
ubuntu Newbie
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注册时间: 2006-03-30 21:41



帖子 ubuntu Newbie » 2006-04-14 13:45

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来自: 长沙


帖子 eexpress » 2006-04-14 14:00

● 鸣学
ubuntu Newbie
帖子: 27
注册时间: 2006-03-30 21:41


帖子 ubuntu Newbie » 2006-04-16 10:48

GRUB manual GRUB指南
1 Introduction to GRUB GRUB简介
1.1 Overview 总揽
1.2 History of GRUB GRUB历史
1.3 GRUB features GRUB将来
1.4 The role of a boot loader 启动引导器的角色
2 Naming convention 命名约定
3 Installation 安装
3.1 Creating a GRUB boot floppy 建立GRUB启动软盘
3.2 Installing GRUB natively 直接安装GRUB
3.3 Installing GRUB using grub-install 用grub-install安装GRUB
3.4 Making a GRUB bootable CD-ROM 制作GRUB启动光盘
4 Booting 启动
4.1 How to boot operating systems 如何启动一个操作系统
4.1.1 How to boot an OS directly with GRUB 如何用GRUB直接启动一个操作系统
4.1.2 Load another boot loader to boot unsupported operating systems 引导另一个启动引导器去启动不支持的操作系统
4.2 Some caveats on OS-specific issues 针对某些系统发行版本的说明
4.2.1 GNU/Hurd
4.2.2 GNU/Linux
4.2.3 FreeBSD
4.2.4 NetBSD
4.2.5 OpenBSD
4.2.6 DOS/Windows
4.2.7 SCO UnixWare
4.2.8 QNX
4.3 How to make your system robust 如何使你的系统更健壮
4.3.1 Booting once-only 仅启动一次
4.3.2 Booting fallback systems 启动安全模式(fallback system)
5 Configuration 配制
6 Downloading OS images from a network 从网络下载操作系统镜像
6.1 How to set up your network 如何设定你的网络
6.2 Booting from a network 从网络启动
7 Using GRUB via a serial line 通过serial line使用GRUB
8 Embedding a configuration file into GRUB 在GRUB中嵌入配制文件
9 Protecting your computer from cracking 保护你的系统免于侵入
10 GRUB image files GRUB镜像文件
11 Filesystem syntax and semantics 文件系统有关约定
11.1 How to specify devices 如何指定设备
11.2 How to specify files 如何指定文件
11.3 How to specify block lists 如何指定块列表
12 GRUB's user interface GRUB用户界面
12.1 The flexible command-line interface 灵活的命令行界面
12.2 The simple menu interface 简单的菜单界面
12.3 Editing a menu entry 编辑菜单条目
12.4 The hidden menu interface 隐藏的菜单界面
13 The list of available commands GRUB中可用的命令列表
13.1 The list of commands for the menu only 仅在菜单中可用的命令列表
13.1.1 default
13.1.2 fallback
13.1.3 hiddenmenu
13.1.4 timeout
13.1.5 title
13.2 The list of general commands 通用命令列表
13.2.1 bootp
13.2.2 color
13.2.3 device
13.2.4 dhcp
13.2.5 hide
13.2.6 ifconfig
13.2.7 pager
13.2.8 partnew
13.2.9 parttype
13.2.10 password
13.2.11 rarp
13.2.12 serial
13.2.13 setkey
13.2.14 terminal
13.2.15 terminfo
13.2.16 tftpserver
13.2.17 unhide
13.3 The list of command-line and menu entry commands 命令行和菜单项共有命令列表
13.3.1 blocklist
13.3.2 boot
13.3.3 cat
13.3.4 chainloader
13.3.5 cmp
13.3.6 configfile
13.3.7 debug
13.3.8 displayapm
13.3.9 displaymem
13.3.10 embed
13.3.11 find
13.3.12 fstest
13.3.13 geometry
13.3.14 halt
13.3.15 help
13.3.16 impsprobe
13.3.17 initrd
13.3.18 install
13.3.19 ioprobe
13.3.20 kernel
13.3.21 lock
13.3.22 makeactive
13.3.23 map
13.3.24 md5crypt
13.3.25 module
13.3.26 modulenounzip
13.3.27 pause
13.3.28 quit
13.3.29 reboot
13.3.30 read
13.3.31 root
13.3.32 rootnoverify
13.3.33 savedefault
13.3.34 setup
13.3.35 testload
13.3.36 testvbe
13.3.37 uppermem
13.3.38 vbeprobe
14 Error messages reported by GRUB GRUB错误信息
14.1 Errors reported by the Stage 1 Stage 1错误报告
14.2 Errors reported by the Stage 1.5 Stage1.5 错误报告
14.3 Errors reported by the Stage 2 Stage2 错误报告
15 Invoking the grub shell 调用grub外壳(shell)
15.1 Introduction into the grub shell grub外壳简介
15.2 How to install GRUB via grub 如何通过grub来安装GRUB
15.3 The map between BIOS drives and OS devices BIOS和OS中的设备对应关系
16 Invoking grub-install 调用grub-install
17 Invoking grub-md5-crypt 调用grub-md5-crypt
18 Invoking grub-terminfo 调用grub-terminfo
19 Invoking grub-set-default 调用grub-set-default
20 Invoking mbchk 调用mbchk
ubuntu Newbie
帖子: 27
注册时间: 2006-03-30 21:41


帖子 ubuntu Newbie » 2006-04-16 10:50

1.1 Overview
Briefly, a boot loader is the first software program that runs when a computer starts. It is responsible for loading and transferring control to an operating system kernel software (such as Linux or GNU Mach). The kernel, in turn, initializes the rest of the operating system (e.g. a GNU system).
简要来说,启动引导程序是电脑开机后运行的第一个软件。它是负责装入并将系统控制权给操作系统核的是软件(比如Linux或者GUN Mach)。系统核心初始化操作系统的剩余部分(比如GUN系统)。

GNU GRUB is a very powerful boot loader, which can load a wide variety of free operating systems, as well as proprietary operating systems with chain-loading1. GRUB is designed to address the complexity of booting a personal computer; both the program and this manual are tightly bound to that computer platform, although porting to other platforms may be addressed in the future.
GUN GRUB是一个很强大的启动引导器,它能通过chain-loading引导很多种类的自由或私有的操作系统。GRUB被设计用来从事于启动个人电脑这个复杂的过程,它和本指南是与这些计算机体系是紧密相关的,尽管将来可能会支持其它体系。

One of the important features in GRUB is flexibility; GRUB understands filesystems and kernel executable formats, so you can load an arbitrary operating system the way you like, without recording the physical position of your kernel on the disk. Thus you can load the kernel just by specifying its file name and the drive and partition where the kernel resides.

When booting with GRUB, you can use either a command-line interface (see Command-line interface), or a menu interface (see Menu interface). Using the command-line interface, you type the drive specification and file name of the kernel manually. In the menu interface, you just select an OS using the arrow keys. The menu is based on a configuration file which you prepare beforehand (see Configuration). While in the menu, you can switch to the command-line mode, and vice-versa. You can even edit menu entries before using them.

In the following chapters, you will learn how to specify a drive, a partition, and a file name (see Naming convention) to GRUB, how to install GRUB on your drive (see Installation), and how to boot your OSes (see Booting), step by step.

Besides the GRUB boot loader itself, there is a grub shell grub (see Invoking the grub shell) which can be run when you are in your operating system. It emulates the boot loader and can be used for installing the boot loader.
除了GRUB本身,你还可以在操作系统中使用grub shell。它可以在真正安装使用GRUB启动引导器前在操作系统环境中模拟它。
ubuntu Newbie
帖子: 27
注册时间: 2006-03-30 21:41


帖子 ubuntu Newbie » 2006-04-17 13:47

1.2 History of GRUB GRUB的历史
GRUB originated in 1995 when Erich Boleyn was trying to boot the GNU Hurd with the University of Utah's Mach 4 microkernel (now known as GNU Mach). Erich and Brian Ford designed the Multiboot Specification (see Multiboot Specification), because they were determined not to add to the large number of mutually-incompatible PC boot methods.
GRUB起源于1995年,当时Erich Boleyn正试图用犹他州大学的Mach 4 microkernel (现在被称为GNU Mach)启动GRUN Hurd,Erich和Brian Ford设计了多重启动的规范说明,他们认为不能添加过多的相互冲突的电脑启动方式。

Erich then began modifying the FreeBSD boot loader so that it would understand Multiboot. He soon realized that it would be a lot easier to write his own boot loader from scratch than to keep working on the FreeBSD boot loader, and so GRUB was born.

Erich added many features to GRUB, but other priorities prevented him from keeping up with the demands of its quickly-expanding user base. In 1999, Gordon Matzigkeit and Yoshinori K. Okuji adopted GRUB as an official GNU package, and opened its development by making the latest sources available via anonymous CVS. See Obtaining and Building GRUB, for more information.
Erich为GRUB增加了一些新特性,但是这些还不能满足不断增加的使用的需要。1999年,Gordon Matzigkeit和Yoshinori K. Okuji将GRUB收录入GNU的官文软件包中,并且将通过匿名CVS进行开放式的开发。 请参见“获得并安装GRUB”来得到更多的信息。
帖子: 16
注册时间: 2005-04-13 21:25


帖子 soboy » 2006-05-06 17:09

老弟, 给个英文链接啊.
帖子: 82
注册时间: 2006-05-20 0:41


帖子 ak74 » 2006-05-28 23:59

帖子: 7
注册时间: 2006-05-30 21:25


帖子 sunice » 2006-06-10 15:53

帖子: 72
注册时间: 2010-02-23 10:55

Re: GRUB使用指南有人翻译了吗?我准备开始翻译了


帖子 leohsieh » 2010-02-24 13:27

ubuntu Newbie 写了:如题,
帖子: 93
注册时间: 2010-03-08 17:51

Re: GRUB使用指南有人翻译了吗?我准备开始翻译了


帖子 &_& » 2010-03-17 12:20

把GRUB2那几个启动文件的官方资料翻译下? :em11

这个还没中文资料,绝不重复! :em11
帖子: 13284
注册时间: 2008-12-13 19:39
来自: 物华天宝人杰地灵

Re: GRUB使用指南有人翻译了吗?我准备开始翻译了


帖子 wangdu2002 » 2010-03-17 12:22

又见挖坟党。。。搜索U坛,找smallapple的pdf教程。 :em04
帖子: 93
注册时间: 2010-03-08 17:51

Re: GRUB使用指南有人翻译了吗?我准备开始翻译了


帖子 &_& » 2010-03-17 12:29

wangdu2002 写了:又见挖坟党。。。搜索U坛,找smallapple的pdf教程。 :em04

看完了,也只懂照样画葫芦,改个启动菜单! :em20

帖子: 36924
注册时间: 2008-11-21 20:26

Re: GRUB使用指南有人翻译了吗?我准备开始翻译了


帖子 tenzu » 2010-03-17 12:33

帖子: 18311
注册时间: 2008-01-09 22:41

Re: GRUB使用指南有人翻译了吗?我准备开始翻译了


帖子 delectate » 2010-03-17 12:49

smallapple crying