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[请求帮助]如何在Raid10(0+1)上安装ubuntu 8.04

发表于 : 2008-12-10 18:11
用PC (Intel x86) desktop CD 刻录安装,在分区那一步,它竟然组好的raid 10辨认成了4个硬盘(如图示),不知道怎么继续下去。
然后在网上找资料,百度,google等,有了一点头绪,听说用PC (Intel x86) alternate install CD 才能够进行raid的安装,可是到底改怎么弄下去,真让人窒息的问题,只好发文请教了。

# 希望安装ubuntu方案: 整个raid 10只安装一个ubuntu8.04,最好是像以前那样的默认分区(use entire disk)

1、阵列卡: Adaptec SCSI Card 39320-R
这个卡的官方资料: http://www.adaptec.com/en-US/support/sc ... C-39320-R/

2、硬盘: 4个希捷SCSI 73G 68P ST373207LW

3、组raid方式: Raid 10(0+1)

Re: [请求帮助]如何在Raid10(0+1)上安装ubuntu 8.04

发表于 : 2008-12-10 20:21
有alternate install CD 的话在用光盘引导启动选好语言后用 文本模式进行安装

如果要在桌面环境下安装的话就选 在不改变计算机内容的情况下试用ubuntu 一项,在进入桌面后,使用 新立得软件管理更新包 或在命令行下用apt-get install命令 安装dmraid ,之后再用桌面上的 安装快捷方式来安装 ubuntu
本人不推荐在桌面环境下安装带RAID的linux系统,因为硬盘的排列顺序在下次重新启动后会发生变化,因此要通过修改menu.lst 来引导系统

Re: [请求帮助]如何在Raid10(0+1)上安装ubuntu 8.04

发表于 : 2008-12-10 20:58
非常感谢2楼的帮助,能否详细说说,我这个配置到底是属于硬件raid还是软raid,用阿里alternate cd进入文本模式之后,接着如何安装,需要什么命令?

Best regards

Re: [请求帮助]如何在Raid10(0+1)上安装ubuntu 8.04

发表于 : 2008-12-10 21:06
硬RAID和软RAID的区别主要是看RAID卡上有没有专门的CPU和缓存专门负责给磁盘进行读写处理操作,还有就是通常硬RAID卡都是使用 PCI-32 的插槽(通常主板上的都是PCI-16插槽,PCI-16接口总线[并行]只能提供133M/s的带宽,PCI-32[并行]能提供266M/s的带宽,在早期的主板上PCI总线还要负责主板南北桥之间的数据交换,现今南北桥之间的通信都走PCI-E[串行]总线) 其明显特征是比一般的PCI插口要长不少,这种插口只有在某些工作站型的主板上才能见到,比如 ASUS 就有相应的产品

文本模式其实和安装 XP 一样的 选几个选项然后给硬盘分分区,给电脑起个计算机名,创建个用户,给用户帐号起名 等等等,在这里问还不如先装起来,碰到不明确的英文就去翻翻辞典就好了

Re: [请求帮助]如何在Raid10(0+1)上安装ubuntu 8.04

发表于 : 2008-12-10 23:45

Re: [请求帮助]如何在Raid10(0+1)上安装ubuntu 8.04

发表于 : 2008-12-11 0:07

Re: [请求帮助]如何在Raid10(0+1)上安装ubuntu 8.04

发表于 : 2008-12-11 0:52

Re: [请求帮助]如何在Raid10(0+1)上安装ubuntu 8.04

发表于 : 2008-12-11 15:41
seabee 写了:卡是硬RAID的啦。软RAID一般是指利用操作系统或其他软件来制作RAID。

Re: [请求帮助]如何在Raid10(0+1)上安装ubuntu 8.04

发表于 : 2008-12-11 18:57

Re: [请求帮助]如何在Raid10(0+1)上安装ubuntu 8.04

发表于 : 2008-12-11 18:59

Most, in not all, of the so called "raid controllers" installed on motherboards are actually just hard drive controllers with a few extra features to make it easy to implement software raid drivers. These are highly non-standard. Each chipset uses different on-disk formats and different drivers. These systems are not extremely desirable for use with Ubuntu; the completely software raid described above is better. They are primarily of interest when compatibility with another existing system that employs them is required.
[编辑] Access

Device mapper raid can be used to access many of these volumes. It is provided by the dmraid package. dmraid is in the Universe repository. After installing dmraid you can run the command dmraid -r to list the devices and raid volumes on your system. dmraid makes a device file for each volume and partition; these can be found in the /dev/mapper/ directory, and can be mounted and otherwise manipulated like normal block devices. Other options of the dmraid program are used to administer the array.
[编辑] Installation

It is not advisable to install Ubuntu onto disks managed by a fake raid system; it is extremely difficult and the results will be disappointing compared to Linux's LVM and md software raid system. If you really must do it to install Ubuntu on the same raid array as an existing installation of another operating system see the following:

* FakeRaidHowto

[编辑] More Information

* FakeRaidSpec