安装指南 - AMD64

帖子: 10441
注册时间: 2005-03-27 0:06
系统: Ubuntu 12.04

安装指南 - AMD64


帖子 oneleaf » 2005-03-31 22:11

This document describes how to install Ubuntu 4.10 "Warty Warthog" for the AMD Athlon 64, AMD Opteron, and Intel Xeon DP ("amd64"). It is a quick walkthrough of the installation process which should contain all the information you will need for most installs.

This How To is free; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Booting the installer

* Download this CD image and burn it to a CD:


* To boot the CD, you may need to enter your BIOS configuration menu and configure the list of boot devices to include the CD-ROM drive.

A netboot install is also available, but for now it is outside the scope of this document.

* Once the installer starts, you will be greeted with an initial splash screen.
* Press Enter to boot, or use the function keys to read the instructions for other boot methods and parameters. If you have problems booting the installer, these instructions document a number of workarounds that may be useful depending on your hardware.

First stage of installation

After a few moments, you will be asked to select your language.

* Use the arrow keys to pick a language and press Enter to continue. Next you'll be asked to select a country, with the choices including countries where your language is spoken. If it's not on the short list, choose "other" to see a list of all the countries in the world.

* Now sit back while the installer detects some of your hardware, and loads the rest of itself from the CD.

* Next the installer will try to detect your network hardware and set up networking by DHCP. If you are not on a network or do not have DHCP, you will be given the opportunity to configure the network manually.

Partition disks

* First you will be given the opportunity to erase and automatically partition an entire disk. This is recommended for new users, but if you have any valuable data on the disk, be sure to back it up first, as it will be erased!

* If you do not want to erase an entire disk, or if you want to customize the partition layout, choose "Manually edit partition table" from the menu, and the next screen will show you your partition table, how the partitions will be formatted, and where they will be mounted.
* Select a partition to modify or delete it. Remember to assign at least one partition for swap space and to mount a partition on /.
* Choose "Finish partitioning and write changes to disk" when you are finished.

* After confirmation, the installer formats your partitions and starts to install the base system, which can take a while. That is followed by installing a kernel, then by copying the remainder of the packages on the CD to your hard disk so that you no longer need the CD.

Install boot loader

* If the installer detects other operating systems on your computer, it will add them to the boot menu.

* The installer will now tell you that the first stage has finished.
* Remove the CD and hit Enter to reboot your machine. It should boot up into the second stage of the installation process.

Second stage of installation

After rebooting, you will be prompted to complete the configuration of your basic system.

* Following a welcome screen, you will be prompted to configure your time zone. Depending on the location selected at the beginning of the installation process, you will be shown either a single timezone or a list of timezones relevant for that location. If a single timezone is shown, choose Yes to confirm or choose No to select from the full list of timezones. If a list is shown, select your timezone from the list, or select "other" for the full list.

User account

* Enter your full name, then choose a username for the user account; generally your first name or something similar will suffice and indeed will be the default.
* Finally, choose a password. Note that the administrative "root" account is disabled; you may access it using the "sudo" program from the user account you create at this point. If you wish to set the root password, run "sudo passwd root" from a terminal.

* If your system is not connected to a network, you will be given the opportunity to set up PPP, which allows you to connect to a dial-up Internet provider.

* After this, a set of packages suitable for ordinary desktop use will be automatically installed. In the process, depending on your graphics card and monitor, one or two questions may be asked about the kind of graphics card you have and the screen resolution you would like to use.

* Go and get something to drink while the messages about package installation scroll by. When they finish, a graphical login screen will appear.
* Type the username you selected earlier, followed by the password for the user account, and the Ubuntu desktop will appear.

Enjoy using Ubuntu, and share it with your friends!

Copyright (c) 2004, the Debian Installer team
Copyright (c) 2004, Canonical Ltd.

http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/docu ... tion-amd64
上次由 oneleaf 在 2005-04-14 17:07,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 2
注册时间: 2005-04-13 20:51


帖子 chensuchun » 2005-04-14 16:13

这篇文档是描述怎样在amd64(如AMD Athlon 64, AMD Opteron, and Intel Xeon DP)的pc上安装Ubuntu 4.10 "Warty Warthog"。它包括大部分安装过程中所要用到的信息。
这篇How To文档是免费的,你可以在遵循GNU的通用公共许可(General Public License)的有关条款下对这篇文档进行修改并发布。

1.下载CD image for AMD64 并且将它烧制成CD:

2.你必须进入BIOS设置菜单将CD-ROM设置为boot devices才能引导这张CD

3.当安装程序开始了,你就会看到一个initial splash screen
*按ENTER键 进行引导,或者可以使用function键(F1,F2,……)阅读有关其它的引导方式和参数的说明。如果你在引导安装程序的过程中出现问题,这些说明将会根据你的硬件提供有用的信息。








*如果你不想擦除整个硬盘,或者你想自己手动进行硬盘分区,请在菜单中选择"Manually edit partition table",然后屏幕会显示你的硬盘分区表,各分区的格式和各分区的挂载点


*当你完成分区后请选择"Finish partitioning and write changes to disk"


4.安装boot loader






*最后设置password。注意,管理员帐号"root"被取消了,你可以在你的帐号下通过使用"sudo"程序获得"root"权限。如果你想要设置"root"的password,在终端下运行"sudo passwd root"进行设置。



*当安装程序在安装packages的时候,你可以放松一下,拿些饮料喝喝。安装完以后会出现一个图形的登陆界面输入你先前设置好的用户名和密码,就会出现Ubuntu desktop


Copyright (c) 2004, the Debian Installer team
Copyright (c) 2004, Canonical Ltd.

http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/docu ... tion-amd64
帖子: 10441
注册时间: 2005-03-27 0:06
系统: Ubuntu 12.04


帖子 oneleaf » 2005-04-14 17:27

帖子: 2201
注册时间: 2005-04-06 21:15
来自: 安徽黄山


帖子 ct » 2005-04-15 1:36

帖子: 4159
注册时间: 2005-07-02 14:41
系统: Ubuntu 14.04 (Kylin)


帖子 millenniumdark » 2006-08-01 2:34
