[转帖]为什么你选择 ubuntu 而不是 windows ?



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帖子 iblicf » 2008-01-05 0:03

Originally Posted by money2themax View Post
I don't know about that if you have to install something through terminal installing programs can be a chore
Yes, you are perfectly right, IF you have to install stuff through the terminal it is harder...
But in all seriousness most users don't really need to do that, it is 2007...

是的,你说的很正确, 如果你要通过终端装什么东西是比较困难 ... 不过,大多数用户真的不需要那样做,现在是 2007年了
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2008-01-05 0:03

Honestly, I haven't chosen Kubuntu (what I am using now) over Windows quite yet. Linux isn't quite ready to take up all or most of my hard drive yet. There are still bugs to work out, and there is virtually no software or games in stores for it. I think if I wasn't a minor gamer, and didn't play games like Return to Castle Wolfenstein, the Sims 2, or Duke Nukem 3D, Linux would be my perfect O/S. I like the customality, the look of it, and the challenge of working through errors. I also like its free office software, and the general feel of the internet program Kubuntu came with. It also has different features for my Laptop Windows doesn't have. I can instantly view my processor speed (my Dell is dynamic) and I can tell it when I want it to run at it's full 1.4GHz or at its power saving 600MHz. I can also tell it to use what it needs. Only need 600MHz on battery? Only use that much. Need more? Help yourself, I've got plenty. It also tells me the estimated time until full charge, which is REALLY cool. Someday, I hope to give Kubuntu the full 100GB of my hard drive, instead of just 20GB, but not today. Besides, if I did that, how would I use my new Zune? Oh, I also like that there are hundreds(if not thousands) of distributions to choose from, and the fact they are all free. At least all of the GOOD ones are.
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2008-01-05 0:03


Originally Posted by Yzzerdd View Post
I think if I wasn't a minor gamer, and didn't play games like Return to Castle Wolfenstein, the Sims 2, or Duke Nukem 3D, Linux would be my perfect O/S.

This is absolute pure co-incidence, but I just finished fooling around with installing the NATIVE Return to Castle Wolfenstein linux binaries, and it works just fine. I was also thinking of downloading JFDuke3D, compiling the code and running Duke Nukem 3D in Linux too. Sims 2 I don't care about, but then again it's the Sims.

Point is, there's a heck of a lot more native stuff than you know.
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2008-01-05 2:37


Originally Posted by cluepon View Post
Why I switched to Ubuntu?


1) Overhead Overhead Overhead. In short, I have reclaimed the use of alot of hardware resources like RAM/CPU. As I really don't need to run AdAware and Norton (two of the biggest RAM Hogs) I am able to put more of my computer to work for ME. Which is how it should be.

2) About the only application I really needed, other than Windows games was Adobe Photoshop. I can run that, with more than acceptable speed inside VirtualBox, in a nice and safely contained environment. Skype works quite well in Ubuntu. And, even on the game score: I mostly use emulators, like zsnes and MAME, both of which have native versions on Ubuntu/Linux. For anything else, I would prefer to support native versions of games than resort to WINE, etc. Lincity, FreeCiv, etc are good alternatives to some of the basic game staples of Windows.

3) Better media management. Amarok is far and away the best music player ever coded. Winamp? iTunes? Meh. Amarok has just about every feature you could ever want or need.

4) Complete control over my environment. In windows, you can only set what Microsoft wants you to set. Yes, you can do some tweaking with TweakUI. Same with MacOS, not enough options to configure things in the UI. Sure, you can go to third party solutions to make tweaks. But, I have no such problems with KDE. I love being able to control minute things, as I need to. This allows me to completely control and use my environment to its fullest. In windows, little annoying problems often had to be tolerated, or settled on, as there was never a direct way of dealing with them.

5) The release cycle. While I wish the release cycle would slow down a bit, (to insure more stability), I am happy that I can count on new releases on a timely and scheduled basis.

6) Better applications for the little things. Tighter integration. Konversation is one of the best IRC Clients ever. Kopete is trillian without the cost. Kate is one of the best text editors ive ever used. And they are all tightly integrated with the desktop. The integration is so good, I am even considering moving away from Firefox and Thunderbird, and moving towards environment standard applications.

7) Stability. Other than kernel updates, I have yet to have a situation where I HAVE to reboot to stabilize the operating system. If things get weird on the desktop, one Ctrl-alt-backspace later, I am back to work. No fuss, no muss. No more time-consuming rebooting to solve the problem of the Operating System going awry.

These reasons are just the ones off the top of my head. Yeah, there's room for improvement in Ubuntu and its variants. But, thats true of any OS. The bottom line is: I can work, without a hassle, consistantly on the platform. I can use more of the resources and hardware under Linux, than I can under Windows.

I would even like to point out, that despite the oft mentioned driver disparity when it comes to certain bits of hardware, drivers often work well enough for your device to make it basically workable. I have a Pinnacle 800i PCTV HD TV input card. The tuner and some of the features do not work yet, but the composite inputs work just fine, which has allowed me to at the very least pipe in my cable and watch TV on my desktop. Says alot about the driver. My card is officially "unsupported", but the driver still works to some degree.

All in all, I am pretty happy with the system. I have Windows where it belongs: contained in virtualBox, where it cannot do me any harm. =)

1. is virtual box free?

2. is Win4Lin a good program i got it from a friend

2. GIMP is waaaaaaaay better then photoshop just switch [at least thats my opinion]
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2008-01-05 2:38


Originally Posted by money2themax View Post

1. is virtual box free?
Sure is: http://www.virtualbox.org/
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注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2008-01-05 2:38

186#kamaboko's Avatar
Originally Posted by tonytraductor View Post
Windows sucks.

With ubuntu I have all the software I need for all of my work, productivity is up (without wasting time rebooting every 5 minutes for updates or messing with viruses and crap),
What's not to like?

Seriously, if businesses had to restart their MS computers every five minutes, MS wouldn't be in business. Furthermore, my parents and four brothers have MS computers. If they had to restart them..even every day...I'd hear about since I'm their tech support. Stick with the facts and stop with the overblown hype.
上次由 iblicf 在 2008-01-05 15:20,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2008-01-05 2:38

Originally Posted by kamaboko View Post
Seriously, if businesses had to restart their MS computers every five minutes, MS wouldn't be in business. Furthermore, my parents and four brothers have MS computers. If they had to restart them..even every day...I'd hear about since I'm their tech support. Stick with the facts and stop with the overblown hype.
It's just too damn hard mate. Too many fanboys here who won't listen to reality.
上次由 iblicf 在 2008-01-05 15:20,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2008-01-05 2:39

188#kamaboko's Avatar
Originally Posted by BreathEasy View Post
It's just too damn hard mate. Too many fanboys here who won't listen to reality.
Those are true words.

上次由 iblicf 在 2008-01-05 15:21,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2008-01-05 2:39


Originally Posted by money2themax View Post
1. is virtual box free?

2. is Win4Lin a good program i got it from a friend

2. GIMP is waaaaaaaay better then photoshop just switch [at least thats my opinion]

1) Virtualbox OSE is free. Works great.

2) Ive never used Win4Lin

3) Gimp is NOT anywhere near a replacement for Photoshop. Especially for anything prepress. GIMP for me is for quick and dirty stuff (cropping a pic, or changing a resolution quickly)...but it's UI is horrible, and lacks key features like CMYK. It will be many a moon before GIMP can contend with PS. In addition, the Adobe suite of products has a useful feature in one other key area: workflow. Adobe CS is as much about the workflow as it is about the functionality of the individual programs. GIMP has its uses, and it IS a fairly robust piece of software. But, there are many reasons why GIMP fails when it comes to doing the same stuff Photoshop does. There is also a school of thought that GIMP really shouldnt be positioned as a "replacement" for Photoshop, and to treat it as its own thing. When and IF GIMP does the same stuff PS does, with a good UI, I'll consider it for broader use. Not before. Until then, I'll use the right tool for the job: Adobe CS, with Photoshop. =)
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2008-01-05 2:39


Originally Posted by cluepon View Post
1) Virtualbox OSE is free. Works great.

2) Ive never used Win4Lin

3) Gimp is NOT anywhere near a replacement for Photoshop. Especially for anything prepress. GIMP for me is for quick and dirty stuff (cropping a pic, or changing a resolution quickly)...but it's UI is horrible, and lacks key features like CMYK. It will be many a moon before GIMP can contend with PS. In addition, the Adobe suite of products has a useful feature in one other key area: workflow. Adobe CS is as much about the workflow as it is about the functionality of the individual programs. GIMP has its uses, and it IS a fairly robust piece of software. But, there are many reasons why GIMP fails when it comes to doing the same stuff Photoshop does. There is also a school of thought that GIMP really shouldnt be positioned as a "replacement" for Photoshop, and to treat it as its own thing. When and IF GIMP does the same stuff PS does, with a good UI, I'll consider it for broader use. Not before. Until then, I'll use the right tool for the job: Adobe CS, with Photoshop. =)

meh thanks for the in for though
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注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2008-01-05 2:40

Why do you prefer Windows? Its been a third rate, grossly
overpriced and extremely bloated O/S from the beginning
and I mean the beginning. I've owned and used home
computers since there was one. I began with a Sinclair
handheld, switched to Commodore Pet, switched to
Commodore V20, then C-64, 128D, Amiga. I finally
switched to an IBM clone driven by MS-DOS with a gun
to my head. At the time, I found MS-DOS (pre Windows
Microsoft) a big step backward compared to Commodore
D128, which had two very different O/S on chips. CPM
was wild. CPM gave me thousands of programs, all public
domain adaptations from mainframe computers.

I was extremely angry when I gave in ad switched to
an MS DOS PC. I was reduced from thousands of colors
to only four and I paid a fortune for that. The expensive
word processors (Word Perfect was king in the MS DOS
world then) were cripple ware compared to Paperclip.
Then, a brilliant group of former video arcade programmers
joined, formed Berkeley Softworks and came out with
a Mac sort of O/S called GeosWorks. It was so small that
it breathed a few more years of life into Apple GS, Commodore C64 and C128.

MS was playing around with an extra sorry Windows which
it did not get selling until version 3.11 which was downright
terrible. Radio Shack's Tandy had a better O\S built on
Basic. It was called Deskmate. About the time Windows
95 was released, MS managed to have an effective enough
monopoly strategy that it could go after competition. It stole from Apple to make Windows '98 and Mosiac (stole Mosaics uncompleted Web browser, which it named Internet Explorer)
and it threatened Berkeley Softworks whose Geosworks they recently ported for PCs. I still have the original PC Geoworks
O/S. It and an advanced Desktop Publishing program easily
fit on a CD with lots of room left over. The O/S came with
several high quality programs. The entire package was
STABLE and it took little resources, almost no noticeable
boot time (and that was on a 640k IBM clone PC!)

MS, using highly illegal means, blew Berkeley Softworks out
of the PC business. Windows could not begin to compete
with Berkeley's vastly superior product. Berkeley retreated
to a market MS was not interested in at the time, Word Processor type typewriters. For several years Brother
word processor\typewriters were run by Geos. There is a
Yahoo group of dedicated Geos enthusiasts who manage
to use adapt Geos for surfing, productivity, etc.

By the way, Intell just recently managed to come up with
true multi-tasking, using two chips on a chip and soon
to be released 4 chips on a chip. Commodore Amiga and
Motorola released true multi-tasking processors years ago in the first Amiga computers. First Gateway and then a German
company continued to make the higher end Amiga PCs,
literally unchanged! They are still made and sold mostly to
the TV, Movie, & Music industries. They still use the original
Motorola Processors released in 1989,

Enough. I could write a small book about why Linux, instead of Windows. Asking me that is like asking me why I still
prefer a used pre-Chinese Lenovo IBM Thinkpad Laptop over
the ones kicked out the factory doors today.

I'd take a used Ford Crown Victoria or Mercury Grand Marqouis over any new Toyota. Ask any police force, the
FBI. Secret Service, any Taxi company why they go for
Crown Vic or Marqouis over any Japanese car.

I have a PC running Ubuntu 7.04 since it was released last Spring. It has not had one reboot. I leave it on 24/7 ethernet
broadband connected. I would never consider doing that
with Windows XP or that dog called Vista.

By the way, I tweaked the built in firewall but I never bother
with virus or spyware scanners on a Linux PC that I surf with and I NEVER go online with a Windy PC
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2008-01-05 2:40


I do not choose Ubuntu over Windows.
I have to use it over Ubuntu for flash 8 and dreamweaver.

我没有选择 ubuntu 替代 windows
我不得不用它替代 ubuntu ,为了 flash 8 和 dreamweaver
上次由 iblicf 在 2008-01-05 15:23,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2008-01-05 2:41

Because Ubuntu is superior.

The only advantage Windows has is 3rd party support from software and hardware makers/manufacturers (ex. Adobe). Because Windows established large percentage of users (bug#1).

So in order to get that advantage Ubuntu needs to increase more users, and if possible absorb other Linux Distro to be Ubuntu based like (Linspire, GOS etc.). So thats the Goal, more users.

Inquest, Convert, Conquer, Invade, Dictate, j/k. Just Information awareness, a lot of users does not even know what OS is.
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注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2008-01-05 2:41

The problem is simply that many people are still afraid of trying Linux. They think of Linux as being too hard. But in fact, this is my first week of using Linux, and I have already learned amazingly much. This linux is a dualboot with windows xp 64 bit on my laptop, and in fact I haven't booted into windows since the first day after installing ubuntu . And this comes from someone that has never used anything but windows before.
帖子: 3766
注册时间: 2007-01-15 17:15


帖子 iblicf » 2008-01-05 2:42

I chose Ubuntu over Windows because I value the freedom to do with my computer as I see fit. I like to tinker, I like to break things and rebuild them.

But I also like not *having* to tinker, and the Ubuntu experience has been (so far) pretty tinker free.