
帖子: 12
注册时间: 2007-09-21 12:03



帖子 dongle2001 » 2007-09-29 16:59

dl@ubuntu:~/Desktop/old/qsopcast-0.3.5/src$ qmake
dl@ubuntu:~/Desktop/old/qsopcast-0.3.5/src$ make
g++ -c -pipe -Wall -W -O2 -D_REENTRANT -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -I/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default -I. -I. -I/usr/share/qt3/include -I.moc/ -o .obj/channel.o channel.cpp
在包含自 channel.cpp:21 的文件中:
header.h:4:26: 错误: qapplication.h:No such file or directory
header.h:5:24: 错误: qtabwidget.h:No such file or directory
header.h:6:19: 错误: qvbox.h:No such file or directory
header.h:7:19: 错误: qhbox.h:No such file or directory
header.h:8:23: 错误: qlistview.h:No such file or directory
header.h:9:20: 错误: qlabel.h:No such file or directory
header.h:10:21: 错误: qslider.h:No such file or directory
header.h:11:25: 错误: qpushbutton.h:No such file or directory
header.h:12:23: 错误: qlineedit.h:No such file or directory
header.h:13:19: 错误: qhttp.h:No such file or directory
header.h:14:21: 错误: qbuffer.h:No such file or directory
header.h:15:21: 错误: qregexp.h:No such file or directory
header.h:16:22: 错误: qprocess.h:No such file or directory
header.h:17:24: 错误: qstatusbar.h:No such file or directory
header.h:18:20: 错误: qtimer.h:No such file or directory
header.h:19:23: 错误: qsettings.h:No such file or directory
header.h:20:22: 错误: qpalette.h:No such file or directory
header.h:21:29: 错误: qsocketnotifier.h:No such file or directory
header.h:22:21: 错误: qsocket.h:No such file or directory
header.h:23:22: 错误: qmenubar.h:No such file or directory
header.h:24:26: 错误: qradiobutton.h:No such file or directory
header.h:25:25: 错误: qmessagebox.h:No such file or directory
header.h:26:18: 错误: qdom.h:No such file or directory
header.h:27:25: 错误: qtoolbutton.h:No such file or directory
header.h:28:23: 错误: qptrlist.h:No such file or directory
在包含自 channel.cpp:25 的文件中:
config.h:4:21: 错误: qdialog.h:No such file or directory
channel.h:14: 错误: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
channel.h:15: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘Q_OBJECT’
channel.h:16: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘public’
channel.h:24: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘QValueList’
channel.h:24: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token
channel.h:25: 错误: ‘QString’ 未声明
channel.h:25: 错误: ‘QString’ 未声明
channel.h:25: 错误: ‘QString’ 未声明
channel.h:28: 错误: ‘QMouseEvent’ 未声明
channel.h:38: 错误: expected `:' before ‘slots’
channel.h:39: 错误: expected primary-expression before ‘void’
channel.h:39: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘slots’
channel.h:39: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘void’
channel.h:40: 错误: ‘QListViewItem’ 未声明
channel.h:40: 错误: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
channel.h:40: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘QPoint’
channel.h:41: 错误: ‘QListViewItem’ 未声明
channel.h:45: 错误: expected `:' before ‘slots’
channel.h:46: 错误: expected primary-expression before ‘void’
channel.h:46: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘slots’
channel.h:46: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘void’
mainwindow.h:20: 错误: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
mainwindow.h:21: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘Q_OBJECT’
mainwindow.h:22: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘public’
mainwindow.h:41: 错误: ‘QKeyEvent’ 未声明
mainwindow.h:43: 错误: expected `:' before ‘slots’
mainwindow.h:44: 错误: expected primary-expression before ‘void’
mainwindow.h:44: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘slots’
mainwindow.h:44: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘void’
mylistitem.h:7: 错误: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
mylistitem.h:9: 错误: expected `)' before ‘*’ token
mylistitem.h:14: 错误: expected `)' before ‘*’ token
mylistitem.h:19: 错误: expected `)' before ‘*’ token
mylistitem.h:25: 错误: expected `)' before ‘*’ token
mylistitem.h:32: 错误: ‘QColor’ 没有命名一个类型
mylistitem.h:33: 错误: ‘QColor’ 没有命名一个类型
mylistitem.h:38: 错误: ‘QPainter’ 未声明
mylistitem.h:38: 错误: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
mylistitem.h:39: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘QColorGroup’
mylistitem.h:56: 错误: ‘QListViewItem’ 未声明
mylistitem.h: In member function ‘void MyListItem::paintCell(int*, int)’:
mylistitem.h:40: 错误: expected `;' before ‘_cg’
mylistitem.h:40: 警告: statement 不起作用
mylistitem.h:42: 错误: ‘_cg’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
mylistitem.h:42: 错误: ‘QColorGroup’ is not a class or namespace
mylistitem.h:42: 错误: ‘bcolor’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
mylistitem.h:43: 错误: ‘QColorGroup’ is not a class or namespace
mylistitem.h:43: 错误: ‘fcolor’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
mylistitem.h:45: 错误: ‘QListViewItem’ 未声明
mylistitem.h:45: 错误: ‘column’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
mylistitem.h:45: 错误: ‘width’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
mylistitem.h:45: 错误: ‘alignment’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
mylistitem.h: In member function ‘int MyListItem::compare(int*, int, bool) const’:
mylistitem.h:64: 错误: ‘text’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
mylistitem.h:64: 错误: 对成员 ‘text’ 的请求出现在 ‘* i’ 中,而后者具有非类类型 ‘int’
mylistitem.h:65: 错误: ‘QListViewItem’ 未声明
config.h: At global scope:
config.h:9: 错误: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
config.h:10: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘Q_OBJECT’
config.h:11: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘public’
config.h:23: 错误: expected `:' before ‘slots’
config.h:24: 错误: expected primary-expression before ‘void’
config.h:24: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘slots’
config.h:24: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘void’
mylabel.h:8: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QLabel’
config.h:7: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QLabel’
mylabel.h:10: 错误: expected `)' before ‘*’ token
mylabel.h:12: 错误: ‘QMouseEvent’ 未声明
menubar.h:12: 错误: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
menubar.h:13: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘Q_OBJECT’
menubar.h:14: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘public’
menubar.h:29: 错误: expected `:' before ‘slots’
menubar.h:30: 错误: expected primary-expression before ‘void’
menubar.h:30: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘slots’
menubar.h:30: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘void’
menubar.h:32: 错误: expected `:' before ‘slots’
menubar.h:33: 错误: expected primary-expression before ‘void’
menubar.h:33: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘slots’
menubar.h:33: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘void’
./myhbox.h:9: 错误: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
./myhbox.h:11: 错误: expected `)' before ‘*’ token
./myhbox.h:16: 错误: ‘QString’ 没有命名一个类型
pageplay.h:13: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘Q_OBJECT’
pageplay.h:14: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘public’
pageplay.h:20: 错误: ‘QString’ 没有命名一个类型
pageplay.h:21: 错误: ‘QString’ 没有命名一个类型
pageplay.h:22: 错误: ‘QString’ 没有命名一个类型
pageplay.h:28: 错误: expected `:' before ‘slots’
pageplay.h:29: 错误: expected primary-expression before ‘void’
pageplay.h:29: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘slots’
pageplay.h:29: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘void’
pageplay.h:32: 错误: expected `:' before ‘slots’
pageplay.h:33: 错误: expected primary-expression before ‘void’
pageplay.h:33: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘slots’
pageplay.h:33: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘void’
record.h:16: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘Q_OBJECT’
record.h:17: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘public’
record.h:22: 错误: 字段 ‘channelurl’ 类型不完全
record.h:23: 错误: 字段 ‘channelname’ 类型不完全
record.h:24: 错误: 字段 ‘channeltype’ 类型不完全
record.h:32: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘QTimer’
record.h:32: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
record.h:33: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘QTimer’
record.h:33: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
record.h:35: 错误: expected `:' before ‘slots’
record.h:36: 错误: expected primary-expression before ‘void’
record.h:36: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘slots’
record.h:36: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘void’
tabwidget.h:12: 错误: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
tabwidget.h:13: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘Q_OBJECT’
tabwidget.h:14: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘public’
tabwidget.h:17: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘QPtrList’
tabwidget.h:17: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token
tabwidget.h:18: 错误: ‘QWidget’ 未声明
tabwidget.h:20: 错误: ‘QWidget’ 未声明
tabwidget.h:26: 错误: ‘QMouseEvent’ 未声明
tabwidget.h:28: 错误: expected `:' before ‘slots’
tabwidget.h:29: 错误: expected primary-expression before ‘void’
tabwidget.h:29: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘slots’
tabwidget.h:29: 错误: expected ‘;’ before ‘void’
tabwidget.h:33: 错误: ‘QWidget’ 未声明
tabwidget.h:19: 错误: 类型为 ‘QString’ 的形参的默认实参却有类型 ‘const char [4]’
channel.cpp:35: 错误: expected `)' before ‘*’ token
channel.cpp: In destructor ‘Channel::~Channel()’:
channel.cpp:86: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QBuffer’
channel.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QBuffer’
channel.cpp:87: 警告: 检测到调用 delete 运算符时可能出现的问题:
channel.cpp:87: 警告: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QBuffer’
channel.h:9: 警告: forward declaration of ‘struct QBuffer’
channel.cpp:87: 附注: 析构函数和类特定的 delete 运算符均不会被调用,即使它们在类定义时已经声明。
channel.cpp: At global scope:
channel.cpp:93: 错误: 成员函数 ‘void Channel::onListItemClicked(QListViewItem*)’ 未在类 ‘Channel’ 中声明
mainwindow.h: In member function ‘void Channel::onListItemClicked(QListViewItem*)’:
mainwindow.h:31: 错误: ‘TabWidget* MainWindow::tabwidget’ 是私有的
channel.cpp:95: 错误: 在此上下文中
channel.cpp:95: 错误: ‘class TabWidget’ 没有名为 ‘currentPage’ 的成员
mainwindow.h:31: 错误: ‘TabWidget* MainWindow::tabwidget’ 是私有的
channel.cpp:97: 错误: 在此上下文中
channel.cpp:97: 错误: ‘class TabWidget’ 没有名为 ‘currentPage’ 的成员
mainwindow.h:31: 错误: ‘TabWidget* MainWindow::tabwidget’ 是私有的
channel.cpp:100: 错误: 在此上下文中
channel.cpp:100: 错误: ‘class TabWidget’ 没有名为 ‘currentPage’ 的成员
channel.cpp: At global scope:
channel.cpp:107: 错误: 成员函数 ‘void Channel::onButtonChannelToggled(bool)’ 未在类 ‘Channel’ 中声明
channel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channel::onButtonChannelToggled(bool)’:
channel.cpp:111: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QBuffer’
channel.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QBuffer’
channel.cpp:113: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QProcess’
channel.h:11: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QProcess’
channel.cpp:114: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QProcess’
channel.h:11: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QProcess’
channel.cpp:115: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QProcess’
channel.h:11: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QProcess’
mainwindow.h:30: 错误: ‘Config* MainWindow::vboxconfig’ 是私有的
channel.cpp:115: 错误: 在此上下文中
config.h:17: 错误: ‘QLineEdit* Config::editchannelurl’ 是私有的
channel.cpp:115: 错误: 在此上下文中
channel.cpp:115: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QLineEdit’
mainwindow.h:7: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QLineEdit’
channel.cpp:116: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QProcess’
channel.h:11: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QProcess’
channel.cpp:117: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QProcess’
channel.h:11: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QProcess’
channel.cpp:118: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QProcess’
channel.h:11: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QProcess’
channel.cpp:123: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QProcess’
channel.h:11: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QProcess’
channel.cpp:124: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QProcess’
channel.h:11: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QProcess’
channel.cpp:125: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QProcess’
channel.h:11: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QProcess’
mainwindow.h:25: 错误: ‘QToolButton* MainWindow::buttonchannel’ 是私有的
channel.cpp:127: 错误: 在此上下文中
channel.cpp:127: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QToolButton’
mainwindow.h:6: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QToolButton’
channel.cpp:127: 错误: ‘Qt’ 未声明
channel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channel::wgetStdout()’:
channel.cpp:135: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QBuffer’
channel.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QBuffer’
channel.cpp:135: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QProcess’
channel.h:11: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QProcess’
channel.cpp:136: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QBuffer’
channel.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QBuffer’
mainwindow.h:25: 错误: ‘QToolButton* MainWindow::buttonchannel’ 是私有的
channel.cpp:142: 错误: 在此上下文中
channel.cpp:142: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QToolButton’
mainwindow.h:6: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QToolButton’
channel.cpp:142: 错误: ‘QColor’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
mainwindow.h: In member function ‘void Channel::onWgetExit()’:
mainwindow.h:25: 错误: ‘QToolButton* MainWindow::buttonchannel’ 是私有的
channel.cpp:151: 错误: 在此上下文中
channel.cpp:151: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QToolButton’
mainwindow.h:6: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QToolButton’
channel.cpp:158: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QBuffer’
channel.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QBuffer’
channel.cpp:159: 错误: ‘QDomDocument’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:159: 错误: expected `;' before ‘doc’
channel.cpp:160: 错误: ‘doc’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:167: 错误: ‘clear’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:179: 错误: ‘QDomNode’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:179: 错误: expected `;' before ‘group’
channel.cpp:180: 错误: ‘group’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:182: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:183: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:185: 错误: expected `;' before ‘channelnode’
channel.cpp:186: 错误: ‘channelnode’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:191: 错误: new initializer 表达式列表被看作复合表达式
channel.cpp:191: 警告: left-hand operand of comma 不起作用
channel.cpp:191: 错误: 对 ‘MyListItem::MyListItem(MyListItem*&)’ 的调用没有匹配的函数
mylistitem.h:7: 附注: 备选为: MyListItem::MyListItem()
mylistitem.h:7: 附注: MyListItem::MyListItem(const MyListItem&)
channel.cpp:192: 错误: expected `;' before ‘namenode’
channel.cpp:193: 错误: ‘namenode’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:196: 错误: ‘class MyListItem’ 没有名为 ‘setText’ 的成员
channel.cpp:200: 错误: ‘class MyListItem’ 没有名为 ‘setText’ 的成员
channel.cpp:209: 错误: ‘class MyListItem’ 没有名为 ‘text’ 的成员
channel.cpp:218: 错误: ‘class MyListItem’ 没有名为 ‘text’ 的成员
channel.cpp:219: 错误: ‘class MyListItem’ 没有名为 ‘text’ 的成员
mainwindow.h:29: 错误: ‘MenuBar* MainWindow::menubar’ 是私有的
channel.cpp:233: 错误: 在此上下文中
menubar.h:23: 错误: ‘int MenuBar::color_column’ 是私有的
channel.cpp:233: 错误: 在此上下文中
channel.cpp:236: 错误: ‘firstChild’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:237: 错误: ‘childCount’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:237: 错误: ‘stateopen’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:241: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:241: 错误: ‘TRUE’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:242: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp: At global scope:
channel.cpp:249: 错误: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token
channel.cpp:249: 错误: ISO C++ 不允许声明无类型的 ‘QPoint’
channel.cpp:249: 错误: ‘void Channel::onRightButtonClicked(QListViewItem*, int)’ 的原型不匹配类 ‘Channel’ 中的任何一个
channel.h:40: 错误: 备选为:void Channel::onRightButtonClicked(int*, int)
channel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channel::onRightButtonClicked(QListViewItem*, int)’:
channel.cpp:252: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:253: 错误: ‘class MyLabel’ 没有名为 ‘move’ 的成员
channel.cpp:253: 错误: ‘pos’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:255: 错误: ‘class MyLabel’ 没有名为 ‘setText’ 的成员
channel.cpp:257: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:260: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:261: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:263: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:264: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:265: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:266: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:268: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:269: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:270: 错误: ‘class MyLabel’ 没有名为 ‘adjustSize’ 的成员
channel.cpp:271: 错误: ‘class MyLabel’ 没有名为 ‘show’ 的成员
channel.cpp: At global scope:
channel.cpp:249: 警告: 未使用的参数 ‘QPoint’
channel.cpp:277: 错误: ‘void Channel::onMouseMoved(QListViewItem*)’ 的原型不匹配类 ‘Channel’ 中的任何一个
channel.h:41: 错误: 备选为:void Channel::onMouseMoved(int*)
channel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channel::onMouseMoved(QListViewItem*)’:
channel.cpp:279: 错误: ‘class MyLabel’ 没有名为 ‘hide’ 的成员
channel.cpp: At global scope:
channel.cpp:284: 错误: 变量或字段 ‘mouseMoveEvent’ 声明为 void
channel.cpp:284: 错误: ‘int Channel::mouseMoveEvent’ 不是 ‘class Channel’ 的静态成员
channel.cpp:284: 错误: ‘QMouseEvent’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:284: 错误: ‘e’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:285: 错误: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
mainwindow.h: In member function ‘void Channel::toggleChannelSort()’:
mainwindow.h:29: 错误: ‘MenuBar* MainWindow::menubar’ 是私有的
channel.cpp:303: 错误: 在此上下文中
menubar.h:21: 错误: ‘QPopupMenu* MenuBar::menu_config’ 是私有的
channel.cpp:303: 错误: 在此上下文中
channel.cpp:303: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QPopupMenu’
menubar.h:8: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QPopupMenu’
channel.cpp:304: 错误: ‘setSortColumn’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:306: 错误: ‘setSortColumn’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
mainwindow.h: In member function ‘void Channel::toggleNullChannel()’:
mainwindow.h:29: 错误: ‘MenuBar* MainWindow::menubar’ 是私有的
channel.cpp:313: 错误: 在此上下文中
menubar.h:21: 错误: ‘QPopupMenu* MenuBar::menu_config’ 是私有的
channel.cpp:313: 错误: 在此上下文中
channel.cpp:313: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QPopupMenu’
menubar.h:8: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QPopupMenu’
channel.cpp:315: 错误: ‘firstChild’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:317: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:326: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:326: 错误: ‘FALSE’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:328: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:328: 错误: ‘TRUE’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:332: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:335: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:336: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:338: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:341: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:341: 错误: ‘FALSE’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:343: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:343: 错误: ‘TRUE’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:345: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channel::switchChannelColor(int)’:
channel.cpp:353: 错误: ‘firstChild’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:355: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:357: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:359: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:364: 错误: ‘class MyListItem’ 没有名为 ‘fcolor’ 的成员
channel.cpp:365: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:367: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:369: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channel::updateOpenState()’:
channel.cpp:377: 错误: ‘childCount’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:377: 错误: ‘stateopen’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:379: 错误: ‘firstChild’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:382: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:387: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:392: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:397: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp: At global scope:
channel.cpp:405: 错误: ‘bool Channel::SopMatch(QString&, QString&, QString&)’ 的原型不匹配类 ‘Channel’ 中的任何一个
channel.h:25: 错误: 备选为:bool Channel::SopMatch(int&, int&, int&)
channel.cpp: In member function ‘bool Channel::SopMatch(QString&, QString&, QString&)’:
channel.cpp:407: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QString’
record.h:10: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QString’
channel.cpp:408: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QString’
record.h:10: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QString’
channel.cpp:411: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QString’
record.h:10: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QString’
mainwindow.h:30: 错误: ‘Config* MainWindow::vboxconfig’ 是私有的
channel.cpp:411: 错误: 在此上下文中
config.h:18: 错误: ‘QLineEdit* Config::editchannelheader’ 是私有的
channel.cpp:411: 错误: 在此上下文中
channel.cpp:411: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QLineEdit’
mainwindow.h:7: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QLineEdit’
channel.cpp:416: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QString’
record.h:10: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QString’
channel.cpp:417: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QString’
record.h:10: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QString’
channel.cpp:417: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QString’
record.h:10: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QString’
channel.cpp:421: 错误: ‘firstChild’ 在此作用域中尚未声明
channel.cpp:423: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:425: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:426: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:427: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:430: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.cpp:432: 错误: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: 错误: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
make: *** [.obj/channel.o] 错误 1
帖子: 8495
注册时间: 2006-04-12 20:05
来自: 杭州


帖子 bones7456 » 2007-09-29 17:04

关注我的blog: ε==3
帖子: 12
注册时间: 2007-09-21 12:03


帖子 dongle2001 » 2007-09-29 18:41

Compilation and install: go to the src subdirectory and execute the following commands:
$make install

帖子: 128
注册时间: 2007-01-02 8:57


帖子 andysun126 » 2007-12-09 22:45

帖子: 179
注册时间: 2007-06-27 23:43


帖子 nomcoych » 2007-12-10 18:04

帖子: 843
注册时间: 2007-04-05 3:09
系统: Deepin
来自: 身后某处


帖子 东方不坏 » 2007-12-25 13:46

[color=#FFFF00]东方不败[/color] 写了:
  • OS:Ubuntu14.10
  • CPU:Athlon II 651K
  • RAM:威刚DDR3 1600 4GX2双通道
  • 主板:GA-A75M-DS2
  • 硬盘:西数64M版 2T
  • 显卡:迅景6790
  • 显示器:LG W2242TP
帖子: 1795
注册时间: 2005-11-06 1:51
来自: 七彩云世界


帖子 fortruth » 2008-02-17 8:57

dongle2001 写了:怎么配置编译环境呀。readme就是写的
Compilation and install: go to the src subdirectory and execute the following commands:
$make install

首先要 生成 project文件。
使用 qmake -project.
如果是qt3 中的特征, 还要在 生成的 pro 文件中加上
QT+= Qt3Support
佛出寺,求索真世界 For_Truth:Free_Open_Share