
帖子: 627
注册时间: 2008-11-08 18:34



帖子 gzbao9999 » 2009-10-08 11:28

所有的term :(xterm roxterm aterm)
帖子: 30702
注册时间: 2007-02-02 18:14
系统: debian sid

Re: fvwm问题


帖子 leeaman » 2009-10-08 11:39

醉了星星,醉月亮●●●●●The Long Way To Go(*^_^*)
帖子: 627
注册时间: 2008-11-08 18:34

Re: fvwm问题


帖子 gzbao9999 » 2009-10-08 11:44

帖子: 30702
注册时间: 2007-02-02 18:14
系统: debian sid

Re: fvwm问题


帖子 leeaman » 2009-10-08 11:54

醉了星星,醉月亮●●●●●The Long Way To Go(*^_^*)
帖子: 627
注册时间: 2008-11-08 18:34

Re: fvwm问题


帖子 gzbao9999 » 2009-10-08 12:29

:em06 就f.menu里面
加了些Exec exec xterm之类的,就没别的了

SetEnv fvwm $[HOME]/.fvwm/
SetEnv thumbnail $[fvwm]thumbnail/
Read f.menu
Read f.pager
Read f.style
Read f.function
Read f.ButtonStyle
Read f.Mouse
Read f.thumbnail

EwmhBaseStruts 0 0 0 0

#使用EdgeScroll命令禁止flipping pages(鼠标不会因为接近屏幕边缘而进入相近的桌面)
#EdgeScroll 0 0

# 用来设定桌面的大小,这里只设置了一个桌面,但是有8页
DeskTopSize 3x3

# 这里是FVWM的启动函数,加载一些模块
AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Module FvwmPager
+ I Exec exec fvwm-root -r /home/vava/fish.png #墙纸路径
+ I Exec exec trayer --edge bottom --align right --widthtype request --height 24 --SetDockType true --transparent true --alpha 255 --expand true &
+ I Exec exec conky &
+ I Exec exec xclock -g +0-0 -bg black -fg white -update 30 -padding 1 -d -strftime '%H:%M' -face 'Digital:size=11'&
# 下面是FVWM的退出函数,你可以在这里加入一些FVWM退出时要执行的打操作
AddToFunc ExitFunction
+ I Exec exec killall trayer
+ I Exec exec killall conky
+ I Exec exec killall xclock

MenuStyle * PopupOffset +0 100, PopupDelay 200
MenuStyle * Hilight3DOff, HilightBack #424164, ActiveFore white
Colorset 0 Transparent,fg white
MenuStyle * MenuColorset 0 #实现伪透明
MenuStyle * Foreground grey90 #前景色
MenuStyle * Background #1c5572 #背景色
MenuStyle * BorderWidth 1, TitleUnderlines1, SeparatorsLong, TrianglesSolid
MenuStyle * ItemFormat "%.2|%.5i%.5l%.5i%2.3>%2|"
MenuStyle * AutomaticHotKeys
MenuStyle * MenuFace VGradient 128 1 #2c80A0 1 #1c5572
ColormapFocus FollowsFocus

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmRoot
AddToMenu MenuFvwmRoot
+ "Aterm" Exec exec aterm
+ "Rxvt" Exec exec rxvt
+ "Roxterm" Exec exec roxterm
+ "Home" Exec exec rox
+ "Downloads" Exec exec rox ~/Downloads
+ "Xterm" Exec exec xterm
+ "Chrome" Exec exec /home/vava/chrome-linux/chrome
+ "leafpad" Exec exec leafpad
+ "pidgin" Exec exec pidgin
+ "Gimp" Exec exec gimp
+ "" Nop
+ "Net" Popup MenuInternet
+ "多媒体" Popup MenuMultimedia
+ "编程" Popup project
+ "DIY fvwm" Popup DIYMenu
+ "" Nop
+ "退出" Popup MenuQuit-Verify

DestroyMenu MenuInternet
AddToMenu MenuInternet
+ "Firefox" Exec exec firefox
+ "chrome" Exec exec /home/vava/downloads/chrome-linux/chrome
+ "Chrome-flash" Exec exec /home/vava/downloads/chrome-linux/chrome --enable-plugins
+ "QQ" Exec exec qq
+ "pidgin" Exec exec pidgin

DestroyMenu MenuMultimedia
AddToMenu MenuMultimedia
+ "smplayer" Exec exec smplayer
+ "music" Exec exec music
+ "audacious" Exec exec audacious
+ "" nop
+ "迅雷" Exec exec wine /home/vava/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Thunder/Thunder.exe
+ "" nop
+ "Gimp" Exec exec gimp

DestroyMenu project
AddToMenu project
+ "eclipse" Exec exec /home/vava/goto/project/eclipse
+ "mysql" Exec exec mysql /home/vava/goto/project/mysql
+ "tomcat-start" Exec exec /home/vava/goto/project/tomcat-start
+ "tomcat-stop" Exec exec /home/vava/goto/project/tomcat-stop

DestroyMenu DIYMenu
AddToMenu DIYMenu
+ "config" Exec exec leafpad ~/.fvwm/config
+ "f.menu" Exec exec leafpad ~/.fvwm/f.menu
+ "f.style" Exec exec leafpad ~/.fvwm/f.style
+ "f.Mouse" Exec exec leafpad ~/.fvwm/f.Mouse
+ "f.ButtonStyle" Exec exec leafpad ~/.fvwm/f.ButtonStyle
+ "f.function" Exec exec leafpad ~/.fvwm/f.function

DestroyMenu MenuQuit-Verify
AddToMenu MenuQuit-Verify
+ "Restart FVWM ..." Restart
+ "Exit FVWM Now... " Quit
+ "Power Off" Exec exec sys_shutdown
+ "Reboot" Exec exec sys_reboot

#+ "Power Off" Exec exec /sbin/halt -p
#+ "Reset" Exec exec /sbin/reboot
#+ "&Lock Screen" Exec exec #xscreensaver-command -lock

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmConfig
AddToMenu MenuFvwmConfig
+ "FvwmConsole" Module FvwmConsole -terminal rxvt
+ "Colour Browser" Exec exec gcolor
+ "Edit fvwm2rc" Exec exec gvim -geom 115x46 ~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc
+ "R&efresh" Refresh
+ "&Xkill" Pick Destroy
+ "Configure Screensaver..." Exec exec xscreensaver

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps
AddToMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps
+ "Layer++" Pick Layer 1
+ "Layer--" Pick Layer -1
+ "Layer" Pick Layer
+ "" Nop
+ "Lower" Pick Lower
+ "Resize" Pick Resize
+ "Shade" Pick WindowShade Toggle
+ "" Nop
+ "Stick" Pick Stick
+ "Scroll" Pick Module FvwmScroll
+ "Refresh" Pick RefreshWindow
+ "" Nop
+ "Identify" Pick Module FvwmIdent
+ "Zoom" Pick Exec exec xmag -source $[w.width]x$[w.height]+$[w.x]+$[w.y] -mag 2
+ "" Nop
+ "Close" Close
+ "Destroy" Destroy

PipeRead "echo *FvwmPager: Geometry 150x80-1-24"

FvwmPager: Hilight3DOff, HilightBack #424164, ActiveFore white
Colorset 0 Transparent
*FvwmPager: MiniIcons
*FvwmPager: Font none
*FvwmPager: WindowBorderWidth 0
*FvwmPager: Window3DBorders
*FvwmPager: ShowTips
*FvwmPager: FocusFore cornsilk
*FvwmPager: UseSkipList

*FvwmPager: Colorset * 41 #前景色
*FvwmPager: HilightColorset * 42 #背景色

*FvwmPager: WindowColorsets $[cs-panel-wininactive] $[cs-panel-winactive]

Style FvwmPager NoTitle, !Handles, !Borders, Sticky, WindowListSkip, \
CirculateSkip, StaysOnBottom, FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable

DesktopSize 3x3

Style "MyDock" !Title, !Handles, Sticky, WindowListSkip, \
CirculateSkip, BorderWidth 0, HandleWidth 0
DestroyModuleConfig MyDock: *
*MyDock: ButtonGeometry 64x64-1+0
*MyDock: Columns 1
*MyDock: Frame 0
*MyDock: (Frame 0 ,Swallow "wmcalclock" 'Exec wmcalclock -24 -b 100')


style * SloppyFocus
style * NoPPosition
style * Colorset 42, HilightColorset 41 # to use fg and bg #前景色和后景色
MenuStyle * Font "xft:WenQuanYi Micro Hei:size=11"
style * Font "xft:WenQuanYi Micro Hei Light:size=11"
Style * Button 1, Button 2, Button 4, Button 6, Button 8, GrabFocusOff #标题栏上显示的按钮
Style * BorderWidth 0, HandleWidth 2
Style * NoIcon
Style * IndexedIconName
Style * MinOverlapPercentPlacement
Style * MinOverlapPercentPlacementPenalties 2 5 1 2 0.5 50
Style * ResizeOutLine
Style * MouseFocusClickRaises
Style * TileCascadePlacement #窗口出现的时候,先试图找一个可以放下它而不挡住其它窗口的地方,如果不行再采用层叠放置的方式
Style * DecorateTransient

Style "Fvwm*" NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip

Style "Fvwm*" BorderWidth 0, CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip

Style trayer NoTitle,!Handles
Style xclock NoTitle,!Handles,StaysOnTop,Sticky,WindowListSkip

Colorset 0 fg #ffffff, fgsh #000000, bg #f6f6f6, sh #6e90b3, hi #91b6db, Translucent #283e5e 80
Colorset 1 fg #000000, fgsh #b5b7b8, bg #ffffff, hi #ffffff, sh #9a9a9a, Translucent #dce0e7 70
Colorset 3 fg #9aafbf, bg #000000, fgsh #000000, NoShape, RootTransparent, Tint #283e5e 70
Colorset 4 fg #ffffff, bg #000000, fgsh #000000, Noshape, RootTransparent, Tint #101f36 70

#41得bg决定了title button的背景色 fg决定了title bar的颜色(窗口focus时)
#42得bg决定了title button的背景色 fg决定了title bar的颜色(窗口lose focus时)
Colorset 41 RootTransparent buffer, fg white, bg black, Tint cyan 15, bgTint cyan 15 # tint is optional
Colorset 42 RootTransparent buffer, fg black, bg #969696, Tint blut 15, bgTint blut 15 # tint is optional

#BorderStyle Inactive Colorset 42 -- flat
#BorderStyle Active Colorset 41 -- flat
#TitleStyle AllInactive Colorset 42 -- flat
#TitleStyle AllActive Colorset 41 -- flat

DestroyFunc FuncFvwmFocusPolicyChange
AddToFunc FuncFvwmFocusPolicyChange
+ I Style * $0
+ I Recapture

DestroyFunc DestroyOnHold
AddToFunc DestroyOnHold I Raise
+ C Schedule 50 Close
+ H Destroy

AddToFunc Move-or-Raise I Raise
+ M Move
+ D Maximize 100 100
#+ D WindowShade Toggle

AddToFunc Maximize-Func M Maximize 0 100
+ C Maximize 0 80
+ D Maximize 100 100

AddToFunc Move-or-Iconify I Raise
+ M Move
+ D Iconify

AddToFunc Resize-or-Raise I Raise
+ M Resize
+ D Lower

AddToFunc StartFunction I FvwmEvent FvwmEvent-NewWindow

*FvwmEvent-NewWindow: add_window FuncFocusWindow
DestroyFunc FuncFocusWindow
AddToFunc FuncFocusWindow
+ I Focus
+ I WarpToWindow 50 50

DestroyFunc FuncFullScreen
AddtoFunc FuncFullScreen
+ I Current (Maximizable, HasHandles,!FixedSize) FuncDoFullScreen Break
+ I Current (FixedSize, Maximized) FuncUnFullScreen

DestroyFunc FuncDoFullScreen
AddtoFunc FuncDoFullScreen
+ I WindowStyle NoTitle,HandleWidth 0,FixedSize,FixedPosition
+ I Current (!Maximized) Maximize
+ I Layer 7 ontop
+ I ResizeMaximize 100 100

DestroyFunc FuncUnFullScreen
AddtoFunc FuncUnFullScreen
+ I DestroyWindowStyle
+ I Layer default
+ I Maximize

TitleStyle Height 20 -- Flat

ButtonStyle All Simple -- UseTitleStyle
ButtonStyle All -- Flat

AddButtonStyle 1 \
ActiveUp (Pixmap menu.png -- flat) \
ActiveDown (Pixmap menu.png -- flat) \
Inactive (Pixmap menu.png -- flat)

AddButtonStyle 2 \
ActiveUp (Pixmap close.png -- flat) \
ActiveDown (Pixmap close.png -- flat) \
Inactive (Pixmap close.png -- flat)
AddButtonStyle 4 \
ActiveUp (Pixmap max.png -- flat) \
ActiveDown (Pixmap max.png -- flat) \
Inactive (Pixmap max.png -- flat)
AddButtonStyle 6 \
ActiveUp (Pixmap min.png -- flat) \
ActiveDown (Pixmap min.png -- flat) \
Inactive (Pixmap min.png -- flat)
AddButtonStyle 8 \
ActiveUp (Pixmap min.png -- flat) \
ActiveDown (Pixmap min.png -- flat) \
Inactive (Pixmap min.png -- flat)

ButtonStyle 2 Inactive Vector 4 30x30@3 60x60@3 60x30@4 30x60@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle 4 Inactive Vector 7 30x30@3 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x30@3 30x30@3 30x35@3 60x35@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle 6 Inactive Vector 5 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x50@3 30x50@3 30x60@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle 8 Inactive Vector 5 50x30@3 50x70@3 40x50@3 50x70@4 60x50@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle 1 Inactive Vector 4 50x30@3 50x70@3 30x50@4 70x50@3 -- Flat

ButtonStyle 2 active Vector 4 30x30@3 60x60@3 60x30@4 30x60@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle 4 active Vector 7 30x30@3 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x30@3 30x30@3 30x35@3 60x35@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle 6 active Vector 5 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x50@3 30x50@3 30x60@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle 8 active Vector 5 50x30@3 50x70@3 40x50@3 50x70@4 60x50@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle 1 active Vector 4 50x30@3 50x70@3 30x50@4 70x50@3 -- Flat

Mouse 1 R A Nop

Mouse 3 R A WindowList

Mouse 1 1 A Menu MenuFvwmWindowOps Nop

Mouse 1 8 A Lower

Mouse 1 2 A Close

#Mouse 1 6 A Iconify

Mouse 1 6 A Thumbnail
Mouse 1 I A DeThumbnail

Mouse 3 T A WindowShade

Mouse 1 4 A Maximize
Mouse 1 R A Menu MenuFvwmRoot
Mouse 1 T A Move-or-Raise
#Mouse 1 I A Move-or-Iconify
Mouse 1 W M Move-or-Raise

Key F10 W M Maximize
Key F10 F M Maximize
Key F10 S M Maximize
Key F10 T M Maximize

Key F9 W M Thumbnail
Key F9 F M Thumbnail
Key F9 S M Thumbnail
Key F9 T M Thumbnail

#Key F9 W M Iconify
#Key F9 F M Iconify
#Key F9 S M Iconify
#Key F9 T M Iconify

Key F11 W M FuncFullScreen
Key F11 F M FuncFullScreen
Key F11 S M FuncFullScreen
Key F11 T M FuncFullScreen

Key F8 W M Move
Key F8 F M Move
Key F8 S M Move
Key F8 T M Move

Key Up A M Exec exec amixer set PCM 2%+
Key Down A M Exec exec amixer set PCM 2%-

Key Super_R A N WindowList
Key Super_L A N Menu MenuFvwmRoot
Key Print A N Exec exec scrot

Key Right A C Scroll 100 0
Key Left A C Scroll -100 0
Key Down A C Scroll 0 100
Key Up A C Scroll 0 -100

key F2 A 4 Menu MenuFvwmRoot
key Super_L A 4 Pop MenuFvwmRoot

Key Win_R R A WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort
Key F4 A M Pick Close
Key X A 4 Pick Destroy

Key L A 4 Exec exec xscreensaver-command --lock
Key I A 4 All (AcceptsFocus CurrentPage !Iconic !Shaded) Thumbnail
Key X A CM Exec exec xmag
Key F4 A CM Quit
Key R A CM Restart

#Style * IconBox 20x700+20+50, IconGrid 0 0, IconFill left top
Style * IconBox 260x700+20+50, IconGrid 20 20, IconFill top left
SetEnv fvwm_icon_size 100
DestroyFunc Thumbnail
AddToFunc Thumbnail
+ I Raise

+ I WindowStyle NoActiveIconOverride
+ I Exec exec echo id=$[w.id] > ${thumbnail}/w.info
+ I Exec exec echo name=$[w.name] >> ${thumbnail}/w.info
+ I Exec exec echo iconname=$[w.iconname] >> ${thumbnail}/w.info
+ I Exec exec echo miniiconfile=$[w.miniiconfile] >> ${thumbnail}/w.info
+ I Exec exec echo class=$[w.class] >> ${thumbnail}/w.info
+ I Exec exec echo resource=$[w.resource] >> ${thumbnail}/w.info

+ I ThisWindow (!Shaded Iconifiable !Iconic) PipeRead "${fvwm}/creat-thumb-with-icon.bash $[w.id] $[w.class] && echo WindowStyle IconOverride, Icon ${thumbnail}/thumbnail.$[w.id].png"
+ I Iconify
+ I Exec mpg321 ${fvwm}/mp3/ballon.mp3

DestroyFunc DeThumbnail
AddToFunc DeThumbnail
+ I Exec exec rm -f ${thumbnail}/thumbnail.$[w.id].png
+ I Raise
+ I WarpToWindow 50 50
+ I Iconify off
+ I Exec exec mpg321 ${fvwm}/mp3/chimes.mp3

Style * !IconTitle, IconTitleRelief 0, IndexedIconName, IconBackgroundPadding 0, IconBackgroundRelief 0
帖子: 30702
注册时间: 2007-02-02 18:14
系统: debian sid

Re: fvwm问题


帖子 leeaman » 2009-10-08 12:37

醉了星星,醉月亮●●●●●The Long Way To Go(*^_^*)
帖子: 5776
注册时间: 2007-09-29 3:09

Re: fvwm问题


帖子 HuntXu » 2009-10-08 14:11

HUNT Unfortunately No Talent...
帖子: 627
注册时间: 2008-11-08 18:34

Re: fvwm问题


帖子 gzbao9999 » 2009-10-08 18:25

HuntXu 写了:很正常的...为了保证宽度和高度刚好你使用的字体的宽度和高度的整倍数就会这样...

ee快来阿。。 :em28
帖子: 578
注册时间: 2008-11-29 22:56
来自: Guangdong Pharmaceutical University

Re: fvwm问题


帖子 tregedie » 2009-10-08 18:28

leeaman 写了:找ee~~~
帖子: 58428
注册时间: 2005-08-14 21:55
来自: 长沙

Re: fvwm问题


帖子 eexpress » 2009-10-08 18:34

● 鸣学
帖子: 627
注册时间: 2008-11-08 18:34

Re: fvwm问题


帖子 gzbao9999 » 2009-10-08 19:40

eexpress 写了:没仔细看。你把那些自定义的最大化函数去掉。直接maxium嘛。在切换decor,改变windowstyle之间,可能导致尺寸问题的啊。
maxium 有这个函数吗?
我把配置文件只留config f.menu f.Mouse (这几个文件里没自定义函数:也不对就config里有StartFunction和ExitFunction函数)
用Mouse 1 4 A Maximize

帖子: 58428
注册时间: 2005-08-14 21:55
来自: 长沙

Re: fvwm问题


帖子 eexpress » 2009-10-08 20:09


● 鸣学