Compiz 还是Compiz Fusion?你会选择哪个?

帖子: 41
注册时间: 2008-04-29 19:49

Compiz 还是Compiz Fusion?你会选择哪个?


帖子 mikewolf » 2008-04-30 19:23

随手翻译了一下Compiz Vs Compiz Fusion,不是特别准确, 欢迎更正.

希望能让初学和英语不是特别灵的更快的了解Compiz 和Compiz Fusion. 在使用了这些东东后,也许会影响更多身边的人使用Linux,使用Ubuntu.


What Compiz is

(Compiz 是什么)

Compiz is a compositing window manager. It has a flexible plugin interface which allows developers to use it for many different tasks.


More specifically, Compiz is a software project with its home at It contains a limited set of core plugins, some of which provide basic window manager functionality, other internal functionality that plugins may rely on, and some basic, yet signature effects (Cube and Wobbly to name a few). You can use Compiz on its own, as many choose to do, but you can also extend it. Compiz is what we consider the core of what Compiz Fusion is based on.

更特别的是,Compiz是一个软件项目(主页该软件项目包含了:部分核心插件设置,基本窗口管理功能,其他的内部功能(依赖插件)以及一些基本的著名特效(3D立方体和摆动特效)。你可以使用Compiz,它自身已经有很多选项了,但是你也可以扩展它。Compiz也包含了一个内核,Compiz Fusin是以这个内核为基础开发的。

What Compiz is not

(Compiz 并不是....)

* Compiz is not Xgl or AIGLX. Rather, Compiz uses these technologies.

Compiz不是Xgl 或者 AIGLX. 尽管Compiz使用了这些技术

* Compiz is not obsolete; it is still in active development.


* Compiz is not the same as Compiz Fusion

Compiz和Compizi Fusion不同

* Compiz does not require any particular desktop environment. It can run independently.


What Compiz Fusion is

(Compiz Fusion 是什么?)

Compiz Fusion is a project that aims to add more functionality to Compiz by extending it with more plugins, tools and libraries.

Compiz Fusion 通过扩展Compiz增加和很多的功能,包括更多的插件,工具和库。

Compiz Fusion is the result of a merge between the Beryl Project and Compiz Extras. It should be noted that what core changes were made to Beryl are not part of Compiz Fusion; they have either been merged or rewritten for Compiz, or remade as Compiz plugins. Changes that were difficult to maintain or potentially unstable were scrapped.

Compiz Fusion是通过Beryl项目和Compiz扩展项目合并产生的。需要注意的是,Beryl内核的变动并不是Compiz Fusion的一部分,这些变动将被合并或重写入Compiz,或者重写加入到Compiz Fusion中。(只单独的改变Beryl的内核)将会使维护变得困难,并有可能带来不稳定的冲突。

Compiz Fusion uses Compiz as a base. Among the additions it makes are tools like the CompizConfig Settings Manager, libcompizconfig, and a number of plugins.

Compiz Fusion以Compiz为基础,加入了很多工具,例如CompizConfig Setting Manager, libcompizconfig 和大量的插件

What Compiz Fusion is not

(Compiz Fusion 并不是.....)

* Compiz Fusion is not a replacement for Compiz.

Compiz Fusion 不取代Compiz

* Compiz Fusion is not Beryl with a new name.

Compiz Fusion 不是用了一个新名字的Beryl
帖子: 21
注册时间: 2008-05-02 3:00


帖子 JumyNoother » 2008-05-02 10:55

解析真详细, :) :) :) :) :) :)