[转帖]为什么你选择 ubuntu 而不是 windows ?



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[转帖]为什么你选择 ubuntu 而不是 windows ?


帖子 iblicf » 2007-12-29 15:22

转载: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=643102&

Why do you choose Ubuntu over Windows
I've pretty much had it up to here with Ubuntu. So I wanna see why other people choose this OS over the functional OS that is Windows. To me it seems if you want Ubuntu to work correctly, you have to tweak a bunch of errors. It's like having a good looking son who doesn't know how to do ****.

So Please. Tell me why you choose Ubuntu. And you can't say compiz or beryl.

为什么你选择 ubuntu 而不是 windows?

我确实受够了 ubuntu , 所以我想知道为什么其他人选择这个操作系统替代实用的windows 操作系统, 对我来说,假如要让 ubuntu 好好工作,你不得不处理一大堆错误. 就像有个漂亮的孩子却不知道怎么 **** .

所以,请告诉我为什么你选择 ubuntu , 不要说是 compiz 或者 beryl (的原因).

注:up to here 到此为止, 不愿意再忍受
I have had it up to here with you 的意思是我受够你了

以前翻错了, sorry :oops:


1: 因为她让我体会到阅读的乐趣,一念之间想把她翻出来,我发现基本看懂了跟翻译出来完全是两码事,;
2: 我想看看我能不能坚持做完. 全贴190+ , 如果谁想帮我完成,谢谢,谢谢 , 请通知我预留位置 ;
3: 感觉讨论的氛围有别于 ;

为了保持队形,保持原贴的风貌,建议看原贴,或者对照着看 ( 1-200楼是锁住发的,现在已经开锁 )




*你闲的没事干?不去翻译 wiki ?
上次由 iblicf 在 2008-01-05 17:29,总共编辑 27 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2007-12-29 15:23

i personally like the avoidance of dependency hell that is associated with MS. have you ever wondered why an error with internet explorer can crash the entire system? Plus ubuntu is light on resources, software apps are free to be modified and redistributed, security is much better, no spyware, malware, etc. the list goes on for me.

我个人喜欢回避跟微软有关的依赖处境 ( dependency hell ) .你有没有想过为什么一个IE的错误导致整个系统崩溃?而且ubuntu占用资源少,应用软件可以自由的修改分发,安全性更高,没有间谍软件,恶意软件,等等. 这是我的列表(why).

dependency hell 依赖的 地狱 :)
上次由 iblicf 在 2008-01-02 15:20,总共编辑 3 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2007-12-29 15:23

It just works, it's faster, nicer, more stable.
And it is free, not only free of charge but really free.
Why would you use Windows if you can use a better OS, like Ubuntu?

为什么要用windows ? 如果你有一个更好的操作系统, 比如ubuntu ?
上次由 iblicf 在 2007-12-29 20:28,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2007-12-29 15:24

It's more customizable, flashier (compiz fusion & avant), gives better performance, my apps of choice works on it, easier to maintain thanks to the package system (also, no need to reformat/reinstall or defrag a la windows), it's more modern (6-month release cycle), it's free and opensource... Did I forget anything?

EDIT: I see the OP has some issues, you should try typing out the errors so we might be able to help you out!

她(ubuntu)可定制性更强,更绚(compiz fusion & avant), 性能表现更佳,我的应用软件能工作,包管理系统使得维护更简单(不用重新格式化/重装/碎片整理),更加时尚(6个月发布周期),自由,开源 ... 我忘了什么?(:))

编辑: 我看到OP(大概指LZ)有些问题,你可以试着列出错误了,我们也许能帮到你.
上次由 iblicf 在 2007-12-29 20:29,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2007-12-29 15:24

5#Kernel tom
Ubuntu is not for the weak of mind. It is a challenge that many enjoy trying to master. Linux in general has been a much more stable and reliable operating system than any other. One of the best aspects of Linux is the complete custimazation that any user can have on his system. But with this great oppurtunity comes a great responsibility of learning the in's and out's finding and eliminating bugs in code. You have to remember that the code for the os and for the programs are not being written by money hungry, power starved, over payed employees, and that it is just a community of people writing code to try to help others with new features and applications.

ubuntu 不适合弱者心态,对于更喜欢尝试去把握的人是个挑战,linux 一般情况下是要比其他操作系统更稳定可靠,linux 最好的一个地方是完全的可定制,每个用户能得到他自己的系统,不过由于这个
大的机会产身了一个大的学习(内部外部机制)的负担--找到并消除代码中的bug. 你要记住那些操作系统或者程序的代码不是爱财的,爱权的,受薪的雇员写的,他们不过是社区的成员,写代码的目的是提供新的应用功能来帮助其他的人

To say that Windows is the "functional" OS is 囗囗囗囗囗. To an experienced computer user, I'm personally a computer engineer, Windows limits much of the creativity and flexibilty I look for in my every day computer use. You can never be 'root' on a Windows machine, not in the true way that you can on a Linux box and that's a limitation many Linux enthusiasts can't stand.

说 windows 是实用的操作系统是幼稚的. 对于有经验的计算机用户,我个人是电脑工程师,windows 限制了大多数的创造性和灵活性,在我日常的使用当中, 在 windows 机器上你不能成为 'root',或者说不是真正的在 linux 上那样子, 这样的限制使得许多( linux 狂热爱好者 )不能忍受.

Ubuntu is a great oppurtunity to be the computer user that you've always wanted to be, and if you are dedicated enough you can truly realize how constricting using an os like Windows is. And to mention the use of Linux has been growing exponentially, especially since Dell started offering Ubuntu desktops and notebooks. Most if not all of University computer networks, business networks, etc, etc run on a Linux back end, with just a Windows front end to help decrease the computer knowledge neccessary for their everyday users to use the network.

ubuntu 对于那些总是想要什么样子的计算机用户来说是个巨大的机遇,如果你给予足够的关注,你可以真正的领会到在用象windows 那样的OS的时候什么叫限制. linux 用户正在呈指数级增长,特别是在dell 开始提供基于(预装) ubuntu 的台式机和笔记本以后 .多数情况下,如果不是所有大学的计算机网络,商业网络,等等,运行 linux 作为后端运行,那些每天都用网络的 windows 前端用户(不会)降低掌握计算机知识的需要 ....

This is long winded, and I am extremely biased. There was a point in time I almost threw my Xubuntu loaded laptop right out the window our of pure frustration, but I kept working on it and now I can load any personal computer that would do everything a Windows machine could do and more without any fuss. It just takes time and patience.

写的很罗嗦,而且我明显的有偏见. 有的时候, 基于完全的挫败感,我几乎想把我装 xubuntu 的笔记本扔出窗外,但是我坚持用下去了,现在我可以在任何PC上做任何windows能做事情或者更多,并且不再有烦恼,需要点时间和耐心(而已).

I saw this somewhere before... "In an open source world, there are no needs for Windows, doors, or Gates"

我曾经在某个地方看到:“在开源的世界里,不需要 windows , doors or Gates ( 盖茨 )"

:em01 :em50
上次由 iblicf 在 2007-12-31 21:26,总共编辑 4 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2007-12-29 15:25


Originally Posted by kernel tom View Post
Ubuntu is not for the weak of mind. It is a challenge that many enjoy trying to master.]

Actually, I'd rather say that ubuntu is what you make out of it. It can be tweaked to a exteme measure as linux is known to be, or it can be out-of-the-box inuitive.

实际上,我宁愿说 ubuntu 是你打造出来的样子,它可以被优化成个性的样子 只要 linux 可以做到,或者她可以 ..be out-of-the-box inuitive.
( what's this mean :) , 大概是装好就可用的意思吧 )
上次由 iblicf 在 2007-12-31 9:35,总共编辑 3 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2007-12-29 15:25

7# bowens44
I don't use Ubuntu but I do use Linux. My distro of choice is Fedora 8. I have used Ubuntu in the past and as with all the distros I've used over the last couple of years, I found it much more stable, easier to keep up to date and easier to install/remove software. I love the fact that there ares thousands of free/open source applications available for the taking, I like knowing what I am getting in my software ,knowing that the liklyhood of my software spying on me is very, very low. It's more secure, virues and spyware are all most non-exsitant. Other then gaming and photoshop, I haven't found anything that I was able to better in windows then in Linux.

我不用ubuntu , 但我确实用linux . 我选择的发行版是 Fedora8 . 我以前用过ubuntu , 过去几年中我用过的 linux 发行版当中, 我发现它更加稳定 ,升级简单,安装卸载软件也容易, 我热爱一个事实是有大量的 自由/开源的软件可用, 我喜欢了解我的软件, 知道那些软件对我有间谍行为的可能性很小, 他们很安全,病毒,间谍软件几乎没有, 除了游戏和 photoshop , 我找不到任何其他的东西在 windows 上比linux 上好

Why shouldn't we mention compiz and beryl? They're great, they're free and they blow away anything MS has for eye-candy, even on a low end system.

为什么我们不能提 compiz /beryl? 他们很棒 ,自由(免费),而且把注视 MS 的 eye-candy 都移走了,即使是在一台低配置的系统
上次由 iblicf 在 2007-12-29 16:38,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2007-12-29 15:26

I like ubuntu.

Trust me.

相信我 :)
上次由 iblicf 在 2007-12-30 17:31,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2007-12-29 15:26

It's open source, it's virus-free, it's more customizable, many apps are better than the respective ones for ms, I don't pay money for software, I don't struggle for crackz, it's aesthetically smarter and more relaxing, I'm part of a community which gives me solutions to any problem I might find.
And, most of all, penguins are cuter than those strange coloured squares.

她(ubuntu)开源,她没病毒,她更加可定制,许多apps 比 ms 要好,我不用给软件付费 , 我不用跟死机做斗争,她美化效果更漂亮更惬意 , 社区能解决我所有问题,

并且,最主要的,企鹅比那些奇怪颜色的方块更可爱 (:))
上次由 iblicf 在 2007-12-29 20:31,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2007-12-29 15:26

windows functional?
look just because your experience was bad doesnt mean linux is inferior, maybe you should try another linux flavor?

windows 实用?
嘿,仅仅因为你的体验不好并不代表linux差, 或许你应该尝试一下别的linux口味
( 指别的linux distro )
上次由 iblicf 在 2008-01-02 15:24,总共编辑 3 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2007-12-29 15:27

Using GNU/Linux is a choice, like Windows is a choice. The tweaking is the thing that I like best about it. It's satisfying to know that after a lot of tweaking that you have your system working exactly as you want it to. You can change every last detail (even the kernel if you're that way inclined) and that's what's fun about it! It's the freedom that is the most exciting and best reason to use it. It's not for everyone, you have to be prepared to put in a bit of work. For the people that do put the work in reap the rewards (increased stability, increased speed, more security). But that's my ultimate reason - I can't say anything bad about my Ubuntu. I am absolutely satisfied with every part of it because I've made it like that. I love being able to compile the most up-to-date software if I want to. I guess I just find a lot of playing with it fun, almost like a hobby as well as being a superior platform for working and playing on. The amount I've tweaked it make it feel like it's my own, my unique Ubuntu. It works exactly how I want it to and that's why I couldn't go back to Windows.

用GNU/Linux 是个选择,就像 windows 也是个选择,优化是因为我喜欢最好的,做了一些优化以后,系统完全按照你的要求工作,是很令人满意的事情, 你可以改任何最后的细节(甚至内核),这是有趣的地方. 自由,是使用她最激动人心、最好的理由. 她不适合所有人,你不得不准备投入一些些工作量,对于那些想获得工作成果的人(增加稳定性,加速,更安全) .但是那是我的终极原因- 我不能对我的ubuntu 说什么坏话. 我绝对对她每个部分都满意,因为我使她象那样。 我喜欢编译大多数最新的软件. 我估计我是找到了许多好玩的东西. 我对她的优化让她感觉象是我自己的,我的独一无二的 ubuntu . 她完全根据我要求的那样工作,这就是我为什么不想回到 windows (的原因)

There's this old joke about "Linux Airways" where on checking into the airport you get given the components to make a seat and a how to guide. After you spend five minutes assembling the chair you have the most comfortable flight of your life. When you step off the aeroplane you eagerly tell everyone about your great experience but all they can say is "you had to do WHAT with the seat?" :P And you know what, it couldn't be more true (OK you don't have to build it from source now but there is always going to be an amount of tweaking needed).. And there's a whole community here to help if you need it, which is the other main thing we love about it - the real community feel. But if you can't see a reason to use it over Windows then I don't think you should - it's your OS and you should have one you are happy with. It's not hard to say why I use Ubuntu but they're my personal reasons, I can't say why you should. You obviously had a reason to try it in the first place though...
有个老笑话关于 "linux 航空公司" , ( sorry 挫败感,我不知道哪好笑 :( )
上次由 iblicf 在 2008-01-02 15:25,总共编辑 3 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2007-12-29 15:27

I do miss the (almost) bug-free software. Although yes it is commercial,

我还是怀念(几乎)没bug的软件,是的, 尽管它是商业软件
上次由 iblicf 在 2007-12-31 12:28,总共编辑 2 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2007-12-29 15:27

windows 没 bug ?
说的什么? 说反了吧?
上次由 iblicf 在 2007-12-29 20:33,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2007-12-29 15:27

I appreciate all of your posts, escpecially Kernal Tom's very detailed post. And that quote you stated is real nice.

感谢所有回复,特别是 Kernal tom's 的特别详细的回复 ,并且你引用的那一段很好
I suppose I'll give Ubuntu a couple more tries.

我想我会更多的尝试 ubuntu

But as I was reading your post and replying to it, I came upon an Ubuntu problem.

但是我读了你的回复,我有一个 ubuntu 的问题

My wifi connection randomly died. So thats the start of my issues.
wifi 无线链接不定期的死掉,所以, 这就是我问题的开始

Firefox freezes when I close a streaming movie. (I heard this was a flash issue and is unavoidable)
firefox 僵死,当我关掉一个流媒体的电影,(听说是个flsash问题,不可避免)

Folders are difficult to arrange. (Im running Gnome which I hear is supose to be a cure for OCD freaks like myself)
组织文件夹困难,(我用gnome , ...)

Photoshop doesnt work. (I get some hardware error when using Wine)
Games are limited to whatever Wine's DB has. (So It seems if you wanna play games, then dual boot with windows)
上次由 iblicf 在 2007-12-29 16:38,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2007-12-29 15:28

15#Kernel tom

Start posting your problems individually in the Absolute Beginners Talk part of the forum, and we can get you started on a working linux box.


把你的问题贴在论坛 "绝对新手" 区, 我们可以让你开始在 linux 机器上工作
上次由 iblicf 在 2008-01-03 15:16,总共编辑 3 次。