0F8}$font${offset 45}${voffset -2}${font Bauhaus Md BT:size=12}${color #E0E0F8}${offset 45}${font Bauhaus Md BT:size=12}${color #E0E0F8}${offset 45}${font Bauhaus Md BT:size=12}${color #E0E0F8}
${offset 130}${color #E0E0F8}${font Weather:size=20}z${font}: ${voffset -3}${color #E0E0F8}${execi 900 python ~/conky/ --location=CHXX0072 --datatype=HT --startday=1 --endday=3 --spaces=14}
${voffset -49}${font Bauhaus Md BT:size=12}${color #FFFACD}${execi 900 python ~/conky/ --location=CHXX0072 --datatype=CC}
${font Bauhaus Md BT:size=12}Humedad: ${color #FFFACD}${execi 900 python ~/conky/ --location=CHXX0072 --datatype=HM}
${voffset -7}${font Bauhaus Md BT:size=11}${voffset 5}${color #FFFACD}Sol: ${color}${execi 900 python ~/conky/ --location=CHXX0072 --datatype=SR}-${execi 900 python ~/conky/ --location=CHXX0072 --datatype=SS}

上次由 leepanasonic 在 2009-03-21 18:03,总共编辑 3 次。
帖子: 22110
注册时间: 2008-02-17 23:47
来自: 美丽富饶的那啥星球

Re: Show 出你们个性十足的Conky~~~


帖子 adagio » 2009-03-21 17:18


帖子: 2337
注册时间: 2008-12-19 13:44
来自: 东8区

Re: Show 出你们个性十足的Conky~~~


帖子 pcbird » 2009-03-21 17:41

lz你还是把conky设置为全屏好了。 :em99

代码: 全选

       \   ,__,
        \  (oo)____
           (__)    )\
              ||--|| *  
帖子: 13
注册时间: 2008-11-22 17:50

Re: Show 出你们个性十足的Conky~~~


帖子 leepanasonic » 2009-03-21 17:44

pcbird 写了:lz你还是把conky设置为全屏好了。 :em99
哦? 是不是太花了?
帖子: 2337
注册时间: 2008-12-19 13:44
来自: 东8区

Re: Show 出你们个性十足的Conky~~~


帖子 pcbird » 2009-03-21 17:46

自己喜欢就可以了,不必在意我的看法。 :em11

代码: 全选

       \   ,__,
        \  (oo)____
           (__)    )\
              ||--|| *  
帖子: 1025
注册时间: 2008-05-31 17:27
来自: SUES

Re: Show 出你们个性十足的Conky~~~


帖子 allarem » 2009-03-21 22:05


代码: 全选

#avoid flicker
double_buffer yes
override_utf8_locale yes

#own window to run simultanious 2 or more conkys
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type normal
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

minimum_size width 200

draw_borders no
border_margin 0

draw_shades yes
draw_outline no

gap_x 50
gap_y 5
alignment middle_right

update_interval 5


default_color 786E5B

own_window_colour 272521

use_xft yes
override_utf8_locale yes
xftfont wenquanyi:pixelsize=14

${color white}电池电量:${battery_percent}%
${color white}电池时间:$battery_time
${color white}CPU温度:${ibm_temps 0}
${color white}GPU温度:${ibm_temps 3}
${color white}风扇转速:${ibm_fan}RPM
帖子: 1025
注册时间: 2008-05-31 17:27
来自: SUES

Re: Show 出你们个性十足的Conky~~~


帖子 allarem » 2009-03-21 22:23

:em06 有米人啊……9600GT
帖子: 8078
注册时间: 2008-07-14 22:42
来自: Beijing

Re: Show 出你们个性十足的Conky~~~


帖子 想入非非 » 2009-03-21 23:58

conky这东西弄了几次不爽之后放弃了 :em20
Ubuntu User
帖子: 53
注册时间: 2007-11-07 19:41

Re: Show 出你们个性十足的Conky~~~


帖子 viiaan » 2009-03-22 3:31

挺好看 喜欢 有时间学习学习
帖子: 1025
注册时间: 2008-05-31 17:27
来自: SUES

Re: Show 出你们个性十足的Conky~~~


帖子 allarem » 2009-03-22 11:26

想入非非 写了:conky这东西弄了几次不爽之后放弃了 :em20
写过之后就会发现,这玩意还挺实用的,至少比gnome自带的好 :em11
帖子: 20
注册时间: 2009-03-21 11:22

Re: Show 出你们个性十足的Conky~~~


帖子 leawenle » 2009-03-23 21:39

帖子: 1026
注册时间: 2007-04-28 21:38

Re: Show 出你们个性十足的Conky~~~


帖子 aitilang » 2009-03-23 22:53

thinkpad x61 2G DDR no cdrom
帖子: 1026
注册时间: 2007-04-28 21:38

Re: Show 出你们个性十足的Conky~~~


帖子 aitilang » 2009-03-23 22:55

thinkpad x61 2G DDR no cdrom
帖子: 13
注册时间: 2008-11-22 17:50

Re: Show 出你们个性十足的Conky~~~


帖子 leepanasonic » 2009-03-23 22:59

这不是你自己写的吧 我在其他地方见过这个
帖子: 2371
注册时间: 2008-07-21 9:44
来自: 深圳

Re: Show 出你们个性十足的Conky~~~


帖子 Jarson » 2009-03-23 23:00

13L不错,如果是在笔记本上这样弄就比较有意思了,这位仁兄可否分享一下配置过程 :em06