Post HOWTO: Compiling and Installing WineCVS with WineTools

Wine、Cedega、CrossOver 等配置
帖子: 521
注册时间: 2005-03-26 9:38

Post HOWTO: Compiling and Installing WineCVS with WineTools


帖子 freeflying » 2005-06-11 22:11

Alright, well, i've tried the latest Wine CVS and winetools and I have to say i'm impressed, wine is not too far behind Cedega and I think in the next year Wine might take the step ahead of them. Granted, they deserve to be ahead, they are the creators and Transgaming kind of stole their project and are hogging it for themselves.

So I present to you all, a howto on how to install the latest Wine CVS, installing wine tools and getting everything you'll need for the road.

1) Getting The Development Libraries to compile wine:

We also need a few development libs to compliment this:

xlibs-dev will allow you to compile wine with x support, the reason behind why most compilations of wine fail under Ubuntu.

代码: 全选

sudo apt-get install xlibs-dev

If you want OpenGL support, don't forget to get these libs here:

代码: 全选

sudo apt-get install xlibmesa-glu-dev

Heres two other packages that will make it so wine compiles, and are required during the wine compilation, these are the bison and flex packages.

代码: 全选

sudo apt-get install bison flex

This package here is for winetools, i'll explain this later on.

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sudo apt-get install libgtk-1.2 libgtk-1.2-common

And lastly, we need to get the cvs package to even be able to grab the cvs streight from winehq.

代码: 全选

sudo apt-get install cvs

2) Getting the Wine CVS

Now we need to pop up a terminal, and lets make a cvs directory. You can do this wherever, but I strongly recommend having one for organization purposes.

代码: 全选

mkdir cvs

Lets go to it now.

代码: 全选

cd cvs

Now, that we are in our cvs directory, and have the right packages, lets connect to the wine cvs now.

There are two servers, a US server, and a Europe server, if you are in the U.S. follow the U.S. howto under here on how to connect to the cvs, if you are in Europe, then do the same for the Europe connection.

To be able to connect, you must type these on your command line and when you connect, it will not say anything, do not be worried

How to Connect to the Wine U.S. CVS Server:

代码: 全选


How to Connect to the Wine Europe Server:

代码: 全选


Now that we have connected to it, now its time to login

代码: 全选

cvs login
the password has and always will be cvs for their cvs login.

Now that you are logged in, its time to download the wine cvs.

代码: 全选

cvs -z 0 checkout wine

Now it will start downloading a bunch of stuff, depending on your connection will depend on how long it will take, this is about 40 megabytes.

3) Compiling and installing Wine

Now that we have our wine cvs here now, we need to compile it, lets go to your new wine directory inside your cvs directory.

代码: 全选

cd wine

Now, we need to compile this baby, this is the longest part but the easiest hehe..

代码: 全选


Now it will start the configure script and will ask you a question at the end of the script about logging into root to install wine, just say yes, and let it rock. It will take quite a while, i'm running a AMD 64 3200+ overclocked at 2.3 ghz and it took me about 20 minutes. On my 900 mhz AMD Athlon it took me approx. 50 minutes. So be patient, watch some tv or something.

Ahh, we have the latest version of wine cvs now compiled, but to install it, ahh wait, it says here to login to root, lets say yes

Now it will install the stuff, does not take long a minute or two, and then it will ask you a question about adding in the default wine config at .wine/config

Lets say no. We are going to do something more interesting today kids.

4) Installing Winetools

Now, for the fun stuff, finally! right? hehe , lets go download winetools, here is the url:

But Before I give you the url, we should just get all linuxy and use wget, screw the browsers , in your home directory just make a temp directory since this directory won't be here very long....

代码: 全选

mkdir temp

Lets go to it now.

代码: 全选

cd ./temp

And finally, lets download the winetools.

代码: 全选


This you may notice is off my personal webstorage, why did I do this? Because my links will never die , anyways lets start on installing this beast.

Lets extract the new tar.gz file now.

代码: 全选

tar -xzf winetools-211jo.tar.gz

It should had created a new directory called winetools, lets go to it now

代码: 全选

cd winetools

To install it, its simple.

代码: 全选

sudo sh
Now its in, thank god right? hehe, lets get out of this temp directory, if you followed my step, just do this.

代码: 全选

cd ..

One more time.

代码: 全选

cd ..
And now, its time to remove the temp directory to cleanup our mess.

代码: 全选

rm -rf temp
Cleaned, just like that, hehe, well anyway lets rock n roll with winetools.

On your command line, just type wt2 and it should come right up saying something about you using a different version of wine that is not recommended, just click ok, don't worry about that

The GPL License for the software, and the creator, email him if you want and tell him how awesome his winetools are

Just click ok after the intro and now you should see the menu with base setup and all the good stuff we want. Lets start with base setup.

Since we did not create a wine config through the wine install script, which I told you to do this for a reason , and if you didn't follow my instructions, no big deal, we can remove it here, just pop up a terminal and type:

代码: 全选

rm -rf .wine
Done, but if you did follow my instructions, lets continue.

Create a fake windows drive is the first one

It should create everything for you, and don't worry if you see any errors through your time in winetools don't worry about it.

Next up is DCOM98 and you're probably asking me, why not install the fonts? Reason why, is because the links are dead to the fonts from winetools, it will just hang, try it if you do not believe me hehe, anyways, install DCOM98.

After DCOM98 is installed, it'll go through its regular routine of shutting down wine after its installed and doing a simulated windows reboot. Next up is Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1, just download it for the language you want. And it will install.

After its done, go back to the main menu.

Now lets install windows system software, install it in this order:

Windows Installer
Microsoft Foundation Classes 4.0
Visual Basic 5 Runtime
Visual Basic 6 Runtime
Visual C++ run-time English -- or german if you are german.
MDAC 2.8 English -- or german if you once again german
Jet 4.0 SP8 English -- Or german if you have german blood!
Windows Script 5.6 English -- Or German if you can drink 50 gallons of beer and still not pass out.

HTML Help Update Package
Common Controls 5.0

Now that you have them all installed, lets go back to the main menu.

Lets exit...

Now what!? What about our great fonts? Yeah yeah... Lets move onto fonts...
5) Installing Windows Fonts
Now that we have our wine pretty much setup now, we need fonts. I have all the windows fonts you will need uploaded to my storage. I recommend doing this from the command line.

Lets make another temp directory first.

代码: 全选

mkdir temp
Now go there.

代码: 全选

cd temp
Download the fonts.

代码: 全选

Now extract the fonts

代码: 全选

tar -xzf winfonts.tar.gz
time to install them all one by one. I also want to remind everyone, do not install the andale32.exe it fails on wine for some reason, but you can try it if you want.

To install them you will need to do this:

代码: 全选

wine arial32.exe
That will come up with a menu, just click ok then it will install it then it will say the font has been successfully installed. Do this with the rest of them.

wine then the name of the font executable.

When you are done, I am proud to say, you have a full blown wine install with the latest cvs, was it that hard? No, just time consuming and it looks longer than it really is because I talked too much on the HOWT
帖子: 2625
注册时间: 2005-04-10 16:54
来自: 温州大学



帖子 firehare » 2005-06-12 23:52


Alright, well, i've tried the latest Wine CVS and winetools and I have to say i'm impressed, wine is not too far behind Cedega and I think in the next year Wine might take the step ahead of them. Granted, they deserve to be ahead, they are the creators and Transgaming kind of stole their project and are hogging it for themselves.
好吧,我已经在尝试着用最新的Wine CVS和Winetools了,我不得不说给我印象深刻的是Wine并没落后Cedega太远,我认为明年Wine也许能超越他们。但是,他们的领先也是应该的,他们是创造者,用Transgaming的方式默默地进行他们的项目并完善它。

So I present to you all, a howto on how to install the latest Wine CVS, installing wine tools and getting everything you'll need for the road.
因此我将介绍给你全部,一个关于如何安装最新的Wine CVS,如何安装Wine tools和如何得到你所需东西方法的指南。

1) Getting The Development Libraries to compile wine:
1) 得到开发库以编译Wine:

We also need a few development libs to compliment this:

xlibs-dev will allow you to compile wine with x support, the reason behind why most compilations of wine fail under Ubuntu.
xlibs-deb 将使你编译的Wine带有x支持,这也是大多数Wine在Ubuntu系统中编译失败的原因。

代码: 全选

sudo apt-get install xlibs-dev
If you want OpenGL support, don't forget to get these libs here:

代码: 全选

sudo apt-get install xlibmesa-glu-dev
Heres two other packages that will make it so wine compiles, and are required during the wine compilation, these are the bison and flex packages.

代码: 全选

sudo apt-get install bison flex
This package here is for winetools, i'll explain this later on.

代码: 全选

sudo apt-get install libgtk-1.2 libgtk-1.2-common
And lastly, we need to get the cvs package to even be able to grab the cvs streight from winehq.

代码: 全选

sudo apt-get install cvs
2) Getting the Wine CVS
2) 得到Wine CVS

Now we need to pop up a terminal, and lets make a cvs directory. You can do this wherever, but I strongly recommend having one for organization purposes.

代码: 全选

mkdir cvs
Lets go to it now.

代码: 全选

cd cvs
Now, that we are in our cvs directory, and have the right packages, lets connect to the wine cvs now.
现在我们在我们的CVS目录中了,并有一个正确的包,让我们现在连接到Wine CVS吧。

There are two servers, a US server, and a Europe server, if you are in the U.S. follow the U.S. howto under here on how to connect to the cvs, if you are in Europe, then do the same for the Europe connection.

To be able to connect, you must type these on your command line and when you connect, it will not say anything, do not be worried

How to Connect to the Wine U.S. CVS Server:

代码: 全选

How to Connect to the Wine Europe Server:

代码: 全选

Now that we have connected to it, now its time to login

代码: 全选

cvs login
the password has and always will be cvs for their cvs login.

Now that you are logged in, its time to download the wine cvs.
现在你已经登录了,那么接下来就是下载Wine CVS了。

代码: 全选

cvs -z 0 checkout wine
Now it will start downloading a bunch of stuff, depending on your connection will depend on how long it will take, this is about 40 megabytes.

3) Compiling and installing Wine
3) 编译安装Wine

Now that we have our wine cvs here now, we need to compile it, lets go to your new wine directory inside your cvs directory.
现在我们已经有了Wine CVS,我们需要对它进行编译,让我们到你CVS目录中的新wine目录中。

代码: 全选

cd wine
Now, we need to compile this baby, this is the longest part but the easiest hehe..

代码: 全选

Now it will start the configure script and will ask you a question at the end of the script about logging into root to install wine, just say yes, and let it rock. It will take quite a while, i'm running a AMD 64 3200+ overclocked at 2.3 ghz and it took me about 20 minutes. On my 900 mhz AMD Athlon it took me approx. 50 minutes. So be patient, watch some tv or something.
它开始运行配置脚本并在脚本最后询问你是否以根用户安装Wine,只需回答是,并让它运行。它将花费相当长的时间,我运行的机器,处理器AMD64 3200+,时钟2.3GHz,花了它大概20分钟左右。而在我们900MHz的AMD Athlon处理器上花了将近50分钟。所以耐心点,去看看电视什么的。

Ahh, we have the latest version of wine cvs now compiled, but to install it, ahh wait, it says here to login to root, lets say yes
啊哈,我们现在已经编译好了Wine CVS最新的版本,只需要安装它了,啊等等,它要求根用户权限,让我们回答是。

Now it will install the stuff, does not take long a minute or two, and then it will ask you a question about adding in the default wine config at .wine/config

Lets say no. We are going to do something more interesting today kids.

4) Installing Winetools
4) 安装Winetools

Now, for the fun stuff, finally! right? hehe , lets go download winetools, here is the url:

But Before I give you the url, we should just get all linuxy and use wget, screw the browsers , in your home directory just make a temp directory since this directory won't be here very long....
但在我给你URL之前,我们(should just get all linuxy) 用wget,调节浏览器,在你的家目录中创建临时目录,因为这目录不需要保留很长时间。

代码: 全选

mkdir temp
Lets go to it now.

代码: 全选

cd ./temp
And finally, lets download the winetools.

代码: 全选

This you may notice is off my personal webstorage, why did I do this? Because my links will never die , anyways lets start on installing this beast.

Lets extract the new tar.gz file now.

代码: 全选

tar -xzf winetools-211jo.tar.gz
It should had created a new directory called winetools, lets go to it now

代码: 全选

cd winetools
To install it, its simple.

代码: 全选

sudo sh
Now its in, thank god right? hehe, lets get out of this temp directory, if you followed my step, just do this.

代码: 全选

cd ..
One more time.

代码: 全选

cd ..
And now, its time to remove the temp directory to cleanup our mess.

代码: 全选

rm -rf temp
Cleaned, just like that, hehe, well anyway lets rock n roll with winetools.

On your command line, just type wt2 and it should come right up saying something about you using a different version of wine that is not recommended, just click ok, don't worry about that

The GPL License for the software, and the creator, email him if you want and tell him how awesome his winetools are

Just click ok after the intro and now you should see the menu with base setup and all the good stuff we want. Lets start with base setup.

Since we did not create a wine config through the wine install script, which I told you to do this for a reason , and if you didn't follow my instructions, no big deal, we can remove it here, just pop up a terminal and type:

代码: 全选

rm -rf .wine
Done, but if you did follow my instructions, lets continue.

Create a fake windows drive is the first one

It should create everything for you, and don't worry if you see any errors through your time in winetools don't worry about it.

Next up is DCOM98 and you're probably asking me, why not install the fonts? Reason why, is because the links are dead to the fonts from winetools, it will just hang, try it if you do not believe me hehe, anyways, install DCOM98.

After DCOM98 is installed, it'll go through its regular routine of shutting down wine after its installed and doing a simulated windows reboot. Next up is Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1, just download it for the language you want. And it will install.
在安装了DCOM98之后,在关闭Wine时也将经历日常例程并将模拟窗口重启。下一步是安装下载你所需语言的IE6.0 SP1。

After its done, go back to the main menu.

Now lets install windows system software, install it in this order:

Windows Installer
Microsoft Foundation Classes 4.0
Visual Basic 5 Runtime
Visual Basic 6 Runtime
Visual C++ run-time English -- or german if you are german.
MDAC 2.8 English -- or german if you once again german
Jet 4.0 SP8 English -- Or german if you have german blood!
Windows Script 5.6 English -- Or German if you can drink 50 gallons of beer and still not pass out.

HTML Help Update Package
Common Controls 5.0

Now that you have them all installed, lets go back to the main menu.

Lets exit...

Now what!? What about our great fonts? Yeah yeah... Lets move onto fonts...

5) Installing Windows Fonts
5) 安装Windows字体

Now that we have our wine pretty much setup now, we need fonts. I have all the windows fonts you will need uploaded to my storage. I recommend doing this from the command line.

Lets make another temp directory first.

代码: 全选

mkdir temp
Now go there.

代码: 全选

cd temp
Download the fonts.

代码: 全选

Now extract the fonts

代码: 全选

tar -xzf winfonts.tar.gz
time to install them all one by one. I also want to remind everyone, do not install the andale32.exe it fails on wine for some reason, but you can try it if you want.

To install them you will need to do this:

代码: 全选

wine arial32.exe
That will come up with a menu, just click ok then it will install it then it will say the font has been successfully installed. Do this with the rest of them.

wine then the name of the font executable.
Wine 然后执行字体名。

When you are done, I am proud to say, you have a full blown wine install with the latest cvs, was it that hard? No, just time consuming and it looks longer than it really is because I talked too much on the HOWTO
帖子: 10448
注册时间: 2005-03-27 0:06
系统: Ubuntu 12.04


帖子 oneleaf » 2005-07-18 14:55
