Enable snaps on Debian and install jdim 投稿文を作成中に解決!

帖子: 688
注册时间: 2016-06-03 14:39
系统: debian11 mate

Enable snaps on Debian and install jdim 投稿文を作成中に解決!


帖子 寺島聰子 » 2022-05-13 12:54

亲爱的ubuntu中文论坛。 好久没见了。 :Haha
我是刚刚安装完的Debian 11。
Enable snaps on Debian and install jdim

■Enable snapd

代码: 全选

sudo snap install core

$ sudo snap install core
error: cannot communicate with server: Post "http://localhost/v2/snaps/core": dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: no such file or directory
互联网搜索显示,这个错误是由 "试图在没有启动快照的情况下安装一个软件包 "引起的。

$ snap --version
snap 2.49-1+deb11u1
snapd unavailable
series -
$ sudo systemctl status snapd
● snapd.service - Snap Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/snapd.service; enabled; ve>
Active: inactive (dead)
TriggeredBy: ● snapd.socket

$ systemctl start snapd <<ーーこのコマンドを実行せよと

$ sudo systemctl status snapd
● snapd.service - Snap Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/snapd.service; enabled; ve>
Active: inactive (dead) since Fri 2022-05-13 12:01:49 JST; 20s>
TriggeredBy: ● snapd.socket
Process: 9801 ExecStart=/usr/lib/snapd/snapd (code=exited, stat>
Main PID: 9801 (code=exited, status=42)
CPU: 548ms

5月 13 12:01:43 t1 systemd[1]: Starting Snap Daemon...
5月 13 12:01:43 t1 snapd[9801]: AppArmor status: apparmor is enabl>
5月 13 12:01:43 t1 snapd[9801]: daemon.go:347: started snapd/2.49->
5月 13 12:01:44 t1 snapd[9801]: daemon.go:440: adjusting startup t>
5月 13 12:01:44 t1 snapd[9801]: helpers.go:137: error trying to co>
5月 13 12:01:44 t1 systemd[1]: Started Snap Daemon.
5月 13 12:01:49 t1 snapd[9801]: daemon.go:589: gracefully waiting >
5月 13 12:01:49 t1 snapd[9801]: daemon.go:591: done waiting for ru>
5月 13 12:01:49 t1 snapd[9801]: daemon stop requested to wait for >
5月 13 12:01:49 t1 systemd[1]: snapd.service: Succeeded.

$ sudo snap install core
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Setup snap "core" (12834) security profiles (cannot run udev triggers for input subsystem: exit status 1
udev output:
Failed to write 'change' to '/sys/devices/virtual/input/input10/uevent': Cannot allocate memory
$ sudo snap install core
Setup snap "core" (12834) security profiles 2022-05-13T12:33:30+09:00 INFO Waiting for automatic snapd
core 16-2.54.4 from Canonical✓ installed

$ sudo snap install jdim
jdim 0.7.0-20220115-ad235d44ce from JDimproved project (jdimproved) installed

成功!!感謝 :Smile