vmware server2.0创建完虚拟机.添加新硬盘的错误

Kvm、VMware、Virtualbox、Xen、Qemu 等
帖子: 339
注册时间: 2007-11-13 18:40

vmware server2.0创建完虚拟机.添加新硬盘的错误


帖子 airmy » 2009-06-27 19:35

The server is not responding.

The server cannot be reached or it is not responding in a timely fashion.Your network connection to the server may be down or congested, or theserver may be too busy to respond promptly. If this problem persists,please contact your system administrator.

"Reconfigure Virtual Machine" failed to complete

If these problems persist, please contact your system administrator.
Incompatible device backing specified for device '0'.

各位这是什么问题?怎么解决啊?vmware server2是不是必须要安装java啊.而且这个错误不是每次都出现.有时就会出现.必须说我要新添加一块3G的硬盘空间,过一会就会出现。但是我看文件夹虚拟的文件已经出来了.出来这个错误我只能关闭整个窗口.点OK没有用啊

:em19 :em25 :em21
帖子: 339
注册时间: 2007-11-13 18:40

Re: vmware server2.0创建完虚拟机.添加新硬盘的错误


帖子 airmy » 2009-06-28 11:04

没人帮忙啊 :em20