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资源共享:我的ubuntu 使用历程(6-citadel)

发表于 : 2006-02-18 15:28




# sudo su -

# apt-setup
# apt-get update

# vi /etc/apt/sources.list //打开universe源。
# apt-get update

# apt-get install build-essential

为了使系统具有POSIX YACC compliant grammar compiler
You probably have either bison or yacc installed, otherwise do the
appropriate emerge or whatever software installation.
# apt-get install flex bison

# apt-get install vsftpd
# vi /etc/vsftpd.conf
# cd /home/ftp/
# mkdir pub
# chmod 777 pub
# /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart

安装Berkeley DB :
# cd /home/ftp/pub
# tar zxvf db-4.3.29.tar.gz
# cd db-4.3.29

To do a standard UNIX build of Berkeley DB, change to the build_unix directory and then enter the following two commands:

# cd build_unix
# ../dist/configure
# make

This will build the Berkeley DB library.
To install the Berkeley DB library, enter the following command:

# make install


# cd /home/ftp/pub
# tar zxvf libical-0.24.RC4.tar.gz
# cd libical-0.24
# ./configure
# make
# make install

# cd /usr/lib
# ln -s /usr/local/lib/libical.so.0 libical.so.0


The Citadel user should have a unique uid. The home directory should be the one your Citadel installation
resides in (in this example we will use /usr/local/citadel) and the shell should be either "citadel" in that directory,

# adduser --home /usr/local/citadel --shell /usr/local/citadel/citadel citadel
fullname: citadel

# cd /home/ftp/pub
# tar zxvf citadel-6.55.tar.gz
# cd citadel
# ./configure
# make
# make install

# cd /usr/local/citadel
# ./setup
In order to configure your host system to automatically start the Citadel service. setup will automatically perform
these steps if it can, and if you allow it to -- just answer 'Yes' when prompted, and everything will be taken care
of for you.

登陆citadel shell:
# cd /usr/local/citadel
# ./citadel
输入用户名:citadel,输入密码:无(或者citadel),直接回车。此时,citadel用户具有最高权限access level 6 (Aide).
NOTE: the first user account to be created will automatically be set to access level 6 (Aide).
lobby> .Aide Edit room
lobby> .Aide edit user
Anyone with Aide level access may use the .Aide edit User command to create and/or edit user accounts. There are several parameters which can be set here.

To create a user:

Lobby> . Aide edit User

User name: New User Name
No such user.
Do you want to create this user? Yes

At this point, the new user account has been created, and the command will continue as if you were editing an existing account. Therefore the remainder of this procedure is the same for creating and editing:

Lobby> . Aide edit User
User name: person of significance
User #70 - Person of Significance PW:
Current access level: 4 (Network User)

Lobby> t 退出;

To compile from source, enter the usual commands:

# cd /home/ftp/pub
# tar zxvf webcit-6.25.tar.gz
# cd webcit
# ./configure --prefix=/opt/webcit
# make
# make install

Then to initialize it:
# cd /opt/webcit
# ./setup
直接回车,自动添加启动等回答:yes,本机安装了citadel服务,目录:/usr/local/citadel, 即可安装成功。

After running setup, you just point your web browser to whatever port you
specified, such as:


登陆以后首先进入[administration]->[Add, change, delete user accounts]:


# cd /usr/local/citadel/messages
# vi hello //欢迎语。
# vi goodbye //退出语。

# cd /usr/local/citadel/images
-> background.gif: a background texture displayed under all web pages
-> hello.gif: your system's logo. It is displayed along with the logon
banner, and on the top left corner of each page.

# cd /opt/webcit/static
-> favicon.ico

How do I retrieve mail from remote servers/accounts and file that mail into Citadel?
This is easy to do using the popular fetchmail utility.

# apt-get install openssl libssl-dev

# cd /home/ftp/pub
# tar zxvf fetchmail-6.2.5.tar.gz
# cd fetchmail-6.2.5
# ./configure --with-ssl //出错
# make
# make install
直接使用apt-get install 安装:
# apt-get install fetchmail

Simply create a .fetchmailrc that looks like this:
# cd //到用户主目录,当前是root
# vi .fetchmailrc

poll pop.gmail.com with proto POP3 and options no dns:
user 'user1@gmail.com' with pass "password1" is 'user1@mycitadel.com' here options ssl
user 'user2@gmail.com' with pass "password2" is 'user2@mycitadel.com' here options ssl
poll mail.wellhopegroup.com with proto POP3 and options no dns:
user 'lijf@wellhopegroup.com' with pass "lijf1234" is 'leejiafang@ubuntu' here
smtphost /usr/local/citadel/lmtp-unfiltered.socket

# chmod 710 .fetchmailrc
# fetchmail -d 900 //后台运行,每隔15分钟收一下.fetchmailrc文件当中所列的帐户。

poll mail.wellhopegroup.com with proto POP3 and options no dns
user 'lijf@wellhopegroup.com', with pass "lijf1234", is 'leejiafang@ubuntu' here;
poll pop.21cn.com with proto POP3 and options no dns:
user 'leejiafang@21cn.com', with pass "xxxxxx", is 'netviz2002@ubuntu' here ;
smtphost /usr/local/citadel/lmtp-unfiltered.socket

使用mail->[View message list]可以直接收取外网邮箱(本例是lijf@wellhopegroup.com)的邮件。
使用mail->[Enter a message]可以直接向外网邮箱发送邮件。

In this example, we are fetching mail from two GMail accounts and storing that mail into two accounts
on the local Citadel server. You can, of course, fetch mail from multiple remote accounts into a single local account
as well. Note that in the above example, we have the "ssl" option turned on, because GMail requires it.
Other POP3 services might not, in which case you simply remove that option.

Also, in this example, the user names are the same for the remote and local accounts. This is not a requirement.
They can be different.

The "lmtp-unfiltered.socket" is fetchmail's path into the Citadel mail system.


WebCit contains a small amount of graphics (icons, etc.) which are kept
in its "static" subdirectory. All site-specific graphics, however, are
fetched from the Citadel server.

The "images" directory on a Citadel system contains these graphics. The
ones which you may be interested in are:

-> background.gif: a background texture displayed under all web pages
-> hello.gif: your system's logo. It is displayed along with the logon
banner, and on the top left corner of each page.

If you would like to deploy a "favicon.ico" graphic, please put it in
the static/ directory. WebCit will properly serve it from there.

HTTPS (encryption) SUPPORT

WebCit now supports HTTPS for encrypted connections. When a secure server
port is specified via the "-s" flag, an HTTPS service is enabled.

The service will look in the "keys" directory for the following files:

citadel.key (your server's private key)
citadel.csr (a certificate signing request)
citadel.cer (your server's public certificate)

If any of these files are not found, WebCit will first attempt to link to the
SSL files in the Citadel service's directory (if Citadel is running on the
same host as WebCit), and if that does not succeed, it will automatically
generate a key and certificate.

It is up to you to decide whether to use an automatically generated,
self-signed certificate, or purchase a certificate signed by a well known


That's all you need to know to get started. If you have any questions or
comments, please visit UNCENSORED! BBS, the home of Citadel, at